Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Cat Food Review

Friskies - Chicken and Salmon in Gravy

Top 2 Ingedients: Meat By-Products/Chicken
Toothiness: Shredded
Yum: 4 Paws
Oils: None - 2 Paws
Premixed: No mixing required - 4 Paws
Sauce: A Sauce
Smell: Good - 3 Paws
Total Paws Up: 3 Paws

Quotes: "Not LC's favorite, but Skeeter likes it"


We interrupt this food review to express our extreme sorrow about Sprout. We are shocked. We dint know bad things happened ta little Beins. We thought they were safe from that. We are all cryin here... Our purrs for the whole fambly over this loss.

The shortness of time
Does not mean a lack of love
A leaf falls silent...
