Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Got Some Surprises!

AYLA: I just learned (by reading the vet receipts lying aroun on the table) that Iza (at 10 months) weighs more than I do (at 20 months)! She is a little over 6 pounds and I am less than 6. I can jump higher, run faster, my claws are sharper, an I'm more acrobatic. "Pudge" is kinna clumsy.

The Big Thing says it's because when I go inna heat, I don't eat very much. Well, that's not ezactly my focus at the time... An Pudge eats constantly (hence the nickname)! I better eat more, or Pudge is gonna rule over me inna year.

Nother subject... I got outside yesserday when The Big Thing opened the door ta let LC outside. He dint see me behind the drape. I jumped over her and ran. TBT tried ta stop me, but couldn't without squishin LC with the door. He ran outside after me, but I was FREE! I went over the fence fast-time.

Next he saw me I was on the deck...

With a mancat... On toppa me...

Well, I ain't a "girl" annymore. Hee-hee!