It was great getting outside coupla days ago fer a hour, but I'm STUNNED! The Big Thing left the deck door open ALL DAY yesterday and 3 hours today!
It was all warm an sunny here both days, so we could all go out or come in as we pleased. The Big Thing was out with us doin some stuff Skeeter an LC says brings flowers and pretty bugs an more birdies. I dint see any bunch more birdies or any pretty bugs, but they tole me it takes a while. Well, they gone through this a buncha times, so I'll trust them. Anything that brings more birdies souns good, an Ive nefer seen a "pretty bug".
I efen had some play-fights with LC. I jumped aroun corners at her, bounced at her wif my back all arched up, jumped ofer her when she was noticin, and all kinna stuff. We both ran the WHOLE LENGTH of the yard several times!
We efen played paw-whap through some yellow flowers. Ya reach between the leafs an flowers and try ta tap the others paws. I didnt to too well... But maybe if I play wif her more, I will get better at it an she will lick my head like she does Skeeter...
So I got to wander farther away from the house than before. Skeeter an LC say that efrythin inside the big tall fence is OURS! Wow, I dint know. They said, sure he builded the fence to claim this whole space jus fer us kitties.
I found a big pile of sticks to climb on. It was tricksy cause they was real loose an shifty!
A pile of big pieces of trees to explore.
LC showed me her favrit place ta sit unner shrubs an watch birdies (I LOVE watchin birdies)! Can ya see me unner them?
Part of the yard has lots of little trees that are neat to sneak aroun in...
Sometimes ya efen see a squirrel. Here I am starin at one across the yard!
I ATE MY FIRST GRASS! I saw Skeeter doin it and tried it myself. It isnt tasty, but oddly inneresting ta do. Skeeter says it helps if ya lick too much fur or eat some fevvers or somethin.
Skeeter sits up on the deck a lot watchin over LC an me.