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Dopo l'edizione di M. Simonetti 1 , gli studi sul De opere et eleemosynis si sono concentrati per la maggior parte sul contenuto dell'opera e sulle circostanze storiche cui essa accenna, lasciando in secondo piano gli aspetti più... more
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      PhilologyLatin LiteraturePatristicsHistory of Christianity
Brevi cenni sul metodo storico-critico I. «Il fatto è che, a loro modo, le società, come gli individui, sono dotate di memoria, senza la quale non vi sarebbe storia possibile. Sia chiaro che questa memoria collettiva − per ricorrere a un... more
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The following explores the Septuagint's potential impact on the understanding of paideia and the connection between paideia and the Mosaic law in the Second Temple period. Here,
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      PhilologyTheologyHellenistic PhilosophyHellenistic History
Al sito Riviste, al titolo «Le forme e la storia», si può prendere visione del Codice etico della rivista e degli Indici dei fascicoli pubblicati, completati, a partire dal n. 1-2019, dagli abstract in italiano e... more
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      PhilologyComparative LiteratureFolkloreLiterary Theory
Wie viele Sprachen gibt es auf unserer Erde? Wie verschieden sind sie voneinander? Wie hängen sie miteinander zusammen, wie beeinflussen sie sich gegenseitig, wie sind sie miteinander verwandt -- und was heißt "verwandt" bei Sprachen... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesCultural HistorySociology
🔗. Il volume raccoglie venticinque saggi sui trovatori, scritti da Pietro G. Beltrami in quarant’anni di costante indagine sulla storia, le singole personalità, il senso, la rilevanza stessa di una tradizione... more
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      PhilologyRomance philologyEcdoticsMetrics
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      PhilologyDante StudiesItalian StudiesLiterature
This essay examines the role and meaning of Shaykh Mushrif al-Dīn “Saʻdī” Shīrāzī’s Gulistān in late Mughal India. As the prose primer for a Persian education, the Gulistān encompassed the double meaning of adab, as exemplar both... more
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      PhilologyCultural HistoryPersian LiteratureIranian Studies
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      PhilologyGreek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek Lyric Poetry
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryClassicsRoman History
This article shows that the Amṛtasiddhi, the earliest known text to teach any of the practices and principles distinctive of haṭhayoga, was written in a tantric Buddhist milieu.
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      PhilologyBuddhismHinduismYoga Meditation
Trotz zahlreicher und fundierter Einblicke in die Gattung und den theologischen Inhalt der Nag-Hammadi-Apokalypse des Paulus (NHC V,2) bleibt die genaue Valenz des Textes umstritten: Ist der Text valentinianisch, wie oft behauptet,... more
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      PhilologyGnosticismGreek LiteraturePatristics
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      PhilologyHistoryAsian StudiesMedieval History
L’esperienza di Calvino comprende lo studio della fiaba e l’analisi critica di molti scrittori. L’articolo offre l’analisi dell’angolazione teorica e pratica di Calvino verso la fiaba, i classici cioè l’antologia scolastica e l’antologia... more
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      PhilologyItalian LiteratureLiterary Theory
"Words and Phrases, Unchanged for Centuries. Containing a rich glossary and in excess of 300 words and phrases, the texts demonstrate the strength of the Macedonian language through preservation. Following is a comparison of... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesModern LanguagesHistory
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      PhilologyLiteratureSanskrit language and literatureManuscript Studies
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      PhilologyGender StudiesGender HistoryTextual Scholarship
The work presents etymologies of the Turkic names for the seven most important cereals: barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye and wheat. Altogether, 106 names are discussed. As yet, this subject has not been dealt with as a whole.... more
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsDialectology
Synekdemos, a geographical text of Hierokles presents the administrative structure of the Eastern Roman Empire in the early 6th century AD. Six dioeceses (large administrative units), 64 eparchiai (provinces) and 920 poleis (cities) are... more
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      PhilologyHistorical GeographyRegional GeographyCartography
The present volume responds to the rising boom of interest in folklore and folklore research in the study of Old Norse mythology. The twenty-two authors of this volume reveal the dynamism of this lively dialogue, which is characterized by... more
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      PhilologyReligionMythology And FolkloreAnthropology
Common knowledge and modern translations assume that by δαιµόνιον the author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles meant demon. More specifically, it is alleged that he had in mind spirit-beings that are innately evil, being... more
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      PhilologyPatristicsNew TestamentHellenistic History
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
déinitif. Même si on aimerait l'interroger ici ou là, F. Marxer domine son sujet. Il a surtout un mérite essentiel : sortir la mystique ou le « mysticisme » (comme on dit souvent) des images pieuses, désincarnées, vaporeuses qui... more
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      PhilologyHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
La querela inofficiosi testamenti no conocía del litisconsorcio. Cuando había más de un coheredero forzoso, cada uno de ellos interponía su acción independientemente de los otros, con el objetivo de conseguir la cuota hereditaria que le... more
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryCivil Law
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      PhilologyEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
La entrada española ENCÍAS proviene de una voz ibérica, según sostiene el estudio en lingüística realizado por el gramático Enrique Cabrejas.
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsBiologySpanish Grammar
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      PhilologyMedical Humanism
This inaugural lecture outlines the contours of a history of critical thinking. Drawing on case studies from the 19th, 20th, and 21st-century humanities, it draws attention to demands that critical thinking makes on the self – that is, to... more
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      PhilologyIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHumanities
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      PhilologyHistoryLanguages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
A number of experts have opined that the Vedic people did not know of the Sea (or ocean). However, in many hymns, one can find references to "ocean going rivers." As I show below, they were definitely a seafaring people.
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
I wish to thank Dr. Wallace Warfield, dissertation committee chair, who has been there from my first day at ICAR through the end of this dissertation. As a practitioner and scholar, he has been an inspiring mentor. Dr. Linda Johnston"s... more
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      PhilologyPeace and Conflict StudiesProfessional IdentityConflict Resolution
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive Linguistics
Article aims to show and explore the phraseological units, reflecting the cultural identity of the Kazakh, Russian peoples; conduct comparative-typological analysis of the display of the wedding ceremony in the Kazakh and Russian... more
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Di dalam artikel ini, saya menceritakan bahwa aksara Latin untuk menuliskan bahasa Melayu sudah digunakan sejak abad ke-17. Pada mulanya, hal itu dilakukan untuk menerjemahkan Injil.
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      PhilologyHistoryManuscript StudiesLatin Scripts
The advent of English language has procured the status of global language as well as contemporary societies deal with the multiculturalistic from part of the reality that teachers in different European and international contexts are... more
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    • Philology
This article explains the methodological aspect of the usage of the term "media discourse", and considered controversial issues of the discursive approach to the study of mass communication, its impact on the cognition. In this work,... more
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      PhilologyCommunicationMedia StudiesMass Communication
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      PhilologyFrench LiteratureRomance philologyEcdotics
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      PhilologyHistoryGeographyRussian Studies
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more
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      PhilologyIntellectual HistoryWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
Сборник «Структурная и прикладная лингвистика» содержит статьи, охватывающие широкий круг проблем современной теорети ческой и прикладной лингвистики. На материале русского, англий ского, немецкого и других языков рассматриваются... more
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      PhilologyHistoryLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
Aportación al volumen "Cien años de poesía. 72 poemas españoles del siglo XX: estructuras poéticas y pautas críticas", que apareció en Peter Lang, Bern, a comienzos de siglo, es una lectura del poema que da título al tercero de los libros... more
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      PhilologyPhilosophyPoetryContemporary Poetry
Nell'impossibilità di restaurare in modo preciso il contenuto della lacuna in Sen. clem. I, 1, 1, proponiamo di modificare la forma grafica del passo nella maniera seguente:
si hoc iugutn fregerit, *** et ita loqui secum.
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      PhilologyClassicsSenecaClassical philology
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      PhilologyTranslation StudiesRenaissance StudiesBible Translation
La narratividad no es solo una cualidad de determinados discursos (verbales o no). Es una dimensión básica de nuestra existencia: la narratividad o relatividad ontológica. También, al experimentar la existencia como "agôn", la dimensión... more
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      PhilologyCultural HistoryCultural StudiesIdentity (Culture)
The Italian edition of the work by Eleazar M. Meletinsky on the historical poetics of the novella – recently edited and translated by M. Bonafin and L. Sestri ‒ gives us the opportunity to revise the theoretical model by which the Russian... more
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      PhilologyCultural StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Literature
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      PhilologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsIconography
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      PhilologyMedieval LiteratureHagiographyMedieval Studies
Questa è la prima edizione critica delle poesie di Umberto Saba successive al 1921. Il libro ricostruisce il percorso genetico ed evolutivo della produzione poetica sabiana. Dall’edizione del Canzoniere del 1921 in poi si contano decine... more
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      PhilologyItalian StudiesPoetryItalian Literature