Papers by Alexandra Baneu
De ratione edendi: Medieval Texts and Their Editors CONFERENCE PROGRAMME, 2018
CONFERINŢELE Centrului de Filosooe Antică şi Medievală, 2017
Transylvanian Review, 2014
Our investigation has two main points: a contextualization of Abelard’s account of universals and... more Our investigation has two main points: a contextualization of Abelard’s account of universals and a detailed analysis of his theory as it is formulated in the Logica “ingredientibus.” The interest of the first point is to show that Abelard is just one author among the many who tried to
offer a solution to the debate. In order to do so, we follow and comment upon John of Salisbury’s presentation of contemporary theories on the subject. The interest of the second point, however, is to show how Abelard’s answer is subtle and important in itself. His theory is especially innovative due to the fact that it changes the framework of the debate: it no longer belongs to the domain of metaphysics, but to that of meaning.
universal, Abelard, nominalism, realism, John of Salisbury, status theory
Bulletin de philosophie médiévale , 2012
An unpublished Latin commentary, never mentioned in the secondary literature, is in Augbsburg, St... more An unpublished Latin commentary, never mentioned in the secondary literature, is in Augbsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, 4° Cod 68 ff. 272va-278ra. The same hand copies the text of the Liber de causis (which precedes it), the interlinear glosses (sometimes used in the exegesis) and the commentary. This is most likely the result of an oral teaching, as the author refers to a previous lectio. The article discusses the explicit quotations of Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Proclus, and shows that the anonymous author offers an original hypothesis about the author of the Liber de causis, that he openly criticizes Thomas
Aquinas’ theory of substantial forms, but he often uses Thomas to quote Proclus.
Keywords: Albertus Magnus, Avendauth (Ibn Daud), Liber de causis, Proclus, Thomas de Aquino.
Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages I. New Commentaries on Liber de causis (ca. 1250-1350), 2016
Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages I. New Commentaries on Liber de causis (ca. 1250-1350), 2016
Studia UBB. Philosophia (Special issue), 2016
This article analyses Pelbartus of Themeswar's use of sources in the first volume of the Rosarium... more This article analyses Pelbartus of Themeswar's use of sources in the first volume of the Rosarium. In order to make the mapping of influences easier we have divided the works cited into two categories: medieval and ancient writings. The group of medieval works is also divided into two subcategories: scotist commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard and alphabetical Summae and Encyclopedias. These are the two types of works that have inspired the form of the Rosarium.
Studia UBB. Philosophia (Special issue), 2015
The Ab Auro Prologue of Pelbartus of Themeswar's Theological Encyclopedia. Pelbartus of Themeswar... more The Ab Auro Prologue of Pelbartus of Themeswar's Theological Encyclopedia. Pelbartus of Themeswar is a 15 th century observant Franciscan best known for his collections of model sermons. This article, however, treats one of the two prologues which accompany his work of systematic theology, the Aureum sacrae theologiae rosarium. The Ab auro prologue, which is discussed in detail in the present study, introduces the reader to the main intent of the work. It has a rich metaphoric style and is tacitly inspired by the "Primum principium" of William of Vaurouillon's commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard.
Caietele Sextil Pușcariu III, 2017
This article follows the depiction of the Calvinists and their instruments of propaganda in one of
Samuil Micu’s earliest historical texts, De ortu, progressu, conversione Valachorum, episcopis item,
archiepiscopis et metropolitis eorum (1774). There are two aspects of this movement that the
Transylvanian author mentions and tries to defame: the use of print, which made Calvinist books
readily available in the Romanian language, and the influence exercised by the reformed leaders over
the Orthodox Church. De ortu has a political propaganda itself, as it tries to argue for the right of the
Romanians to have a Metropolitan leadership, and the pejorative description of the Reformed church
serves as a means of persuasion in front of the catholic Austrian court.
ORMA, 2016
The present contribution is an analysis of how space is expressed in Cicero's "In Verrem", 2. 4. ... more The present contribution is an analysis of how space is expressed in Cicero's "In Verrem", 2. 4. Methodologically, we proceed by means of the study of some defining instances in which the accusative, ablative and locative cases are used to convey spatial meaning. Three main relations of space are followed throughout Cicero's work and organize the structure of this article: The ablative of place, the expression of the point of departure and the expression of direction.
Dacoromania, 2018
0. Textul de față pornește de la o serie de întrebări firești atunci când este avută în vedere re... more 0. Textul de față pornește de la o serie de întrebări firești atunci când este avută în vedere receptarea unei opere: Ce destin a avut aceasta? Cum a fost citită? A circulat după moartea autorului? De câte ediții a avut parte? Pentru a putea contura un răspuns în ceea ce privește Rosarium-ul lui Pelbartus de Themeswar, pot fi folosite două metode. Pe de-o parte, se pot inventaria autorii care l-au citat sau l-au menționat în lucrările lor pe teologul bănățean, cum este, de pildă, umanistul Johann Altensteig 1 , care folosește fragmente copioase din Rosarium atunci când își compune lexiconul teologic, sau Conrad Gesner, care îl înregistrează pe Pelbartus în bibliografia sa universală, numindu-l Pomerius și sommo theologo 2. Problema este că o astfel de abordare scapă sistematizării. Pe de altă parte, și aceasta este calea pe care am ales să merg, consider că pot studia volumele edițiilor Rosarium-ului conservate în biblioteci din mai multe orașe din Centrul și Estul Europei, încercând să răspund următoarelor întrebări: Cine au fost proprietarii? Ce însemnări marginale au făcut cititorii? Cum sunt conservate? Sunt în stare bună? Sunt degradate? Cum au ajuns volumele respective în bibliotecă? Câte exemplare din Rosarium se găsesc într-o anumită colecție? Sunt ele mai numeroase sau mai puțin numeroase în raport cu celelalte lucrări ale lui Pelbartus din aceeași colecție? Răspunsul la aceste întrebări va oferi o soluție pentru o interogație mai generală: A fost Rosarium-ul folosit ca manual în studia franciscane din Centrul și Estul Europei după Conciliul Tridentin? Ceea ce urmează reprezintă numai o mică parte a unui demers mai amplu 3 .
New Europe College 'Ștefan Odobleja' Program Yearbook 2017-2018, 2018
The present contribution interprets the results of the statistic of explicit sources employed in ... more The present contribution interprets the results of the statistic of explicit sources employed in the first volume of Pelbartus of Themeswar’s Rosarium. This author was a late 15th century Hungarian Observant Franciscan who wrote a number of texts that were real “bestsellers” in his time and in the century following his death. The Rosarium is his work of theoretic theology and the one closest to what might be called a medieval philosophical endeavor. By seeing who he quotes and in what way, we get to showcase his doctrinal preference for the Scotist school and, as a bonus, identify some of the works that the 15th century library of the “Saint John” Observant convent of Buda, where he worked during the last period of his life, owned.
Philobiblon, 2016
This article focuses on three aspects of Pelbartus of Themeswar’s position on learning: how one s... more This article focuses on three aspects of Pelbartus of Themeswar’s position on learning: how one should prepare before beginning to study theology, which sciences should one learn in order to better understand theology and in order to pursue a magisterium in this domain and, finally, what people have to learn in order to be saved. These three lines of investigation contour a true educational program.
Monica Brînzei, Christopher Schabel (eds.), The Cistercian James of Eltville (†1393) Author in Paris and Authority in Vienna, Brepols, Turnhout, 2018 (Studia Sententiarum, 3), 2018
The article “To Will of not to Will? James of Eltville on Whether We Must Want the Same Thing as ... more The article “To Will of not to Will? James of Eltville on Whether We Must Want the Same Thing as God” focuses on James of Eltville’s take on what it means to want the same thing as God, while in the meantime shedding light on how the Cistercian makes use of his sources.
This theological aspect is treated in the commentary to Book I, d. 48 of the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Although it might seem that desiring the same thing as the divine being means nothing more than directly wanting the precise turnout of events as God, things are not that simple: God is justified in wanting anything, whereas some of his desires are incompatible with the finite nature of the human soul. That is why, throughout his commentary, James of Eltville, making use of numerous theological sources (both explicitly and implicitly) argues for an indirect definition of “wanting the same thing as God”. That is to say that, to want the same thing as God means nothing else than to want what God wants you to want, and not the precise thing that he himself desires. This ingenious solution is the one adopted by all the 14th century authors that Eltville copies from.
Book Reviews by Alexandra Baneu
Dacoromania, 2018
Lucrarea "Creștinismul românesc. Studii istorico-filologice", deși lipsită de unitatea structural... more Lucrarea "Creștinismul românesc. Studii istorico-filologice", deși lipsită de unitatea structurală pe care ne-am aștepta să o aibă o carte, are o puternică unitate tematică. Creștinismul este urmărit istoric, în primul studiu al lucrării, intitulat "I. Orient și Occident creștin", de la pătrunderea sa în zonele locuite astăzi de români până la unirea dintre Biserica Ortodoxă și cea Catolică, petrecută în Ardeal, la sfârșitul secolului al XVII-lea, apoi tematic în următoarele trei studii ("II. Barbarii și creștinismul"; "III. Abba! Pater noster. Pater Hēmón. Otče Naš. Tatăl nostru"; și "IV. Maria-Theotókos") și în "Addenda".
Talks by Alexandra Baneu
Taking notes is a widespread practice: students, travelers, writers and scientists jot down infor... more Taking notes is a widespread practice: students, travelers, writers and scientists jot down information, impressions and empirical observations, all the while encoding these notes with their previous intellectual experience and their envisioned future use for them. The present workshop aims at decoding the notebook of Henricus de Rinfeldia, a Dominican who studied at the University of Vienna. It is preserved in the ms. Basel, Universitätsbibliothek A-X-44 on whose peculiarities and particularities the RISE project is centered. Among the elements that make this artefact extremely attractive for the researcher one can count its special material structure, the multitude of ideas that it transmits, as well as the fact that it bears witness to the teachings of the first generation of professors at the University of Vienna, whose names have been brought to the fore by this impressive witness from the obscurity of the cartularies. The papers to be presented are meant to shed new light on the practice of taking notes as well as on the role notebooks had in spreading knowledge, by analyzing the manuscript from several perspectives (codicological, paleographical, theological and philosophical).
Medicine and Philosophy The longue durée of the humoral theory, 2019
Papers by Alexandra Baneu
offer a solution to the debate. In order to do so, we follow and comment upon John of Salisbury’s presentation of contemporary theories on the subject. The interest of the second point, however, is to show how Abelard’s answer is subtle and important in itself. His theory is especially innovative due to the fact that it changes the framework of the debate: it no longer belongs to the domain of metaphysics, but to that of meaning.
universal, Abelard, nominalism, realism, John of Salisbury, status theory
Aquinas’ theory of substantial forms, but he often uses Thomas to quote Proclus.
Keywords: Albertus Magnus, Avendauth (Ibn Daud), Liber de causis, Proclus, Thomas de Aquino.
This article follows the depiction of the Calvinists and their instruments of propaganda in one of
Samuil Micu’s earliest historical texts, De ortu, progressu, conversione Valachorum, episcopis item,
archiepiscopis et metropolitis eorum (1774). There are two aspects of this movement that the
Transylvanian author mentions and tries to defame: the use of print, which made Calvinist books
readily available in the Romanian language, and the influence exercised by the reformed leaders over
the Orthodox Church. De ortu has a political propaganda itself, as it tries to argue for the right of the
Romanians to have a Metropolitan leadership, and the pejorative description of the Reformed church
serves as a means of persuasion in front of the catholic Austrian court.
This theological aspect is treated in the commentary to Book I, d. 48 of the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Although it might seem that desiring the same thing as the divine being means nothing more than directly wanting the precise turnout of events as God, things are not that simple: God is justified in wanting anything, whereas some of his desires are incompatible with the finite nature of the human soul. That is why, throughout his commentary, James of Eltville, making use of numerous theological sources (both explicitly and implicitly) argues for an indirect definition of “wanting the same thing as God”. That is to say that, to want the same thing as God means nothing else than to want what God wants you to want, and not the precise thing that he himself desires. This ingenious solution is the one adopted by all the 14th century authors that Eltville copies from.
Book Reviews by Alexandra Baneu
Talks by Alexandra Baneu
offer a solution to the debate. In order to do so, we follow and comment upon John of Salisbury’s presentation of contemporary theories on the subject. The interest of the second point, however, is to show how Abelard’s answer is subtle and important in itself. His theory is especially innovative due to the fact that it changes the framework of the debate: it no longer belongs to the domain of metaphysics, but to that of meaning.
universal, Abelard, nominalism, realism, John of Salisbury, status theory
Aquinas’ theory of substantial forms, but he often uses Thomas to quote Proclus.
Keywords: Albertus Magnus, Avendauth (Ibn Daud), Liber de causis, Proclus, Thomas de Aquino.
This article follows the depiction of the Calvinists and their instruments of propaganda in one of
Samuil Micu’s earliest historical texts, De ortu, progressu, conversione Valachorum, episcopis item,
archiepiscopis et metropolitis eorum (1774). There are two aspects of this movement that the
Transylvanian author mentions and tries to defame: the use of print, which made Calvinist books
readily available in the Romanian language, and the influence exercised by the reformed leaders over
the Orthodox Church. De ortu has a political propaganda itself, as it tries to argue for the right of the
Romanians to have a Metropolitan leadership, and the pejorative description of the Reformed church
serves as a means of persuasion in front of the catholic Austrian court.
This theological aspect is treated in the commentary to Book I, d. 48 of the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Although it might seem that desiring the same thing as the divine being means nothing more than directly wanting the precise turnout of events as God, things are not that simple: God is justified in wanting anything, whereas some of his desires are incompatible with the finite nature of the human soul. That is why, throughout his commentary, James of Eltville, making use of numerous theological sources (both explicitly and implicitly) argues for an indirect definition of “wanting the same thing as God”. That is to say that, to want the same thing as God means nothing else than to want what God wants you to want, and not the precise thing that he himself desires. This ingenious solution is the one adopted by all the 14th century authors that Eltville copies from.
lucrarii lui Pelbart din Timisoara, Aureum sacrae
theologiae rosarium