LAZ: I caught one! I caught one! I caught one! I caught one! I caught one! I caught one! I caught one! I caught one!
I am now the OBHOTH (Official Big Hunter Of The House)...
I caught an Evil Skwerl!
I am the first of The Mews to ever do that. Lori saw me do it, so that's proof. And the pics TBT took help too. Marley was so surprised at the news that he had to come out and look for himself!
TBT is considering a ceremony. Like one of those "knighting" things he has seen on the TV. He says he will tap me on both shoulders (with a letter opener - which seems size-appropriate) and declare me "Sir Lapis Lazuli, Skwerl-Slayer". But don't worry, you can still just call me "Laz". We are all friends...
And I got 3 freeze-dried chicken cubes as a reward! I love those things. 😊 I would catch a Skwerl every day for 3 of those if I could... Lori got 1 too. She loves them too and it seemed unfair if I got some and she didnt. Marley and Ayla dont care about them.