TBT: I am looking for both advice and perspective. I hate to say this. I have been hiding how bad Laz has gotten.
Laz has become violent again (he was when he first arrived but I thought I and Lori had solved that). He attacked Ayla a week ago. He attacked Lori 3 times in one day the next day. He and Marley wrassle sometimes, but it never develops into a fight; Marley is just too strong. Laz is utterly peaceful and friendly to me.
I had a "calming collar" on him. I have a Feliway diffuser (and it was mostly full). I give him considerable attention (and he enjoys that). He is allowed outside almost any time he wants. When I am near him he flops over to seek attention and I give it.
He gets attention when he asks and I make sure to offer some when he is just sitting around. I give him the foods he likes, often with freeze-dried chicken crumbled on top (the Vet told me to stop with the kibbles).
After 3 years of peace from his terrible first home, he should be about as happy and calm as a cat can be! But something is going wrong again.
When he attacked Ayla recently, I separated them quickly and got Ayla into the bedroom for sanctuary. And Laz calmed down almost immediately. I mean, his tail wasn't even puffed. I know Laz doesn't like Ayla for some reason (though she is the smallest cat here)
But the 3 attacks on Lori disturb me greatly. They do/did like each other. The play together, eat together, sleep together. They are often close together outside.
There have been a few "fur-on-the-floor" fights, but I know that sometimes happens. One cat goes too far in play, the other gets angry and it builds. But then it stops.
This wasn't like that... The first 2 attacks were almost just one attack. Laz attacked Lori for no apparent reason (and for once, I saw it develop). He just jumped on her and was biting her around the throat. She shreeched but couldn't get loose.
I grabbed Laz and tossed him a few feet away. And he immediately attacked her again, with me right there! I was shocked! I grabbed Laz and tossed him out on the deck. Lori ran and hid. Later in the day, after I saw both walking past each other calmly, I let both outside.
Then, while I was watching. Laz stalked Lori and then attacked her again. This time it was a screeching chase all around the yard. Lori got in the open deck door and I closed it become Laz got there. They have not napped together since.
I'm not sure what to do about this. I think (sadly) that Laz cannot stay here. I have never had cats that attacked each other. Oh maybe a slight dust-up or temporary thing, but never anything like this.
Nor perhaps can he be around other cats.
I posted an request to re-home him on Craigslist several days ago (honest about him having to be an only pet), but have gotten no replies. He would be a great cat if he was the only one. I don't know anyone who has no pets who wants one. I did emphasize that he is great with people.
I can't stand the idea of surrendering him to a shelter. His likelihood of adoption is very low. So that would mean euthanasia in a couple weeks I think. And he would go crazy in a shelter. His reaction to be caged when he is used to being free in a house and outside in a yard would just make things worse for his appeal to adopters.
My house is not suited to "zoning" (and neither am I). And isolation would eliminate what socialization he has. I'm kind of running out of options here. I know some of you casually mention cats fighting. I can't really stand that easily, but should I just let them and learn to put up with it?
I love Laz to pieces personally. And he adores me and loves to be around me.
But I can't continue to have Laz viciously attacking Ayla and Lori...
Any suggestions desperately desired.