Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Monday, February 28, 2011

King Of The Hill

MARLEY:  "Hey Iza, Im King Of The Hill!  Ha, ha, ha."
She got annoyed by that an started tearin up the towel to show me how strong she was...
 Then she suddenly flung herself up toward the top when I wasnt lookin.  Sorry its a bit blurry, but it was an action shot...
Caught by surprise, I hadda surrender the hill.  But I showed her the Tail Of Disrespect as I left...
IZA:  "Im Queen Of The Hill, Im Queen Of The Hill, Im Queen Of The Hill!"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Easy Sunday

There are times when we all forgive an forget an get close...

Taking turns on The Big Thing...
Ayla is sittin out on the far shoe!
 Iza is zonked sleepin...
Marley is waitin his turn on The Lap...

Don't worry, he got his turn.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

More Prezzie-Playin

AYLA:  I wasnt sure what this thing was when I found it sitting around.  TBT says it is a "Plague Rat".  Well I checked it out all careful-like at first...
It smelled real innerestin.  Nip an "something else".
So I proceeded ta beat it around real good...
THAT made it smell even better!
Im havin lots of fun with it...

MARLEY: When I found this green mousie hangin on a string up in the air, I just KNEW I hadda get him loose from it!
He sure has a strong grip on that string...
Well, iffen I cant get him onto the floor ta bat around, Ill just whap him around on his string...

IZA: OMC!  A stinkey rat in a sunpuddle!  What more could one ask fer?  I wrassled him right...
I wrassled him left...
Hey Big Thing, can we have a little privacy please?
Thanks, Eric and Flynn!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Prezzie!

MARLEY:  We got a package from Eric and Flynn!  Ayla was the first ta guess that a picture Flynn took with his camera was a tire.  Wow, did they ever send some GREAT stuff!  Ayla an Iza wouldnt get up from their naps at first...

I checked out the package at first...

There was a card, some trout snacks, a sparkly ball, some fevver-butt mousies, a mousie onna bouncy-string, an a Plague Rat!

I checked them all very carefully...
Then I went around an checked them again from the other side.  Sometimes ya see things better that way...
Tomorrow, lots of pictures of us all playin with the new toys!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Garden Thursday

IZA:  Its still mostly dead stuff outside, but there Are signs of life! 

First, the deaded stuff...
Ya push on these things, an they BREAK!  Which s actally kinna cool...
Go ahead, step onna few.  Its OK...
Second, the livin stuff.  Ya can see some emergin daffodillies above me...
There is a lot of them in this spot, and more comin up all aroun...
An there are some ferms what stay sorta green all Winter.  This one is doin extra good!
Thats all we have ta show this week, but things are getting better outside.

Marley an Ayla have some drinks an snacks inside.

I think we will start ta have whole clumps of crocuses next time.  See you then!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

About Ayla In Heat Again...

THE BIG THING:  Ayla was in heat again the past week.  Many of you are familiar with her odd situation, but I should explain to those who aren't.  It is not indifference on my part.  Ayla  underwent 2 spay operations in 2008 by the breeder's vet, but continues to go into heat.

My own vet (who did a fine spay operation on Iza in 2009) is unwilling to conduct secondary exploratory surgery to try to find the problem.  I accept him saying that he did not feel qualified to do that (though I think he would have been successful).  So she has been unsuccessfully spayed twice.  That makes her a rather unique cat (a uniqueness I could do without - A Siamese cat in heat is remarkably loud).  I even called a radio show vet last Summer about the problem (the response was "gee that's weird, and that's too bad".

I explored hormonal suppressants on the internet, and apparently, they are not authorized in the US (Europe allows them).

My vet suggested that I find a "Board-Certified Feline Surgeon" who might feel more qualified to do follow-up surgery.  I have found 2 within 45 miles (and an hours drive) and emailed them both in December.  Both have indicated confidence that they can successfully complete a botched spay operation.   They each want to see her when in heat for evaluation and then operate in the next cycle.

They both agree it is best to examine her when she is in heat and best to operate when she is in heat.  Unfortunately, timing was bad in Jan (her cycle fell over the weekends and/or snowstorms).  But I was able to get an appointment for evaluation today.  If not for 2 emergency surgeries, Ayla would have been operated on today.  And the vet will be away all of March.  Arghh!

On the good side, he was kind enough to hold an appointment open for the whole week he returns in hopes we catch her in heat then.  Considering that she goes into heat twice a month, the odds are good.

So it is very likely that Ayla will finally be successfully spayed in early March.  It BETTER be successful (Board Certified Feline Surgeons don't come cheap)!  Fortunately, I can afford it.  Still that's 3 years worth of her Evo canned  cat food!

More about this in March...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


MARLEY:  Ooh the scritchies!  Oh, I love them so much...
I lick the hand ta start it going again...

It works!  But I keep licking just to make sure...
Then I curl up for a while...
Accept TOTAL attention...
Hold the scritchie-fingers in place...
And use a paw to show where I should be scritched next!
I cant get enough.  It is SO GOOD.  An he tastes good, too.  Lick, lick. lick...

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Ta Win


Marley an I both like ta play wif toys a lot.  Here, Marley is chasin a toy behind the plant.
He brought it out an we discussed who should play wif it first.  He said he found it.  I said it was my toy first...
Then he said there were 2 others that I could have in exchange fer his one.

Silly boycat, they are ALL mine...  But I decided ta be kind an turned my back on alla them.  Sure enough, he went for a bloo one he found and batted it around the room. 
Leaving me with the TWO others.  I win!

AYLA:   Um. Iza, weren't the 2 toys ya had ta start with yours already?  An ya dint notice, but Marley took the red mousie away too.  And it seems he is eying the original one now...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Big Thing Has Idle Time

Marley:  I like ta sit near TBT feet while he eats his dinner.  I nap there.  But he plays tricks.  Like here...

He is silly!

Friday, February 18, 2011

PurrForMance Review 2010

AYLA and IZA:  As Marley only arrived in 2011, we are doin this by ourselfs.


1.  QUANTITY OF OUTPUT:  4 Paws.  Our Bein has helped us ta post almost every single day in 2010.  He missed a few, but overall 99% of days. 

2.  QUALITY OF OUTPUT:  4 Paws.  Some few days wifout pictures, and some days where he posted on OUR blog, but again a better effort than 2009 and when he posted on OUR blog, it was about US!  So paws up to him fer that.

3.  CLIENT PAWTICIPATION:  2 Paws.  He means well, but we can only blog and email.  He just WONT do Facebook, Twitter, or even Catster!  Well, hes OLD an cant be bothered with those things.  We wish he would try...  But we gotta downgrade him on THAT!

4.  PAWTICIPATION, PART II:  4 Paws.  He helps us get inta world events (like Blog For Peace), parties, and contests.  We have done well in contests and have toys and treats to prove it.

5.  CLIENT SATISFACTION:  4 Paws.  With his help, we got more visitors per day in 2010 than in 2009.  And our comment numbers moved from single to double digits.  We have to credit him, as CEO, with a great improvement in company statistics in 2010! 

6.  OVERALL RATING:  3.5 Paws!  It would have been 4 Paws, but he just doesnt have the Social Network talent.  Nevertheless, in view of the solid performance in the other categories, we (The Board of Directorcats) have decided to keep him on for another year.  Changing CEOs is SUCH an annoyance and there are all those "Golden Parachute" clauses in his contract.