Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Friday, October 31, 2008


SKEETER and LC: Today is our Gotcha Day. Skeeter's 16th and LC's 15th. Halloween Day fer both of us. I know that seems a bit weerd, but that's the truth. It gets confoosin writin bout 2 of us, so assume that we are both writin about each other...

We were both gotted this day years ago. Skeeter was gotted from a nasty loud dusty place with Beins werking the whole place over. He was tiny an scared and chokin from dust. He was the only kitty there, and The Big Thing found him an brought him home. To this day, 16 years later, he is still scared of sudden loud noises and dusty places.

LC was found at the same place exactly one year later. It was all calm then, but there were two kitties in the cage. One was awesomely cute (a friendly calico) an the other was aloof and standoffish. But she was sold to a guy who bought it fer his wife as a honeymoon gift to be taken when they returned. So, The Big Thing accepted the little fiesty black/white kitty.

She dint want ta go. She grabbed the cage as hard as she could and hadda be pried loose claw by claw! She scratched at evryone hard. But she ended up here, and everythin was OK affer that! I adopted her an proteckted her from the mean cat who came before.

We haf both been so utterly happy since we came here. 16 or 15 years is a LONG time, but we haf nefer regretted it. We haf had the best combination of safe protectewd outside time and the most inside attention anny kittys could haf. So we got no complaints. Maybe we could haf had more shrimps an ham, but thats a minor matter. 15, 16 years of love, attention, clean litterboxes, good stinky goodness food and treats, sleepin on The Big Thing at night, nappin tagether, safe from woofies outside (cause he built a fence fer us), what more could we haf asked for?

We are so pleased to have gotten to this age. It wont go on ferefer, cause Skeeter is havin kidney problems and LC isnt eatin much like she useta, but ya cant haf efrything werk perfect ferefer.

We are jus takin it one day at a time lately and enjoyin wakin up fer a new day of love an attention, and a little outdoors time.

Ya take what ya get an cherish it...


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thurday 13 Things Fer Us NOT Ta Do

1. Dont play Thunderin Herd Of Elephants across The Big Thing when he is sleepin.

2. If ya eat grass outside, dont save thowin it up for on the bed especially when The Big Thing is sleeping in it.

3. Dont walk on the keyboard when the puter is awake.

4. Dont walk on the Mac puter keyboard when it is asleep cause it wakes it up.

5. Dont take pictures of Skeeter inna litterbox cause he is really tired of that.

6. Pouncing Skeeter when he is asleep is a no-no, cause he is really strong and likes ta stay asleep wehen he is sleepin.

7. Pouncing Skeeter while he is eatin is also not so good an idea.

8. Dont sit on The Big Things face at night. He bites!

9. Dont bother LC when she is sleepin either. Skeeter might whap ya, but LC bites.

10. Dont eat too many crickets. They tend ta come back up...

11. Dont jump at where flies ARE, jump at where they are GONNA be.

12. If TBT is playin a board game, DO NOT "help" him move pieces!

13. Dont mew too much at TBT when ya first come back inna house. He gets wooried an picks ya up an looks for boo-boos and ticks. Very thoroughly. And in places we dont want him botherin us.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Squirrel Part 2


I was trottin in from the far back yard an heard a squirrel onna ground unner the birdfeeder. So I stopped an waited. Sure enuf, it was the same squirrel I chased from the deck a few days ago! I just hunkered down an waited...

Well, The Big Thing apparently saw both me an the squirrel, so he decided ta "help". Now, I know this is gonna be a shock ta most of you kitties, but TBT is actually GOOD at this stuff. I only learned tonite (when I asked about it) that he used tas even go hunt VISHUS DEER wif no more than little pointy arrows. I have a whole new opinion of him.

Annyway, when he judged the squirrel was most vulnerable, he boldly walked out on the deck. That distracted the squirrel, who made a few uncertain hops (in my direction). COOL!

When I jumped at the squuirrel, it ran for the tree I climb. Well, I almost got there first! It started to run up the tree, but I did too.

But THIS time, I got to the first branch afore the squirrel (Am I a fast climber or what?). Well the squirrel was BELOW me on the tree and dint no what ta do.

(Im at the top of the picture an the squirrel is at the bottom left of the tree in case it is hard ta see it)

Ya wont beleef what TBT did then. He participated in the hunt! REALLY, he did. And he was no dummy at it! He crept off the deck, and keeping the squirrel's attention right on him, waving his big long arms slowly at it, an crawled walked slowly towards it.

I was above, TBT was below, and the squirrel was chattering its life before its eyes...

TBT was only 3 feet away from Squirrel afore it decided to flee UP the tree. He acted like he was gonna climb the tree at the squirrel, where I was waitin. Sadly, it was aroun the back of the tree from me an I cant move sideways aroun a tree as fast as a squirrel. BUT I GOT A PAW ON IT!

I have proof! Skeeter sniffed that paw for several minutes, LC sniffed it, and TBT saw me whap it hisself... Best of all, he found a few gray furs on my paw between the toesies!

I is practically beside myself wif happiness. I is gonna get ONE of those things yet. I got so ecited I not only ate all MY dinner, I ate some of Skeeter's. He wasnt so thrilled wif that, but he dint complain. He knew it was a special day fer me. TBT actually hadda open a breakfast Fancy Feast (for Dinner) cause we were all so pumped up wif ecitement!

Why isnt there squirrel flavor cat food? Or Mousie, come ta think of it?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jake Absent Today, YAY!

SKEETER: At least that Jake cat has been away all day. I was REAL surprised last night when he rushed the deck and ran in the open door. I dint even know he was there... Gettin old is not good cause ya start ta miss things! I whacked him an tangled real good, but I haf ta admit I was losin. That Jake is big an strong! An he is only 2! It sad; I useta be like that. I felt kinna sore afterwards but I did my best an that's what counts.

The Big Thing grabbed Jake. TBT had been wearin leather gloves handlin Jake afore cause he didn't know if Jake had his rabies shots an stuff, but he dint hesitate when I was gettin all attacked. I asure appreciated THAT!

I gots a couple sore leg muscles from the fight, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do ta defend yerself, right? At least I gots LOTS of lap time today. TBT read ta me from our new book (from Max the Psychokitty) an gave me some treats right on his lap... Wow!

We haven't seen Jake since TBT went and made his Beins come an get him again las night. Of course, it been rainin some all day, so maybe Jake dint wanta come outside an bother us again.

Amazingly, Ayla seems ta be goin into a mini "heat" again. I'll call it a "warm". She aint rollin all around an crouchin, but there is somethin still goin on. TBT says it is a coincidink cause Jake showed up on Wed and 5 days ago is too early fer him to have known that. Or Ayla might just be frustrated cause she loves ta go outside so much and hasnt been out much since Jake first arrived. Its hard ta tell wif her cause there aint many girl kitties benn spayed an still go inta heat sometimes. At least it seems less each time.

TBT is writin a letter ta give ta Jakes adult Beins. It mentions some inexpensive neuter sites, that he likes Jake lots as a kitty and doesnt want him hurt, but also that he WILL proteck us and take matters into his owns hands if he has to. No one will see it iffen Jake stays away.

Poor Jake lives wif a large angry barkin woofie. Maybe the woofie loves Jake and maybe he doesnt. We dont know. But TBT says that sure sounded like a angry woofie.

I sat by the deck door most all day watchin fer Jake ta show up again. Maybe he wont, an maybe his Beins will get him neutered. That would be best. Ya know, there is a male kitty across the street. He nefer bothers us anny. He is fixed. He is really friendly wif TBT when they are both outside in the front yard. Buster gets lots of scritches while TBT is in the front, and so we dont efen mind his scent on TBT later.

But we just dont wanna smell Jake again!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jake Was Back!

Unbeliefably, Jake returned tonight. I opened the deck door when Skeeter returned and Jake ran inside. He attacked Skeeter and I had to chase them around a while to grab him. I was VERY angry. When I finally grabbed Jake, I tossed him into the basement rather uncerimoniously. To Skeeter's credit, he was fighting back real hard.

I went down to the address where Jake was supposed to live, and no one was there. Then an hour later there was some incoherent jerk there who said he was a relative. Finally, an hour later, I found Jake's actual people. They were real nice. I got them to come back to the house and brought Jake out to them. I mentioned that that a lot of places do neutering and microchipping real cheap, and they say they will do that.

They say they will have Jake neutered soon. If they don't and he returns again, I will.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


THE BIG THING: We found Blackie's people! As I was taping up only the very 2nd notice, a young lady came running up waving the 1st one. I told her where my house was and drove back (I wasn't going to have an unrelated teenage girl get in my car). I grabbed my camera and brought Blackie out to her.

It turns out his name is Jake and he had been missing since last weekend. Jake lives about 5 houses further down my street. I've written down his address in case he returns (and put it in my CATS file, the real paper kind).

I let her know that he had stayed in my yard by his own choice since Wednesday, but that I had let him in the basement at night and when it rained. She was very relieved that I had been feeding him and giving him plenty of attention.

She didn't know exactly how he got lost. I didn't think to ask whether he was strictly an indoor cat or not. From the way he stuck right at the deck door (and to me when outside), I suspect he is.

Well, it certainly was an interesting 5 days! I am SO relieved to have found Jake's owner. And it sure saved my taping up a lot more notices. ;) Having lost Tinkerbelle to "wanderlust", I know how upset and sad Jake's girl was feeling.

In celebration of this happy outcome, the cats and I are having shrimp and ham for dinner tonight!

A Strange Kitty, Part 3

LC: Well, that strange kitty is still here. The Big Thing put him inna PTU an drove away wif him yesterday. We were all hopin we wouldnt see him (Blackie, not The Big Thing) again, but Blackie is back inna basement.

It seems TBT brought Blackie to a Animal Shelter ta see if he had a microchippie thing like we do, but he didnt. So TBT filed a Found Cat Report and brought him back. Tommorow TBT is gonna put up FOUND CAT notices in the neighborhood (he got plastic bags on the way back ta protect them). It was rainin too hard ta put them up yesserday though.

We feel kinna sorry for the poor kitty, not able ta find his home an all, but we will be glad when he leaves. We're not forgivin him fer chasing Ayla all around like he did. An he is probly eatin all our mousies when he is outside (he doesnt seem hungry when TBT lets him inna basement at night or if rainin like yesserday).

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hey, doesnt that kinna look like a kitty?

Head on the right, blue collar a little left, legs in the middle, tail at bottom?

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Strange Kitty, Part 2

The Big Thing: Well, Blackie is still here. I kept him in the basement this morning while LC and Ayla went out for an hour. When they came back inside, I sent Blackie outside, hoping that if he had a home, he would want to return to it.

So I opened the basement door and he walked out. When I closed it, he looked back at me in distress that I hadn't gone out with him. He sat there about 10 minutes, then slowly wandered through the backyard toward the fence. It seemed that he had left and I went off to do some errands.

When I returned, he was at the deck door again, and he has stayed there all afternoon. As far as I can tell, he has not left the yard since he showed up Wednesday. I conclude the following possibilities.

1. If he has a home in the neighborhood, he does not want to return to it.
2. His people may have moved away.
3. He may have been dumped in the neighborhood.
4. He simply likes our yard (semi-wild growth and lots of mice).
5. He cannot find his home.

I think it is a neighborhood cat. I THINK it is one I've seen in previous months (we get a lot of visitors because the property is cat-attractive). Most importantly, last month there were some "lost black cat" notices around on streetpoles. I went looking for any remnants of the notices, but could not find any.

I have created a "Found Cat" notice with a photo of Blackie, but unfortunately, it is going to rain all weekend, and they would be turned to paper-mache. I may buy large ziplok bags to put the notices in.

There have also been a number of homes sold in the previous couple of months. I have this fear that Blackie ran away during all the activity of someone moving out, or that he was deliberately left behind.

I think he is aggressive toward other cats. He certainly chased Ayla and she certainly didn't seem to consider it "play". And Ayla does not seem to be in heat; at least I cannot detect any sign of it.

I will have to allow Blackie into the basement while it rains. I cannot bear the thought of a cat left out in such conditions. Even barn cats have a barn to shelter in...

So, here's the plan...

1. I put up Found Cat notices in plastic Ziplok bags tomorrow morning.
2. I keep Blackie in the basement while it rains.
3. I attach a notice to his collar about contacting me in case he actually goes home and someone reads it.
4. I drive around the neighborhood asking anyone outside if they know his owners.
5. Monday, I call local vets and animal shelters to see who has a microchip reader.
6. Failing a microchip, I look for a no-kill shelter.
7. Failing a local no-kill shelter, I advertize Blackie for adoption.

I'm sorry, but I won't adopt him. I know he likes me, but I just don't want a 4th cat. I had 4 at one time, and it was a bit too much for me. I know some people take care of more; I can't. Even if I tried a 4th cat, it would be a young female playmate for Ayla, and this big guy is not that cat.

Hope for the best!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Strange Kitty!

THE BIG THING here: There is a strange kitty besieging the house and I don't know what to do about it. And by "strange" I don't mean just unfamiliar, I mean "weird"!

I'll call him "Blackie", for obvious reasons. Blackie won't go away, and I can't let Skeeter, LC, or Ayla out until he leaves.

You see, it chased Ayla very aggressively yesterday morning... I was out and saw the cat and chased it out of the yard (just clapping my hands at it as I approached). It went off over the fence. A few minutes later, I let Ayla out. Well, the cat was back in the yard already and it took off after Ayla.

She jumped the fence and so did Blackie. I could hear them running around and I called Ayla loudly. She got back on the fence and so did Blackie. He started chasing her along the fence top. The fence has posts sticking up, so they had to "run slowly". I caught up with them and shoved Blackie off the fence. He jumped right back up and chased Ayla again.

She got to a tree and started climbing. So did Blackie. I'm sorry, but I had to shove Blackie with a tree branch; 3 times before he jumped off and ran away. It took 10 minutes to talk Ayla down from the tree. She ran straight for the deck and inside as fast as I could open the door!

Blackie was at the door 5 minutes later. I opened the door a crack and spritzed water in his face. He ran off. 10 minutes later, he was back. I couldn’t believe it! I went out the basement door, turned on the garden hose and gave him a full shot! I’m sorry about that, but Blackie HAD to stay out of the yard. He only went as far as the fence, so he got another bath. He left.

For only 15 minutes. I was so amazed I just went outside through the basement door again, and he came right over to me (still wet) and rubbed against my legs. He talked to me real nicely too! I walked around the yard for 20 minutes and he stayed right by my side as friendly as can be.

I should mention that Blackie is a healthy, prime age, intact male with good fur and an untagged collar (that is not tight on him). I should also mention that Ayla is NOT in heat...

That night I put out my Have-a-Heart trap with a can of Fancy Feast as bait (I wanted to bring him somewhere to see if he had a microchip). I checked several times during the night, but he just sat there next to the deck door. This morning, I relented and offerred him the Fancy Feast for free. He wouldn’t eat it, and he followed me around the yard again. If I go outside, he stays right by my side. As friendly as he seems to be, he won’t let me pet him. I’m baffled!

He even followed me into the basement! I closed the door on him and let Ayla and LC outside for 2 hours. I tried giving him tuna and water, but he wouldn’t touch either (I tried dry food and even treats too). When Ayla and LC came back in, I let Blackie back out.

Skeeter and LC are too old and tired to chase him away, and Ayla is too young and small. I can’t seem to make him leave myself. I sure don’t want to hurt him, I don’t even want to use the hose again. I don’t want to call Animal Control either, because I’m positive he is someone’s pet.

He just sits at the deck door like Poe's raven...

Any suggestions?

UPDATE 9:15 PM EDT: He is still out on the deck, but thanks to you, I have some better ideas what to do! Keep the ideas coming!

UPDATE 10:00 PM EDT: Well, as Skeeter, LC, and Ayla were all in the bedroom, I closed the door and opened the deck door. Guess who came right inside? Blackie /Raven. I sat down and he came over to me. Obviously, this is a domesticated cat. He is nervous; when I reach toward him, he backs away, but keeps coming closer. When I touch him, he uses his teeth in that light grab they do. Sometimes he accepts a light scritch, sometimes not. Even when "not", he only backs away a foot or so and comes closer again.

I still can't get him to eat. Nothing seems to tempt him. Wet food, dry crunchies, treats, nada! Maybe he is just nervous, but it worries me. At the very least, he is going to spend this cold night in my relatively warm basement (with food, water and a litterbox). I don't know what will happen tomorrow...

Aha, I just got a head butt and a finger lick! And he is checking out the litterbox! This should be an interesting night. He will have to stay in the basement (can't keep Skketer, LC, and Ayla in the bedroom all night), but he really seems to like me.

This is strange. I've never been adopted by a stray kitty before...

An Awardie - Yay!

Oh cool, we got an awardie from Crews Views! We are so thrilled, It is a very lovely awardie!

As we can't seem ta find annyone who hasn't got it, we are offerring it ta annykitty what doesn't. Cause all the kitty blogs are "cool" and special ta us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



I saw some squirrelies outside yesterday, an when The Big Thing let me out I ran straight at them. Right off the deck. 8 feet up... Im OK though, it doesn't bother me in the least.

Almost got the squirrel this time. Chased it right up the tree. It wasnt expecting THAT!

The Big Thing says I gotta stop running right offa the deck like that or my legs are gonna wear out. Can that happen?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


SKEETER: Well, it nefer occured ta anny of us here that pictures of Tocks would be worth keeping, so we haf generally deleted all our pictures showin that "side" of us. But we did find at least one.

It jus figures it hadda be of ME! SIGH...

Well here it is, "Tocks In Use". MOL!

Enjoy an laugh all ya want. Blame LC fer taking the picture if it annoys ya... ;)

Happy Day After Birfday, Derby...


Monday, October 20, 2008

Mancat Monday


Always look fer mousie movements afore ya step offa the deck. Its yer first (last?) best chance ta see one!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm Still Here...

LC: OK, so I havent exactly benn taking over the blog lately, but I'm still here.

I like ta completely doze out on the main chair.

I wake up when there is any activity going on.

Ayla an I chase each other around at night. I really did need a new active toy ta play with. Sometimes it is really "thundering herds of elephants "up an down the hallways at night. TBT is cool about it an says it could be worse. Like we might be screeching at each ofer or somethin.

I go outside as much as Ayla does and climb the fence as often. But it is a bit harder for me ta to that these days. Sometimes it takes a few tries...

I am still Miss Perfection with the litterboxes. Pee in one, poop in another, all neatly covered. And I am "the balance". Skeeter never covers anything in the litterbox, while Ayla obsessively covers for 5 minutes (until it is all almost uncovered again). I just cover things "just right".

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Book Prezzie, Fer ME!

Skeeter: Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow! I gotta a prezzie from Max The Psychokitty. Its a whole book of kittie stories, an The Big Thing is gonna read them to me while I sit on his lap in the evnin...

He is gonna start readin me the stories on my Gotcha Day (2 weeks) an see if that can last me through the Winter. By then, the mousies will be out sgain an I can hunt them outside at night like I enjoy. But they will be stayin unnerground soon, so the stories of the kitties will be a good way ta get through the Winter.

I was real ecited ta see a package delivered wif my name on it. I was waitin fer it, and The Big Thing went runnin out when the mail lady drove past today, but it wasn't there. But then she turned aroun and came back honkin her metal machine an handed him this book package. I was watchin out the window from the kitty condo.

So he ran back inside an I was like "open it, open it"...

But he said we hadda wait. The camera was full up an he hadda go out ta hunt food for him (we got plenty stashed away) before the streets an stores got all full of peoples gettin off werk.

I had fun sniffin the package. Its has been touched by a lot of innerestin things (mostly Beins but some not-beins). So I curled up on the package while The Big Thing went huntin foods. He gotta eat too... Besides, he said it would be one of my favrit dinners when he returned (and it was). Of course, I like efrything ta eat, so that wasnt a surprise.

So, heres the package...I was ecited seein my name on it, but TBT said he had to cover it fer the picture.

The book looks real innerestin. There are kitties on the cover, so that seems good. The back says it has 101 stories of kitties in it, so that seems really good.

LC will probaly sit on the ottoman next ta us an listen too. Ayla will be playin wif toys cause she is still all young and ecited wif those things...

The Big Thing said something odd. He said he is gonna write in the book "Given to Skeeter by Max the PsychoKitty in October 2008" An he says that maybe in 15 years, he will be readin the stories to Ayla when she is my age and remindin her about me as he reads the stories to her when she is starting to think about goin over the Bridge herself.

This is the chair we sit on when I sit on his lap. It where we will be while he reads me the stories. He scratches me there a lot. He says that if I fall asleep while he is readin that he will just mark the page an start again the next time. Thats good cause I wouldnt want to miss any of the story.

We all (TBT included) dont mind cat hairs on chairs, but some visitors do, so TBT keeps a sheet over the good chair. He can just take it off when fussy Beins visit. MOL!

Max, thanks fer the book. It is gonna give me a lotta happy time. I am real honored ya chose me to be given it...


Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday 13 Ayla Pictures (Oops its Friday)

AYLA: We are still werkin on managin photoes on the Mac, but we think we got some shrunk enouf not ta use up the entire blog account!

The Big Thing made us a little fort a few weeks ago. He put a piece of plywood on a easy chair and put towels an my Gizzy quilt on top. Skeeter gets inside it sometimes, and I'll chase a toy in there iffen it is tossed. But I like it more on top (on my Gizzy, of course). TBT tosses toys up on it an I just tear aroun chasin them. Sometimes, I jus tear aroun wifout any toys, like today.

So hear are 13 pictures of me (the last 2 of me sleepin inna corner of the bed after all that effort)!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordy Wednesday


My sanctuary unner the bed, an I got flashied in it! Some sanctuary...

I'm gonna stick my whiskers in his face tonite fer SURE... I've already got my laser eyes glowin.

BTW, see those nice long whiskers? Some kitties got frootbat ears; I've got long whiskers!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ayla on the Condo Again

Ayla: Since Skeeter an LC have been resistin photos lately, ya get ta see me on my condo again! Consider yerselfs lucky. Skeeter mostly just sleeps inside all day and LC wants ta sleep outside all day. Neither one is much fun most of the time (LC does try sometimes).

I decided I wanted some glamor shots on the condo...

Come a inch closer feather-thing an yer DEAD!

See my lovely new blue collar! It efen has a cute jingle bell that announces my presence when I run inta a room...

I love stretchin out ofer the edges of the platforms.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Mancat Monday (and a Mac Update)


I heard a mousie aroun here somewhere. Jus squeek another time dinner, er "friend", an Ill know where ya are...

AYLA: Mac-switchin update: The Bloglist problem was our fault (sorta). Apparently, when we opened it the first time, all blogs were marked as "read", so none showed up. Today, as some were updated, they showed up. It looks like we are OK there! Its just that some websites dont seem ta work purrzactly the same way on Mac as on Windows.

Similarly, we are starting ta get a little bit of a paw on where our photos are. In Windows, they were personal documents, on the Mac, they like ta be applications files. The Big Thing doesn't like that and is going ta try ta convince Mac ta let him do it HIS way. But matbe that will work an maybe not. We'll see... But at least I think I can include new photos in tommorows post! That's all I care about...


Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Mac Switching Woes...

Ack, our Bloglines Feed is GONE! Nothing there... We will have to re-create it from nothing. Sigh...

We will use our blog list, but over the year, that isn't every blog we visit, so we will probably miss a few that our little memories do not recall. And we will be checking the posters at our blog for some of the ones we miss.

But we are pretty much starting from scratch. Argh!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Eating Together

AYLA: The Cat Fambly that eats together stays together! Here we are all eating together and we like that.

Here is we in a circle. Each our own bowl...

Skeeter finished eatin first, an he left. But he allus comes back later fer "seconds".

We normally allus eat in a line of our own spots. It is allus Skeeter in the center, LC on the left, an me on the right. Until Skeeter decides ta change bowls. He does that often an it is hard ta deny him when he does.

LC jus moves ta his previous bowl. I hold my ground though, an he usually leaves mine alone. Usually. When he DOES pounce my bowl, I pounce HIM! So he usually leaves mine alone. I fingure if ya aren't gonna defend yer food then what ARE ya gonna defend!


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Switching To A Mac

The Big Thing:

Well, I apologize for intruding, but we are having a steep learning curve switching to our new Mac. Skeeter, LC, and Ayla can't use it until I help them figure it out, and I am having a few problems. New things always take some work.

So here is our Thursday 13...

1. The soft keyboard is GREAT!
2. Copying large numbers of PC files to a CD was mouse-droppingsly awful.
3. Copying CD files TO the Mac was easy.
4. Using a Mac IS rather intuitive, but I am not really intuitive.
5. Windows is superior to a Mac in creating heirarchal folders.
6. Mac is superior in allowing multiple open applications.
7. No one gives good guidleines for switching from Windows to a Mac.
8. If you switch from Windows to a Mac, 'Macs For Dummies' is a great book to buy.
9. I have gotten my documents and spreadsheets imported without any problems.
10. I have NOT gotten my pictures imported.
11. Pictures seem to import without ANY organization.
12. I haven't figured out how to access any imported iPhoto files.
13. I can't load new pictures from the camera yet.

So it may be a few days before we are up and working again. I just got the old PC Firefox bookmarks imported today and I am testing Safari vs Firefox now. I am determined to learn to use only Mac programs.

Obviously, we can post in the blog, but not with any pictures.

My goal is to get the Mac to the point where Skeeter, LC, and Ayla can start to post again

Love to you all,

The Big Thing
Skeeter, LC, and Ayla

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I Love My Roof

AYLA: I love gettin up on the roof!

First, I look over at The Big Thing ta make sure it is OK. Sometimes it isnt (like if he thinks it is about ta rain, or it is almost dinnertime).

Then I check the roof carefully ta make sure theres nothin else up there.

I like ta look ofer the edges...

I specially like lookin over the front yard. Sometimes I see other kitties in THEIR yards.

An jus so ya know how high up I am...


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Love My Condo

AYLA: Mostly I run all up an down on the 3 platforms chasin toys, an I nap on the top one a lot. But sometimes I jus like ta pose.

This is my "The flashy thing is about ta go off" pose. I'm lettin Skeeter take a picture, but I'm closin my eyes first.

And this is my "Aint I so cute when Im shy" look...

Monday, October 06, 2008

Mancat Monday


Nappin on a dry deck in the sun is great! Nefer miss a chance fer that. Besides, a birdie might hit the deck door and fer once youll be on the right side of the door!


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Switchin From Windows To A Mac

Hey, sorry we havent been visitin much lately. The Big Thing is changin our computer and we hafta wait fer him ta unnersand it afore he can tell us how ta use it. He says fer sure that we wont aktally need ta learn annything new, but HE does, an it has been takin a few days. He says gettin the mail werkin will be the trickiest part (cause he wants ta save the old emails). But he says he aint ready to hook the Mac to the internets, and there is also a lots of stuffs he needs ta download reals fasts when he doe fer security. It seems our eye-ess-pee doesn't wanna show him Mac stuff when he is usin the Windows puter.

Meanwhile, we haf a few days posts writed an scheduled IN ADVANCE (is that a cool feature or what?) ta help tide us over fer a bit. Enjoy them an we will be back with MAC ASAP (As Soon As Pawsible).

Poor Big Thing. He has had his head buried in this humongus "Macs For Dummies" book fer days, stickin little slips of papers in all the parts he needs ta go back to...

We trust we will be visitin everykitty real soon though...

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Well, we dint have the BEST idea, an we aint gonna mention what our poor ideas were (cause they will all be published sometime an we aint sposed ta say yet).

But we are proud ta display that we TRIED...

If ya tried, post the picture and BE PROUD!

Friday, October 03, 2008

An Awardie

We got anofer awardie. Its the "I Love Your Cats" from The Cat Realm. That makes us feel SO SPECIAL! Thanks Karl! You made our day. Heck, Ya made our WEEK!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sleepy Time

LC and AYLA:

My Sleepy Corner. Out of traffic, away from Ayla's runnin...

Whyd ya wake me up? Is it dinnertimes?
