Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Squillions Day!

We have a virtual Squillion named Lightpaw Laplander...

And 3 real mini-squillions named Skeeter, LC, and Ayla/Iza...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Nice Outside Day!

AYLA: We all got ta go outside today. It was warmer than the past week and not so blowy, so it was good out.LC dint want her picture taken, so she spent the whole time sittin unner the cameral stand thing where efer it got moved to. So it is all ME and IZA this time!

Iza been getting used ta walkin on lawn, and she is actally runnin on it now. So thats good. I cant teach her stuff iffen she wont walk on lawn. I mean, she hasta cross the lawn afore I can show her all the mousie spots what Skeeter teached me!

Here, I am teachin Iza ta watch the sky fer birdies, and sniff at the ground ta learn mousie smells. She is not useta doing that at all.

Iza seems more innerested in birdies than mousies. Mebbe cause she aint seen a mousie yet. Them mousies arent up much yet an I aint caught one ta show her. Skeeter probly couldda but Im not as good a hunter as him yet. But birdies are fun too. If Iza wants ta focus on birdies, thats not bad. LC can help her wif that.

She is probly a birdie cat. She likes ta go ofer to the feeder an sniff aroun where they been scratchin onna ground. Here, she is watchin one fly by.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Surprise!

THE BIG THING: "It was a typical morning around the house in this quirky metropolis called Waldorf (named after the salad I'm sure). I got up around noon, fed the cats their daily Fancy feast, and did the usual washing and dressing. The cats had been all over me during the night, which was normal.

"After I was up and about, I noticed LC out on the deck curled up on the plywood I keep out there on a short table as shelter from the rain when there is a surprise shower. Everything seems normal".

Or is it?

I looked at the security bar on the deck door and it was down. I leave it attached at night, but not in the daytime.

I channelled Detective Skeeter for some assistance. The connection was faint but clear.

He asked:

Skeeter: Did you let LC out first thing this morning? You usually do.

["Don't think so"...]

Skeeter: Did you leave her outside last night?

["Don't think so"...]

Skeeter: Did you perhaps leave the basement door cracked open? You have been known to do that!

["Well, I'm sure I didn't. Ayla is inside and she desperately wants to get outside and she is inside standing next to me. But I ran down the stairs to check. Nope, the basement door is secured".]

Skeeter: Well, have you checked inside for LC?

["Well, duh, she's asleep on the deck"!]

Skeeter: Are you sure?

["Yes, I'm looking at her".]

Skeeter: Check the bedroom...

[Do you know what I found in the bedroom?

Are you sure?

Are you REALLY REALLY sure?

I found LC asleep in the middle of the bed!!!]

Skeeter: Tap the glass and snap a picture!


Skeeter: Be prepared fer a surprize!


That sure isn't LC! Thanks Skeeter...

I quietly let LC out of the basement door and waited for her to detect the ugly mancat wannabe suitor of Ayla. The action was too fast to photo, but she did puff up huge, did her Tigger-bounce onto him, scared the tootsie-rolls out of him, and chased him the full length of the yard til he desperately clambered over the fence and disappeared across the lawns. She spent 10 minutes marching back and forth along the back fence, then came trotting home tail held high!

I encouraged Ayla and Iza into the bedroom and closed the door. LC got LOTS of HAM cubes all to her self and I gave her chin and ear scritchies for a half hour (her choice)...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday Tummy on Thursday

IZA: I had mt tummy operashun 3 weeks ago, an see? My scar is almos all gone an my furs is growin back fast. Ayla got her 2nd one in Dec and her furs are barely as long as mine. I grow furs FAST!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Peace an Togetherness? Not! Or Mebbe...

We been all gettin on each other's furs lately...

1. Ayla is in heat again after only a week off.
2. Iza has decided that LC's tail is a great toy.
3. LC is tired of takin her medicine.
4. Ayla is sprayin around the house.
5. Iza decided that the bafroom mat is a good place ta pee.
6. LC is whappin efrybody.
7. Ayla keeps stickin her butt in efryone's face.
8. Iza insists on sittin on The Big Thing's newspaper and then bunny-kicks The Big Thing's hand - with all claws!
9. LC doesn't eat her breakfast annymore.
10. Ayla is LOUD an desperit ta get outside, an she isnt eatin much either.
11. Iza eats all the food, of course.
12. LC sleeps most all day now, except when she goes outside.
13. It is COLD outside...

But there are good things too...

1. Iza purrs a lot.
2. LC likes ta sit near The Big Thing quietly.
3. Ayla is mostly quiet at night.


We do get along at dinner.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Scratch Pad, Part 2

LC: I havent been doin much lately, Ayla is in heat again, an Iza jus places wif the same old toys all day. So I might as well tell ya more about the stratcher pad The Big Thing is makin...

I shoulda known he wouldn't be happy wif da first cardboard cutter. He said he hadda better idea yesserday, so he started werkin on that.

Apparently, he decided he wanted a little thin slot in the top ta keep the knife from wanderin away from the cutting line. He found some piece of hard plastic among his junk, but couldnt cut a thin enough slot init. So he "built" a slot...

First, he cut the plastic in half and cut 2 small pieces ta go across them.

Then he put 2 knife blades together (as spacers) between the plastic pieces in 2 places. He taped the long pieces real tight an clamped them.

Third, he cemented the 2 small pieces across the 2 long ones. And waited overnight fer that ta dry... He seems ta have missed takin a picture of that.

Today, he took off the tape an clamps off, an all the plastic was solid but with a tiny little slot in it. Cool!

But ya can see the crosspieces at the ends here. Last, he "epocksied" the plastic top ta the hinges in the wood bottom. The hinges are unner the clamps, so ya can't see them yet. He is lettin that sit clamped overnight.

He is startin on the box ta put all the cardboard strips into, but I'll save that fer tamorrow! He says he will have that all finished then. He says the cool part is that it will all be re-fillable, so he can keep making us new ones furever wifout havin ta built new stuff each time!

I GOTTA see THAT, cause those ones at the store, ya gotta keep buyin new ones, I hear... We would like ta see the saved green papers turn inta toys an stinkey goodness. Ham, even!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The New Project Is...

LC: Its a scratcher pad thingie! The Big Thing saw a place what used "curragated cardboard" ta make a scratchin pad an he decided he could do better an way cheaper than the stuff fer moneys.

But he hadda figure out how, so thats why he was drawin lines all over papers. He knows how ta make boxes, but he wanted a good way ta cut LOTS of curragated cardboard ta ezact widths. That took him some thinkin.

How the lines on paper turned inta something is a mystery ta me, but he came up with a idea. I sat down in the basement an watched him, cause Im really coorious about that stuff he does sometimes. Ayla and Iza ran right up the stairs an hid when he turned on the various noisey machines. But I didnt!!!

I efen helped take pictures.

TBT says this is the "Simple Version" fer cutting the curragated cardboard... He made it but decided the cuttin would slowly make the cutter thing get carved up. But it werks fer a few times. He says he has a better idea an is makin it now as I rtype. I can hear him inna basement doin it...


First, ya cut two pieces of wood same length. One piece the width ya want the cardboard and the other a little wider.

Second, ya attach small hinges between them.

Then ya move the narrow board over the wider one.

Then ya slice along side the raised edge wif a knife. Then ya lift up the small piece an there is a cardboard strip of identical size each time. COOL!

So ya got buncha curragated cardboard strips an ya build a box ta hold them.

I cant report how he does THAT yet cause he aint done it yet. He says "tommorrow" cause he needs some "stuff" ta make the box an hold the fuzzy cardboardy strips down. He thought he had the stuff but he dint! He says he needs"one by twos". An he gotta hunt down that stuff in daylight...

I'll be watchin an reportin! More when I see what TBT is doin...

Friday, February 20, 2009

A New "THING"!

LC: Well, or "somethin". The Big Thing has been werkin onna "secret project" fer a week. We mentioned that a few days ago.

He has been scratchin lines on paper fer a week and said "AHA, I GOT IT" tonight! He does that sometimes. Last time it was afore he made the kitty tower for us. I got up on the table an stared at the lines, but they made no sense. Just squares and shapes.

But he says it is FOR US! Cool...

I dont know what it might be, an he won't say.

He says it will take only a coupla days ta make, an that we will love it. An he says that other cat's Beins might like it too, cause he has a fancy an a simple version of it...

We are goin crazy tryin ta guess. What da ya think it might be?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some Days Dont Werk!

LC: Well, FOO!

We all went outside this sunny afternoon (efen Iza, who doesnt much like lawn yet) to explore and have some pictures taken. We were all runnin aroun too much fer pictures at first, but we settled down a bit. It sure was blowy out though! An colder than it looked.

So The Big Thing took a picture of Ayla, but she ran outta the picture. Then he took a picture of me. I love lappin from the little pond. An then TBT was surprised cause the camera said it was all full up.

So he grumbled cause he wasnt sure what was on the camera an dint wanna lose anny good pictures. He went inside ta check on them and discovered they was all old pictures. Well, when he came back out, we was all ready ta come in.

Ya know, cause like I said, it was blowy, and colder than it looked. So all he got was the one of me (yay, its been too much Iza lately).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An Awardie!

LC: Yay! We gotta awardie...

Karen Jo gave us this "FRIENDS" award. We are so thrilled... Here are the rules:

“LOVE YA” award-winner… These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

We would like to pass this award along to:

The Zoo
Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Mr Chen and Ollie
Darling Millie
Shaggy, Scooby, and Scout
Scylla, Socks, Charybdis, and Fenris

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


IZA: I'm FREE! No cone. No big aflatable collar!

"I see a dime,
I see a dollar.
I see me
Wifout a COLLAR"

Well, my pretty purple one is back. but thats OK. I can lick an scratch around it an I like the way it looks on me. An I sure did a LOT of scratchin! But first, I hafta say I wouldnt let The Big Thing put the redesigned baby onesie on me at all. So no pics of THAT. He is gonna give the other 4 onesies ta charity. He says it will be amusin to use the cut-up one fer spills (though he may mount it on the wall as "Jack the Ripper Escapes His Baby Clothes" or "Alien's Baby Onesie").

But I did let TBT put the T-Shirt garment on (that one's harder to fight). So when I arrived at the Vet, at least I wasnt wearin the cone, but was wearin somethin that showed I had not been allowed ta eat my stitches. They all oohed and aahed at the garment.

They efen said they been lookin fer something like that ta buy (good-lookin, not like mine) so if annyone knows a source, we got a customer...

So I got out of the garment an the Vet started ta remove the stitches. I was very good about it, though it felt funny.

[The Big Thing: She squirmed and fought like a Boa Constrictor/Octopus. It took 2 of us to hold her down while the vet merely snipped the stitches. And that was just cutting the wire stitches loose. When it came to pulling them out she hardly noticed. She just didn't want to be held by strangers. Or maybe she protects her tummy carefully (I've got scars to prove that)]

Iza again: But the itchies are all gone. I got pictures!

I spent a hour licking my furs inta place again an scratchin at places I couldnt get at fer 2 weeks!

I went at my shoulders.

I went at my neck.

I went at my tender tummy!

I went at my toesies.

I finally fell asleep from all the happy-licking...

I slep fer 5 hours, then hopped up on TBT while he was watching TV fer 2 more hours.

Tomorra, I've gonna chase Ayla all roun the house... She been THoE 2 days alone an needs my support.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Goin To The Vet - Yay!

IZA: That may seem strange, ta WANT ta go ta the vet, but I am ankshus ta do so. Tomorrow I get my itchy stitches removed an the aflatable collar off!!! I am SO ready for that...

The operation wound is healed good.

Aktally, the aflatable collar is a pretty good pillow, once I figured out how to lay on it right... The Big Thing says he may jus leave it around the house aflated ta see iffen we use it fer nappin.

At least I CAN run aroun in this last collar. I went crazy this evenin, tearin the mats an stuff up. Here I turned over the mat an am ready ta start runnin again. Ayla an I ran up an down the hall fer some good THoE game!

But sometimes I get too rough and Ayla gets real mad (she tries ta whap me and she jus hits the collar, Ha-Ha-Ha)! This isnt flashie camera eyes, she was REALLY mad!!! She looks like that demon in Fantasia (we watched that couple nights ago)...

I decided it was best ta sit up on top of the kitty tower and watch her until she calmed down. After all, I wont have the collar ta protekt me tomorrow!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nother Collar Try...

IZA: The Big Thing came home 2 days ago wif ANOTHER try at givin me some comfort what yet stoppin me from biting at the stitches. He said he saw this one on the Petco website and stopped by the store while doing huntin errands.

Im not real thrilled with tryin out all these new things when all I wanna do is pull out these itchy itchy stitches, but I gotta admit this one aint too bad. The plastic cone was the worst, the garment was the least bad, an this one is in-between. But I could get out of the garment, so I cant have it anymore. I hadda wear the plastic collar las night cause I got out of it.

This one is a inflatable doughnut (The Big Thing aktally blowed his own breaths init ta fill it up, WOW), and is better than the plastic collar.

It cost 20 green papers, but TBT said he would happily pay that efry day iffen it made me more comfy. Wow. Well, he did say "for a week".

Iza The Sad Clown...

I shoulda left the garment on, because that was most comfy, but ya know... I hafta get that kinna stuff off if I CAN get it off. I really, really, really wanna pull those itchy stitches out!

Meanwhile, TBT cut the baby onsesie up the back an he is busy shapin an trimmin at it right now out at the dining room table. He says he wansta have it on me even if the only time I wear it is at the V-E-T office. MOL! OK, I might keep it on that long, but he might come up with somethin efen I cant get out of.

We also got given the idea of pulling a big sock ofer my head an between the front an back legs. TBT says I am way too pudgie fer that, but it would werk on Ayla cause she is so slim.

[TBT: Iza, you are 14" around and Ayla is only 9". She is like a kitchen paper towel roll tube, and you are like a football! She is ten months older, weighs less, and is 4" longer in the body than you are. Of COURSE she fits things that you don't. You two will certainly never share clothes... But I love you both!]

IZA: Ahem, as I was saying, I am trying out the aflatable doughnut. I haven't gotten at my stitches, I can eat an drink OK (not easily but I CAN), I can play wif toys a bit easier than wif da plastic cone, an it does make a great pillow when I nap. Best of all, when I smash into a table leg, it doesn't snap my neck over like the plastic cone. I just sort of bounce sideways a little an it pushes on my shoulder rather than my neck.

TBT says I jus gotta learn that my head is a lot bigger than I am used to. An he points out that he can give me chin an head scritchies a lot easier. I like THAT!

MOL! Ya shoulda seen TBT trying to blow up the aflatable collar affer it was on me! I was squirmin aroun an he was tryin ta keep a finger on the blowhole affer each breath. Took him 10 minnuts! But it seems OK fer now.

He says it is only fer 5 more days... I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait!!!

I'm playin hard wif Ayla while wearing this thing, so thats good. I sure wish I could bunny-kick it off though! Mebbe I can trap it on something and back away from it. I havent found the right place yet. I'll keep tryin...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

To all the kitties an their Beins, ta all the loved woofies and birdies and little rats an whatever... Happy Valentine's Day. Happy celeberatin wif the ones ya all love, whether distant boy or girlfriends, or just sisfurs an brudders, or efen NOMS!

This is a day ta celebrate love in its many forms. Hold yer fambly an friends close, an stop fer a few minutes to think of those what aint got none.

Collect the toys ya dont like much and the foods ya dont like much and tell yer Beins ta bring them to a shelter where there are sure ta be lonely kitties what will like them. An tell them, while they are there ta stop an play with the lonely ones what aint got homes an give them some comfort.

An tell the Beins that iffen they HAPPEN ta find a real friendly one, its OK ta bring it home. There is usually enough space fer one more and we will adjust. We may fuss about it fer a few days, but sometimes it is really good ta find a new friend or brudder or sisfur.

An it sure would be easy ta amember THAT Gotcha Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


LC: Well, as Senior Cat here, I get ta post about awards. Finally. Its been all Iza, Iza, Iza lately...

I am thrilled ta announce that we were given this awardie by our great friends at Camies Kitties AND PB&J

Here are the rules for this award:
“This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”


Angus Mhor
Captain Jack and Dante
The Cats P
Luxor and
Max The Psychokitty

Hope ya didnt get the awardies already...

So many deserving friends, so few we must choose... One of these days, we is gonna design our own, so we know nokitty got them afore!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

All Decorated, But...

IZA: The Big Thing decided ta decorate my plain white lunatic straitjacket yesserday. He used a bloo permanent marker ta write my name on one side an drew some hearts. He sure aint a artist! I look like a cow what has "COW" written on the side.

This morning I tried ta lick off all the ink. I couldnt, but I smudged some of it around good. I'll work on more smudgin tonight when he is asleep.

He says he wants to adjust the pretty onesie ta make it fit. Right! By the time he does THAT, I wont need ta wear it annymore. MOL!

THE BIG THING: Well, Iza, the pen says "safe, non-toxic", so if you want your tongue to be blue for a few days, go ahead and lick at my artwork! And speaking of my artwork, keep in mind that I was trying to draw on your pudgy sides while you were squirming. Did Van Gogh have a soft squishy canvas that kept moving? No! Well, maybe Dali did...

I'll try to do better on the other side.

Oh, and since you threatened to get outside and run to a neighbor to claim you are being tortured, I'm gonna write "This cat is not being tortured" on your garment. IN RED!

Well, even if it takes til the day you go back to the vet to get the stitches out to get the onesie to fit, I want to see the look on his face when you come out of the carrier and he sees there is an alternative to the cone. ;)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Got Some Surprises!

AYLA: I just learned (by reading the vet receipts lying aroun on the table) that Iza (at 10 months) weighs more than I do (at 20 months)! She is a little over 6 pounds and I am less than 6. I can jump higher, run faster, my claws are sharper, an I'm more acrobatic. "Pudge" is kinna clumsy.

The Big Thing says it's because when I go inna heat, I don't eat very much. Well, that's not ezactly my focus at the time... An Pudge eats constantly (hence the nickname)! I better eat more, or Pudge is gonna rule over me inna year.

Nother subject... I got outside yesserday when The Big Thing opened the door ta let LC outside. He dint see me behind the drape. I jumped over her and ran. TBT tried ta stop me, but couldn't without squishin LC with the door. He ran outside after me, but I was FREE! I went over the fence fast-time.

Next he saw me I was on the deck...

With a mancat... On toppa me...

Well, I ain't a "girl" annymore. Hee-hee!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Still Unfasionable!

IZA: I been a BAD girl... I got reasons, but I was still a bad girl.

Yesserday, The Big Thing decided ta try ta make my garment stay tied up better. Ya can see what it looked like. I looked like the villin in a slasher movie.

An I was getting the strings untied, even wif his good boy scout knots!

So he found some shoelace and laced me up good (wif the pink strings still in place). He efen tied the garment ta my collar on the back and through the front leg holes ta keep it from slippin.

It fits pretty snug an I cant get out of it. But it makes me walk funny an sometimes I fall off the furniture.

So he went ta the baby store and got a baby "onsie". The sales lady laffed when he explained the sizing difficulty. They finally decided on a 3-6 month old size. I gotta admit they are pretty. There is red an pink an green an yellow. But when he tried ta put one on me, that's when I became a bad girl!

I dint like any part of it. Not the whole thing being pulled over my head (I bit the cloth an wouldnt let go). When he finally got my head thru the neck part I bit HIM. When he tried ta get my paws thru the arm sleeves, I spread my claws all wide an I pulled my head back out! And I clawed as hard as I could at his hands efen when I was bitin him.

He finally went downstairs an came back with leather gloves! That stopped the bitin and clawin, but he couldnt get my paws thru the arms then wif the thick gloves on. An, of course, I was twistin and squirmin real hard too.

He is evil clever though. He took off the gloves, forced my head thru the neck part and the TIED ON THE CONE! THEN, he put me onna wood floor (no traction fer claws) between his legs, an pushed the cone against a easy chair.

It still took him 20 minutes ta get my front paws through the arms and get the back leg parts snapped shut. He efen punched a hole in the back of the onesie neck part and put my collar thru the hole. Then he took the cone off.

We were both exhaustified! And angry... I ran behind the chair an yowled; he went and opened a beer. He went ta the computer ta take yesserday pictures off the camera an make more room. While he was doing that, I trotted inta the room with the onesie completely off me ecept it was hangin from my collar! I dint even let him take a picture.

Now I got the first garment back on! THAT took another 10 minutes. Holding the garment on me while getting shoelace thru the holes AND holding me down was amazin. He was efen usin his (flat blunt) teef ta pull shoelace.

He says he is gonna mebbe buy the "newborn" size onesie, or try ta adjust the ones we have, but mebbe just leave me in the T-Shirt thing an draw some pictures onit... There's only 8 days left ta go an we are both annoyed an tired.

The only good thing he knows is that 2 people could do all this a LOT easier...

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Little Freedom

LC: Its been so nice outside the past 2 days. Today it reached almost 70 degrees here. In early February, wow! I spent hours out (but went in and out several times). The Big Thing was out with me a lot too. He was busy draggin old branches around and cleaning the garden an I just laid around an watched him an the birdies an squirrels.

I have this favrit spot to sit on where the leafs dont make noise while I watch fer mousies.

IZA: I gotta a little freedom today. The Big Thing took off the garment ta make some adjustments, an I used the time ta play with my ring-thing! I can run aroun an play wif it on, but it is much nicer wifout it. So I played...

Saturday, February 07, 2009

I Feel SO Ugly...

IZA: I am all tied up in the UGLIEST cloth a cat efer wore! I was asleepin onna table when The Big Thing started handlin my paws. I dont mind that much (unlike LC an Ayla). But then I realized I was gettin all wrapped up! TBT tried that afore and I hissed an struggled. I even clawed him a bit.

Well, this time I was all sleepy an dint suspect what he was doin. I started squirmin but he grabbed my head an said "Its this or the cone. You were bitin at yer stitches again today"! That dint sound like a good choice, an while I was tryin ta figure out what ta to, he had it on me an all tied up.

He said it was jus a "first try" like I may hafta do this again? He distracticated me with a toy mouse an took a coupla pictures.

He let me down onta the floor an I tried ta walk around. It did NOT feel right.

I tried walkin, but one side is tight an makes me wanna scooch sideways efry step. At least my butt seems free of cloth!

I chased a mouse he tossed an fergot about the scooch fer a minut. Well, its better than the cone, but Im still fightin it.

I got a front paw out, so he used another shoelace. That stopped me fer a hour.

Then I got both front legs out later, but I cant get the back legs loose. He tried 3 times ta get my front legs ta stay in, but I kept gettin them loose.

So he gave up on that an tied more shoelace through the front legholes an onto my collar.

He looked at me an said that iffen I escaped from the house an a neighbor found me, the police would visit an I wouldnt get any dinner cause they would "haul him away". I thought about that fer awhile and decided dinner was important.

If I can get outta this on my own, then that doesn't involve the Police, right? An I still get Dinner? I mean, this isnt a real fashion statement, an nothing hurts, but it sure is annoyin. AND UGLY!

THE BIG THING: Well, it has been aninteresting day, but it seems the garment is functioning. That's about all I can say for it though. It is keeping Iza's stitches covered without hurting her, and that's the essential thing. However, now that it is ON her, I think I can start to make some adjustments after she is used to having a garment on her. I can punch a few more holes in the top, tie them separately, make some adjustments, and then remove the "desperation" laces currently holding her into this garment.

I want to thank Darling Millie and Derby for sending us to websites of 2 other people who tried similar alternatives to neck cones in slightly different (and far better) ways. Millie has a friend who simply cut the cloth to leave on cloth ties that allow for easy fitting to the cat's shape (and used more of them than I did lace holes). Derby has a friend who used a "baby onesie" on her cat. That looks like a GREAT idea, and I will probably go buy one tomorrow.
