Today I answer comments. And forgive me, I tend to use handles as names... And forgive me the "cute" gif. I found it by accident and loved it.
Megan said " That second pic shows Laz's extraordinary fur markings really well". Yes, Laz has distinct markings. But his furs are basically grey tabby. It is his deep blue eyes that show his siamese parent. And his voice. He talks a lot, loudly, as Siamese do.
Several people mentioned the whisker collection. I started doing that in 2008 after Skeeter left and thinking that I should keep memories after I found whiskers around the house. The green bottle was a happy find at Walmart. If I get bored someday, I may count them.
The Meezers mentioned that "Lori has a cute stink eye!!". Yes she does. She can look really mean sometimes. But she is never actually mean. But she can growl sometimes. Yesterday, she came in with those triangular "sticky seeds" stuck to her fur (it's that time of the year). And when I held her down to pull them off, she complained the whole time.
Piltch mentioned "those white chocolate truffles too and at Valentine's Day, they have white with strawberry filling". I love the extra dark and white chocolate. Never had the ones with the strawberry filling, but will watch for those. I love strawberries.
Memories Of Eric And Flynn said "Great flashback! Iza did a good job on skinning her mousies! Love her pose on the cards and it would make a good centrefold"
Iza was a dedicated skinner of her rattley-mousies. She ripped everything she could to pieces. I had to hide toilet paper from her. She could unroll and rip up an entire roll in an hour of dedicated effort. Lori follows her tradition.
And Iza's playing card pic was one of the oddest I ever took. She lioved showing off her tummy, but that was a weird view of her.
Meezers - "Ahhh, Marley are you guarding the Duck from the youngsters??!
Marley protects anycat and everything. He doesn't actually plasy with any toys ever. Maybe he just wants them to feel safe.
Thank you all, everyone for reading and commenting!