Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Gone Today

TBT is doing a lot of strange stuff on the 'puter and is is gonna take all day, he says, so we're sort of off.  He needs a new wire too. 


  1. OH gosh...can't you make him help you type? I'm bet you can if you al stick together! BUT if he needs a new wire, that kinda makes it case closed?

  2. Our Dad is off frequently too so we understand!

  3. Hope TBT gets all his strange stuff sorted!

  4. We sense trouble ahead, kids! You know how one thing leads to another with moms and dads and computers.

  5. All that computer stuff is so mysterious!

  6. Hope it all works well after he gets done so we can see and play with you all again:)
    I hope he didn't need a new wire cause one of you chewed it...Minko used to do fun annoying stuff like that!
    Tech stuff can be so much so it makes petcretary go all mental , MOL!

  7. We purr things work out well and you kitties will be back soon!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ


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