Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Easy Like Sunday

Its been a bit rainy fer several days here.
So we were mostly stuck inside.
This morning the deck was still damp, and the world was gray and windy.
But we dint let that stop us.
We went runnin out as soon as TBT opened the deck door!
We may stay on the deck though.  That grass down there looks long and wet!


  1. It's so nice to get outside. We used to have a screen porch and it was totally the best.

  2. Um pouco de água não pode deter vocês, certo amigos? Eu diria: quanto mais molhado melhor. Miauhihi Flora

  3. Well, at least you got outside for a while.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Good thing for that deck.
    Our weekend was quite rainy and windy too :/
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. Good idea, you don't want grass stains on your furs.

  6. Yeah, wet grass is no fun to walk in.

  7. I wouldn't go down to that wet grass if I were you three!

  8. That sure does look like fun out there!

  9. That was what we had here last week...but now its clear and sunny...but its also cold, and right now our temp is 27.
    All the fruit farmers and others are going to be having troubles. But as inside kitties we are gratefur fur the warm cozy den. And the sun puddles.
    Maybe it might stop the pollens for a bit...petcretary hopes so.

    Our neighbor's grass is even longer than yours...and we have cut ours three times this season...about normal for here. They have not done anything to theirs, what a blight. Hisses.

    Stay warm and dry!


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