Im not real thrilled with tryin out all these new things when all I wanna do is pull out these itchy itchy stitches, but I gotta admit this one aint too bad. The plastic cone was the worst, the garment was the least bad, an this one is in-between. But I could get out of the garment, so I cant have it anymore. I hadda wear the plastic collar las night cause I got out of it.

This one is a inflatable doughnut (The Big Thing aktally blowed his own breaths init ta fill it up, WOW), and is better than the plastic collar.

It cost 20 green papers, but TBT said he would happily pay that efry day iffen it made me more comfy. Wow. Well, he did say "for a week".
Iza The Sad Clown...

I shoulda left the garment on, because that was most comfy, but ya know... I hafta get that kinna stuff off if I CAN get it off. I really, really, really wanna pull those itchy stitches out!

Meanwhile, TBT cut the baby onsesie up the back an he is busy shapin an trimmin at it right now out at the dining room table. He says he wansta have it on me even if the only time I wear it is at the V-E-T office. MOL! OK, I might keep it on that long, but he might come up with somethin efen I cant get out of.

We also got given the idea of pulling a big sock ofer my head an between the front an back legs. TBT says I am way too pudgie fer that, but it would werk on Ayla cause she is so slim.
[TBT: Iza, you are 14" around and Ayla is only 9". She is like a kitchen paper towel roll tube, and you are like a football! She is ten months older, weighs less, and is 4" longer in the body than you are. Of COURSE she fits things that you don't. You two will certainly never share clothes... But I love you both!]
IZA: Ahem, as I was saying, I am trying out the aflatable doughnut. I haven't gotten at my stitches, I can eat an drink OK (not easily but I CAN), I can play wif toys a bit easier than wif da plastic cone, an it does make a great pillow when I nap. Best of all, when I smash into a table leg, it doesn't snap my neck over like the plastic cone. I just sort of bounce sideways a little an it pushes on my shoulder rather than my neck.
TBT says I jus gotta learn that my head is a lot bigger than I am used to. An he points out that he can give me chin an head scritchies a lot easier. I like THAT!
MOL! Ya shoulda seen TBT trying to blow up the aflatable collar affer it was on me! I was squirmin aroun an he was tryin ta keep a finger on the blowhole affer each breath. Took him 10 minnuts! But it seems OK fer now.
He says it is only fer 5 more days... I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait!!!
I'm playin hard wif Ayla while wearing this thing, so thats good. I sure wish I could bunny-kick it off though! Mebbe I can trap it on something and back away from it. I havent found the right place yet. I'll keep tryin...