Anna Rudnichuk
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Books by Anna Rudnichuk
Yuliia BORZUN. Free love, asceticism and marriage in the era of the
High Middle Ages through the eyes of a woman: on the material of
Eloise's letters to Abelar
Ostap LAGOYDA. Social changes in England in the XIII century: from
Magna Carta to the creation of Parliament (1215–1265)
Lidiya MAZURCHAK. “Dušan's Code” as the source of the Serbian
Medieval law
Anna RUDNICHUK. Internal conflicts in German cities XIV–XV c. and
their consequences
Dmytro DYMYDYUK. The reasons of the military reforms of Marwan II
Sylwia MARSZALEK. Austrhálfa и Austrvegr ‒ Rus’ as an element of the
eastern part of the world of the medieval Scandinavians
Diana BUHAI. Historical portrait of Ragnar Lodbok: Source criticism
Mykola KOZAK. The last battle of Sviatoslav I Igorevich
Christian SKRYPKARU. Military campaigns of the Bulgarian king
Samuel on the territory of the Western Balkans in 997–
Olga BABIY. The Byzantine-Pechenegs wars 1053–1072 in perception
John Skylitzes and Michael Attaleiates
Solomiya KOZAK. From the confrontation to the union: actual issues of
Rus` and Czech relations in the context of the war for the legacy of
Babenbergs (1246–1278)
Dmytro UDALOV. The genesis of the records on the fall of
Constantinople in 1453 in the narrative sources of Grand Duchy of
Moscow (second half of the XV – beginning of the XVI cc.)
Mykhaylo GAUKHMAN. The project of Arabic dates’ collection on Rus’
history by Volf Beilis and Viktor Kriukov: history of project, models of
researches and actuality for contemporary
Papers by Anna Rudnichuk
Ключові слова: пізньосередньовічне німецьке місто, економіка, XIV-XV ст., ремесло, торгівля, податки.
An article is an attempt to research the main processes of the economic development of Rheinland cities in the days of the late medieval, in particular development of domestic economy, the legal system that regulates economic relations in cities, and the tax system. It also researches the processes of foreign trade and the material situation of artisans.
economic development of southern German cities in the days of the late
Medieval, in particular development of the tax system, trade and craft
activities and the processes of foreign trade. It also researches the processes
of interactions between South German and other regions of Germany, in
particular, between the cities of these territories.
Yuliia BORZUN. Free love, asceticism and marriage in the era of the
High Middle Ages through the eyes of a woman: on the material of
Eloise's letters to Abelar
Ostap LAGOYDA. Social changes in England in the XIII century: from
Magna Carta to the creation of Parliament (1215–1265)
Lidiya MAZURCHAK. “Dušan's Code” as the source of the Serbian
Medieval law
Anna RUDNICHUK. Internal conflicts in German cities XIV–XV c. and
their consequences
Dmytro DYMYDYUK. The reasons of the military reforms of Marwan II
Sylwia MARSZALEK. Austrhálfa и Austrvegr ‒ Rus’ as an element of the
eastern part of the world of the medieval Scandinavians
Diana BUHAI. Historical portrait of Ragnar Lodbok: Source criticism
Mykola KOZAK. The last battle of Sviatoslav I Igorevich
Christian SKRYPKARU. Military campaigns of the Bulgarian king
Samuel on the territory of the Western Balkans in 997–
Olga BABIY. The Byzantine-Pechenegs wars 1053–1072 in perception
John Skylitzes and Michael Attaleiates
Solomiya KOZAK. From the confrontation to the union: actual issues of
Rus` and Czech relations in the context of the war for the legacy of
Babenbergs (1246–1278)
Dmytro UDALOV. The genesis of the records on the fall of
Constantinople in 1453 in the narrative sources of Grand Duchy of
Moscow (second half of the XV – beginning of the XVI cc.)
Mykhaylo GAUKHMAN. The project of Arabic dates’ collection on Rus’
history by Volf Beilis and Viktor Kriukov: history of project, models of
researches and actuality for contemporary
Ключові слова: пізньосередньовічне німецьке місто, економіка, XIV-XV ст., ремесло, торгівля, податки.
An article is an attempt to research the main processes of the economic development of Rheinland cities in the days of the late medieval, in particular development of domestic economy, the legal system that regulates economic relations in cities, and the tax system. It also researches the processes of foreign trade and the material situation of artisans.
economic development of southern German cities in the days of the late
Medieval, in particular development of the tax system, trade and craft
activities and the processes of foreign trade. It also researches the processes
of interactions between South German and other regions of Germany, in
particular, between the cities of these territories.