Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday Pawty!

Well, TBT has looked at places to move to.  And he has decided the best place for us to be in is...


Right here, not moving, staying in place!  The Green House, right where we are now, no relocation, etc...

He will be explaining on his own blog, but WE get ta tell you all first the basic good news.  We arent gonna hafta learn a new house and yard at least fer a few years!

And some of yer comments HELPED!

We are throwin a small pawty!  There will be light foods and drinks.

They are all Nip-flavored.  Just choose a color.

TBT will also have kibbles in his pockets to toss around fer us all ta chase.  It's more fun than it may sound.  Ya gotta be quick.  TBT says it is sort of like Kitty Rugby!

Its not one of our full-blown pawties; just a happy-paws celebration that there is no Moving in the immediate future...


  1. That's great news! I'm glad you guys get to stay put. I think your house is pretty awesome, with its garden and some critters to hunt.

  2. Yayy, great news!! It would be a shame to move after all the work TBT has done. I am ready to party with you.

  3. Mom says you are all welcome to our house in New Hampster on Turkey Day. And I am glad you will not be implementing the M-word any time soon.

  4. That is great news! And cause for a celebration!! Let's eat!!

  5. I'm very happy that you all are going to stay right there where you all belong and that included TBT. After all his work to make the garden and landscape...don't move now plus all of you know every molecule of your home and grounds. GOOD news Great news as a matter of fact!

  6. Great news for you! Moving is never fun, and especially not for kitties who like their routines and territories.

  7. Sometimes the best place is the one you're already in!

  8. Welcome back, I know it was only a few days, but I missed you. I am glad you don't have to deal with the stress of moving, but I hope TBT will still be happy where you are.

  9. Have a delicious Tuesday!

  10. That's a good thing, but I would ask him for some moving boxes anyways!

  11. I hate to move so I'm happy to hear you're staying put! Jenna is firing up the tunnel and will be over for treats soon :)

  12. What pilch92 15andmeowing said x 2!

    Sydney, Australia

  13. Concatulations on getting to stay in your current home! That is really pawsome. Great pawty! That turkey looks delicious.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  14. No rush on the new house. He just needs to keep looking.

  15. Darling, Since there'll be, you know, TURKEY at your house, perhaps *I* should come *there*??? XOXOXOX

    BTW, the Human says to tell the OF: Audiobooks. She has to drive for 6+ hours tomorrow. Audiobooks save her sanity. For reals.

  16. We are glad you are happy. Sorry we missed the party, but these leftovers are delicious.

  17. Glad your TBT decided to take the stress-free method:))

    Pawsome pawrty and we enjoyed the feast!


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