Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Photo Hunt



Skeeter: It was bad enough that there were strange scarey Beins in the cave for, like, ever. When I DID come out, I gots chased by a rolly chair. LC ate alla food. There were noises like differnt Beins talking to each other (instead of to me). I hadda stay unner the bed almos alla time (I snuck out late in the dark).

But in the middle of it all, we got TAKEN TO THE V-E-T!!!!!!!!!!

Is there no limit to the cruelty? It was awful. Inta the PTU, dragged moaning to the V-E-T, dragged out of the PTU butt first, poked, prodded, put onna cold scale, stabbed twice, stuff squirted up my nosie, ears folded bak an swabbed, tummy massaged (aktually that was kinna nice), anna stick put up my BUTT!

Oh, that PTU looked real welcome when I got back inside it! I dint complain about that AT ALL! No sir, not a bit! An what happens when I get out back in the cave? The strange Beins are still there! I stayed unner the bed fer 2 lights!

LC: Skeeter is SUCH a cry-kitten! I went through the same ordeal. It wasnt THAT bad. Onna other paw though, I hope it doesn't happen again real soon, ya know? An Skeeter may be gripin, but I heard he didnt lose any weight the past week... ;)