Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Friday, March 22, 2024

Flashback Friday

TBT:   For this week, we go to 2013...

Iza and Marley were enjoying each other's company.  

Looking and listening for mousies.

It took time.

But it was also mid-day and that is not really when the mousies are active.

So not much happened...

But they liked each other, so they stayed close.

But eventually, they decided to try their luck elsewhere.  And each had different favorite spots...

As best I recall, Marley prerred brushy spots and Iza liked grassy areas.

But, they knew what they were doing better than I did.

I think Marley found a hole to paw around in.

And found one...

But had to go look elsewhere.

I don't think Iza found one that day either.

But exploring the back yard and looking for mousies sure kept them happy!