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      Jewish StudiesBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyLate Antiquity
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      Theological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureChristologyDoctrine of GodTheological exegesis
Ps 13 contains a so-called »change of mood« (»Stimmungsumschwung«) between vv.2–5 and v.6, a phenomenon that occurs in individual laments and petitions. Since the hitherto widely accepted explanation, according to which a priestly oracle... more
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical ExegesisPsalms studiesPsalms
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical ExegesisPsalms studiesPsalms
This book’s six essays pertain to the “piercing of the clouds,” or the experience of heavenly mysteries, which characterizes lectio divina practiced well. Moreover, these peer-reviewed essays give special attention to the practice of... more
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      MonasticismBiblical ExegesisMeditationLectio divina
Every speaker, teacher, or preacher has on some occasion encountered an audience that was either unreceptive to or unsympathetic with what he or she had to say. One dominant response to this communication breakdown given by both the Old... more
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical TheologyBiblical ExegesisBiblical Literature and Hermeneutics (esp. New Testament)
The poet and classicist Anne Carson speaks of reading and writing as a painful separation from the world, a shutting down. A person who reads and writes learns "to close or inhibit the input of his senses, to inhibit or control the... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesMidrashRabbinic Literature
Article based on a presentation given at the Thomas Latinus - Thomas Graecus. Thomas Aquinas and His Reception in Byzantium International Conference held at the Hellenic Library of Athens (Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center) in Dec. 15-16... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyMedieval TheologyHermeneutics
This dissertation explores a process of cross-cultural communication that spans centuries of time between two different cultures, that of the Hebrew speaking Israelites of the seventh-century a.C. and the Susu people of Guinea West Africa... more
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      Translation StudiesOld Testament ProphecyTranslation theoryBiblical Studies
Despite John's distinctive and theological character, however, it still renders an independent memory of Jesus of Nazareth deserving full consideration in any effectively critical quest for the historical Jesus. The question is how do to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryHistorical ArchaeologyNew Testament
Desde el resurgir del igualitarismo 1 Corintios 14:34–35, escrito por el apóstol Pablo, ha causado un revuelo interpretativo. En un sentido, se podría decir que aunque léxica y sintácticamente el significado natural de estos versículos es... more
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      New TestamentEgalitarianismFeminismBiblical Exegesis
This chapter examines some of the assumptions that are typically employed when dealing with the development of the Hebrew Bible. The first part of the chapter is a critique of the very term "Jewish Bible." It points out some of the... more
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      TheologyHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleTextual Criticism
El Apóstol en 1Cor 7, partiendo de un posible eslogan que circulaba en esta comunidad «bien le está al hombre abstenerse de mujer» (v. 1), desarrolla el tema de la sexualidad, del matrimonio y también de la renuncia al matrimonio, todo... more
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      Biblical StudiesBibleBiblical ExegesisSan Pablo
The murmuring narratives of the books of Exodus and Numbers depict Israel in the desert as constantly complaining. By taking these ten narratives, Walter Bührer shows that and how Israel's murmuring is more and more negatively interpreted... more
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      TheologyAncient Near EastHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastBiblical Exegesis
Since Charles Darwin made the theory of evolution popular, the church has been faced with the problem of either denying the validity of evolution or finding a way to interpret the Bible that will harmonize with both an old-earth scenario... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHuman EvolutionBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
From pragmatical point of view there are three ways to read the Bible. The first, here called philological or analytical, has been cultivated in the Bible departments of continental theological schools since the Enlightenment. According... more
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      Classical philologyBiblical ExegesisBiblical HermeneuticsHistorical criticism
Engl. Abstrakt befindet sich unmittelbar nach der Titelseite.
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew BibleRabbinicsJudaism
This article argues that the narrator of 1 Samuel presents Saul as a sacrificial victim. As the first king, he becomes the object of divine wrath that arises from Israel's request for a king. His suffering and death redirect divine wrath... more
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      Books of SamuelLiterary Approaches to Biblical StudiesBiblical ExegesisBiblical Narrative
The purpose of this paper is to provide a case for the Exodus mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a historical event. In an academic environment where most people simply ignore certain parts of the Bible due to the so-called "supernatural"... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesTheology
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
For me, Bernd's great commentary evoked two contradictory sayings. The ancient Alexandrian librarian, Callimachos gave us an epigram that became proverbial, "Mega biblion, mega kakon-Big book, big evil." But Epimenides produced a... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
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      Theological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Biblical ExegesisHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Reading verses like Matthew 28:18-20 was previously seen as that “missionary” statement – for those who felt called to foreign missions – as it was always used to promote and propagate missionaries and their work overseas. Yet, it was... more
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      Biblical ExegesisNew Testament StudiesEpistle of James
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      New TestamentTextual CriticismHermeneuticsBiblical Studies
Der folgende Aufsatz versucht, eine zusammenfassende Darstellung aller orthodoxen Stellungnahmen bezüglich der historisch-kritische Methode sowie aller westlicher Positionen dem kirchenväterlichen Bibelverständnis gegenüber. Zumindest auf... more
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      Biblical ExegesisPatristic Exegesis
Palestine is known as the birthplace of Christianity. However the Christian population of this land is relatively insignificant today, despite the continuing institutional legacy that the 19th century Western missionary focus on the... more
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      Contextual TheologiesLiberation TheologyLatin American Liberation TheologyIsrael/Palestine
This is an abridged version of my "Counting Stars with Abraham and the Prophets" (JETS 2015). Paul’s application of the “seed” designation to both Jews and Gentiles in Christ marks a redemptive-historical shift from an age of promise to... more
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      TheologyHebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyOld Testament Theology
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      ReligionTheologyHebrew BibleTextual Criticism
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      Hebrew BibleHistoricismBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
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      Jewish StudiesHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonBibleBiblical Exegesis
Recent canonical approaches to reading the Psalter either take the form of a macrostructural level in which a thematic center is proposed for the entire book of the Psalms, whether it be reading the psalms from the wisdom frame, a... more
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      Old Testament TheologyOld TestamentBook of PsalmsBiblical Exegesis
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      RomansApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersBibleBiblical Exegesis
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      Old Testament TheologyBiblical Exegesis
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      ArchaeologyBiblical ExegesisHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesPrayerNew Testament and Christian Origins
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      New TestamentHermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsBiblical Studies
This Survey Chart was created for Dr. Andreas Köstenberger and the biblical backgrounds Ph.D. seminar at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for Second Temple Jewish and Greco-Roman literature. This chart surveys the key literature,... more
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      New TestamentOld Testament TheologyEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies
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      ChristianityJewish StudiesNew TestamentHistory of Christianity
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
An increase of cross-cultural learning as a consequence of increased travel and migration between Egypt and the Levant during the Iron Age occurred after millennia of migration in earlier times. The result was an Egyptian-Levantine koine,... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyIconographyEgyptian Art and Archaeology
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      TypologyNorthrop FryeNorthrop Frye (Literature)Biblical Exegesis
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesCatholic TheologyBiblical Theology
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      Biblical ExegesisNew Testament TheologyJohannine StudiesNew testament exegesis
Isaiah 6 is filled with brilliant imagery, passion, and religious depth that stir the calling of God in the souls of believers, especially in the first eight verses of the chapter. But, the mood quickly changes, as Isaiah 6:9-13 records... more
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      TypologyOld Testament TheologyOld TestamentTheological exegesis
A quick overview of Israel’s history reveals a tendency among Israel to continually sway away from the original purposes of their covenant with Yahweh, that is, to be “a holy people to Himself” (Deut. 28:9). Hosea’s life and prophetic... more
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      HermeneuticsBiblical ExegesisHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical TheologyBiblical ArchaeologyBiblical Interpretation
كتاب "لغة الله في التقليد الآبائي" من إعداد مارك شريدن وترجمة الباحثين بيشوي جرجس وموريس وهيب، يهدف كتاب "لغة الله في التقليد الآبائي" إلى توضيح كيف فهم اللاهوتيون المسيحيون المبكرون المعضلة التي تطرحها النصوص التي تنسب الخصائص والعواطف... more
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      PatristicsBiblical StudiesBiblical Exegesis
Focusing on the work of N.T. Wright, J. Louis Martyn, and Douglas Harink, in this essay I offer a theological analysis of the debate between salvation-historical and apocalyptic readings of Paul as a debate in Christology. I argue that in... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyTheological Interpretation of Christian Scripture
Biblical scholars have long debated the identity of the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. Most Christians identify the servant as Jesus and interpret Isaiah 53 as a description of Jesus’ unique, substitutionary death. However, Isaiah 40–55... more
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      Old Testament TheologyBiblical StudiesBible TranslationCorporate Anthropology