Peter Abelard
Recent papers in Peter Abelard
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. Alexander Pope, Eloise to Abelard Voy a empezar esta exposición... more
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to examine whether Robin Collins’ atonement theory successfully overcomes the problematic elements found in Peter Abelard’s moral exemplary model(or Moral Exemplary/Influence Theory). The... more
Didaktična obdelava pisem Abelarda in Heloize in Abelardove avtobiografije Historia Calamitatum.
This paper examines Abelard's engagement with disputation (disputatio) from the vantage point of twelfth-century scholasticism. Eschewing the well-worn details of Abelard's personal life and philosophical positions, analysis is instead... more
La lettre de Pierre Abélard appelée "Histoire de mes malheurs" par la tradition critique s'ouvre comme une lettre de consolation à un ami. Destinée à une lecture publique, elle retrace l'itinéraire mouvementée du philosophe et théologien,... more
Resumen. Se presenta aquí la traducción bilingüe del pasaje 13:8-10 del libro IV de los Commentaria in epistolam Pauli ad romanos de Pedro Abelardo, en el cual el autor comenta la sentencia paulina del amor como plenitud de la ley. El... more
In recent times, scholars have turned their attention to distilling whatever morsels of intellectual thought they could gleam from Heloise’s letters to Abelard, in search for signs of independence of thought in her, and to determine... more
Questa raccolta di studi si propone di fornire un nuovo contributo alla storia della scuola dalla Roma di età imperiale fino alla Bisanzio di inizio XIV secolo, passando per alcune significative figure di maestri d’epoca medievale. In... more
"The romantic tale of Peter Abelard and Heloise has been widely known for centuries. The legend relates in part to the letters exchanged between the two, years after Abelard had been castrated at the behest of Heloise's vindictive uncle,... more
Our investigation has two main points: a contextualization of Abelard’s account of universals and a detailed analysis of his theory as it is formulated in the Logica “ingredientibus.” The interest of the first point is to show that... more
On Augustine's attitudes towards Stoicism and the way they have influenced the reception of both in Abelard, Petrarch, Lipsius, Senault, Pascal, and Malebranche.
The scandal surrounding Peter Abelard and Heloise’s love story has eclipsed the depth of their individual intellects resulting in many scholars devoting their writings to the couple’s overly eroticized narrative. After the condemnation of... more
In 1887, Paul Tannery suggested that some ancient Pythagoreans defended a form of atomism against which Eleatic philosophers such as Zeno of Elea reacted. Later, Democritus and Leucippus on one hand, Plato on the other, developed... more
Resumo do livro "Abelardo e Heloísa" do autor José Carlos Estêvão, publicado pelas editoras Paulus e Discurso Editorial em 2015
Resumo: Essa dissertação discute de maneira sistemática as acusações e condenações por heresia de Pedro Abelardo (1079 – 1142), notável monge e filósofo bretão. Embora Abelardo seja um popular objeto de análise – e paixão – entre os... more
The Mystic Ark is a forty-two page description of the most complex work of art from the entire Middle Ages: a painting also known as The Mystic Ark. The purpose of the painting was to serve as the basis of a series of brilliant... more
"As a letter writer Peter Abelard is known best for the autobiographical Historia calamitatum, which presents itself ostensibly as a consolatoria [epistola] to an unnamed friend, and his correspondence with Heloise, which amounts to seven... more
The XXVIth annual SIEPM colloquium, A Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, will take place on 4-6 April 2022 at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. The subject of the colloquium is: Dialectic in the Middle Ages:... more
Résumé : Dans cet article, on présente une modalité spécifique de transmission textuelle, celle de la reportatio, concernant deux pratiques didactiques du XIIe siècle, à savoir la lectio et la disputatio. L’objectif est de donner une... more
Diante das perspectivas correntes no século XII, ou seja, o realismo e o nominalismo, Pedro Abelardo, mestre clérigo da Escola Catedral de Paris, propõe, fundamentalmente na Logica Ingredientibus, uma terceira via: o conceitualismo. Tal... more
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. Aux termes du Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle, toute reproduction ou représentation, intégrale ou partielle, faite par quelque procédé que ce soit (photocopie, photographie, microfilm, bande... more
La "teologia della ragione" di Pietro Abelardo contro la "teologia del cuore" di Bernardo di Chiaravalle
As a person trained primarily in philosophy, Peter Abelard employed an intense questioning mentality in fleshing out his theological ideas. His extreme debating style of totally deconstructing theological positions and then afterward... more
Brève liaison amoureuse que celle de Héloïse et Abélard. Un conte cruel dont bien des péripéties sont obscures. Chanoine Fulbert abuse de sa « nièce » Héloïse, enceinte à son insu. Elle s’éprend de son beau prof Abélard qui la cherche.... more
This collection of essays represents Professor Harjeet Singh Gill's preoccupation with the semiotics of conceptual structures in language, literature, art and culture since 1964 when he joined the Centre National de Ia Recherche... more
La réflexion qui suit est un essai pour lire les pratiques intellectuelles de l'université médiévale à la lumière des outils heuristiques habermassiens, avec toutes les précautions que le comparatisme historique requiert : quelle pourrait... more
Note that this thesis chapter has not yet been published. Stylometry, a method to segregate writing styles with computer algorithms and attribute works of disputed authorship, is used to shed new light on the famous case of the contested... more
First year BA Theology essay on Bernard of Clairvaux and the significance of Christ's death, with focus on his dispute with Peter Abelard's moral influence theory.
There is no doubting conscience is central to the human condition and our understanding of it. Still, questions arise. What is its origin and purpose? What does it disclose? And how? Although any historical schema will be imperfect to the... more
La réflexion qui suit est un essai pour lire les pratiques intellectuelles de l'université médiévale à la lumière des outils heuristiques habermassiens, avec toutes les précautions que le comparatisme historique requiert : quelle pourrait... more
What is the meaning of theories of redemption, and what use do they have? This dissertation answers these questions from the vantage point of two ideas from Girardian Mimetic Theory: the hypothesis that human relationality is rooted in... more
Penser l'influence de l'hexis aristotélicien dans la vertu comme habitus chez Abélard nous permet d’analyser, c’est-à-dire de discerner et de définir ce qu’une vertu signifie pour le médiéval. Au même temps, en ce faisant, d’autres... more