Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Passing of the Crown

SKEETER: In the secret place unner the basement stairs where no Beins go, in the light of bare moonlight, before the least dawn of a new Light, we three assemble here.

I Skeeter, hasve called LC and Ayla here tonight for a solemn ceramony! In all our time, there has always been one Supreme Hunter in the cavehouse. I have held that title for 14 years.

Tonight, I turn that title over to a new Supreme Hunter. In all my time here, The Big Thing has nefer discouraged us from capturing and eating mousies, rabbits, squirrels and birds. Granted, we haf nefer caught a squirrel, but it is allowed.

In the past 2 weeks, Ayla has gotten squirrel fur in her paws after outclimbin it onna tree, which I have nefer done either of. Several days ago, after being inside without practice fer a week, Ayla simply ran out an caught a mole in 5 minutes without effort (hearing it from half the yard away). Yesserday, she caught a dove, the like of which I haf nefer caught. (A tear falls from his stern eye)

It is with profound admiration, deep respect for a real talent, and expectations of a real squirrel to be caught "someday" that I pass my Supreme Hunter crown to Ayla. Swift of claw, fleet of foot, stealthy beyond beleef, profoundly dedicated to catching mousies, an a true prodigee of The Art...

I hereby annoint Ayla Supreme Hunter of the house. All hail Ayla, Huntress Extry Ordinary, skilled an all that; Huntress!

AYLA: I am honored by Skeeter's werds, his confidence in my huntin abilities, and the huntin tradition that goes back through many cats. Skeeter, before him, Tinkerbelle, and before her, Jeremy. I promise to do my best to maintain the tradition. And I especially want to thank Skeeter for teaching me so well since I arrived here in January! Without his example and personal training, I would not have gained this skill!

LC: Ayla, I thought this title would be mine someday through seniority, but you have shown great skill and it is rightfully yours. I hereby make no claim to it. I honor you as official House Supreme Hunter...