We were both gotted this day years ago. Skeeter was gotted from a nasty loud dusty place with Beins werking the whole place over. He was tiny an scared and chokin from dust. He was the only kitty there, and The Big Thing found him an brought him home. To this day, 16 years later, he is still scared of sudden loud noises and dusty places.

LC was found at the same place exactly one year later. It was all calm then, but there were two kitties in the cage. One was awesomely cute (a friendly calico) an the other was aloof and standoffish. But she was sold to a guy who bought it fer his wife as a honeymoon gift to be taken when they returned. So, The Big Thing accepted the little fiesty black/white kitty.
She dint want ta go. She grabbed the cage as hard as she could and hadda be pried loose claw by claw! She scratched at evryone hard. But she ended up here, and everythin was OK affer that! I adopted her an proteckted her from the mean cat who came before.

We haf both been so utterly happy since we came here. 16 or 15 years is a LONG time, but we haf nefer regretted it. We haf had the best combination of safe protectewd outside time and the most inside attention anny kittys could haf. So we got no complaints. Maybe we could haf had more shrimps an ham, but thats a minor matter. 15, 16 years of love, attention, clean litterboxes, good stinky goodness food and treats, sleepin on The Big Thing at night, nappin tagether, safe from woofies outside (cause he built a fence fer us), what more could we haf asked for?
We are so pleased to have gotten to this age. It wont go on ferefer, cause Skeeter is havin kidney problems and LC isnt eatin much like she useta, but ya cant haf efrything werk perfect ferefer.
We are jus takin it one day at a time lately and enjoyin wakin up fer a new day of love an attention, and a little outdoors time.
Ya take what ya get an cherish it...