TBT: I placed a deposit with a tonkie breeder for a female tonkie kitten in December. Iza was such a wonderful loving cat that I sought another. I know, a new kitten won't be Iza. But in general, I will hope for some similar characteristics of her breed (person-oriented, silky fur, lapcat).
The good news is that the breeder thinks I am a perfect person for one of their kittens. I had them read my blog to see about Iza and the other Mews. They put me high up on their waiting list. I am grateful for that.
The bad news is that their most recent Queen had to have a c-section and none of the kittens survived. I am crying for them; People, Queen, and lost kittens.
The good news is that their other Queen should have a litter in March and the kittens available in June. I can hardly wait.
If this seems a bit transactional, it is. I want a female tonkie; I wont hide it. Most of the cats in my life have been random, not by breed (other than Ayla - I really wanted a Siamese). This one is for me by choice. And it will almost certainly be my last one. At 70, I have to think about my age at a kitten's senior years.
Her name will be Lorelei Lee (aka, Lori) to match Lapis Lazuli (Laz) from the Robert A Heinlein books. Never mind that Lapis Lazuli is a male cat; Heinlein is a bit fluid about gender anyway and I like theme names.
I am waiting for June, 5 months...
No Dad Report today since it is me posting.