Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Monday, December 19, 2022

Mancat Monday

 MARLEY:   Cushy, softy chair.  In the quiet computer room after TBT goes to bed.  Great place to sleep...

In the early morning, while TBT is (always) still in bed (an it is fine with ME if Laz and Lori are sleeping there too), I take a corner of the bed.   Less waterbeddery movement there. 


  1. It is a good place for a peaceful nap.

  2. Don't blame you. No one wants to get sea sick!!

  3. Marley, you know all the good spots to hang out that work best for you :)
    A cat needs comfy spots.
    Purrs, Julie

  4. You do look very, very comfy Marley!

  5. C'mon Marley. Have a bit of fun. Take a running leap onto the middle of that watery bed and give the rest of them a bit of a thrill.

    Sydney, Australia


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