Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Twofur Tuesday

 LAZ:  Lori is a constant nap-mate.  TBT is constantly amazed.  Well, yeah, I was mean ta Ayla fer almost a year, but I was tryin ta find my position in the new house (and things hadnt gone well in the previous one).  But some Big Moons ago, I really wanted someone ta play with.  

It sure wasnt gonna be Ayla (though I tried, she hasn't forgiven me yet).  Marley is very big and strong.  He played.  But he considers one of his main jobs is to fight off introoder cats, so his play was kinna rough.  And he almost weighs 2 of ME!

When Lori arrived, we were all kind of cautious.  None of us had seen a kitten fer longer than we could remember (I was about 3 when I arrived in 2020, Iza was "almost adult" when she arrived in 2010, and Marley was all kinds of peaceful when young (and now too except for introoders).

So we weren't quite sure what was allowed.  Fortunately, Lori let us know from the first week out of The Mews room!  She pounced us ALL.  She played with our tails.  She ran around batshit chasin toys.  She ambushed us.

Which was pretty funny considerin that even Ayla was double her weight.  So yeah, she is fearless...

An I needed a friend like that!  We have been playing and chasin each other around almost from the start.  She is mostly the "chaser", but I kinna like that.  She jumps on me (which is purrfectly OK) and I run off and she follows.  We ran crazy all over the house!

Sometimes I grab her (gentlecatly) and she turns over to offer 4 paws of claws.  Dang she is fierce!  And the best part is that when we are both tired out, I go to a catbed on the floor of the bedroom and she curls up next to me!  WE are kindred spirits of rambunctious play and Nap.  I LOVE her...

Sometimes we sleep there together longer than even TBT stays in bed at night.

TBT:  Cat preferences are funny sometimes.  That cat bed goes back to Skeeter's time.  And no where I put it, it was ignored until this year.  Lax napped in it once and Lori joined him there after a crazy chase through the house and a late night meal.  They have adopted it as "their place".  

I don't know what will happen as Laz and Lori both get older, of course, but they are sure "bestie's" for now.  I hope it lasts their lifetimes.

Skeeter and LC were like that their entire lives together, so I have hopes...