The Big Thing had picked me up onto his lap earlier and tole me The Rulz. She is going to be my new friend, so I arent allowed to really attack her, bite her, an I hafta let play wif my toys acause they are "our toys" now. An I hafta let her eat in peace.
Well, I AM allowed ta hiss an growl fer a few days, I can whap her tail iffen she gets too close, an I can try ta steal anny toy she is playin wif. So at least I gots some things I can do ta espress my displeasure.
TBT also explained ta me that, has a Princess, I hafta be kind ta the reglar kitties. I dint know that was how it werked! Somehow, I thought I got ta rule. Well I DID! I was really worried when TBT tole me she was almost a Queen (cause I wouldda been outranked), but that she wasn't cause of some fur splotches (whew!).
He says we will be allowed ta play hot paws and wrassle WHEN we get ta liking each other.
I get it now, cause Skeeter an LC did that and were great friends and then would groom each ofer and go nap together. Ya can whap yer friends, but not strangers. How confoosin...
Annyway, TBT gots some pictures of the little intruder he wants to show, an I gotta describe them...
