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Co-edited with Delphine Antoine-Mahut. The first English translation of some of Victor Cousin's most important philosophical writings for over 150 years, accompanied by extensive contextual and analytic resources from a team of... more
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      MetaphysicsPlatoGerman IdealismNineteenth-Century Continental Philosophy
O propósito deste estudo é refletir sobre duas questões em Heloísa de Argenteuil (1090-1163/64), quais sejam: (i) o que é filosofia? (ii) A fêmea humana é naturalmente capacitada para o exercício da filosofia?. A reflexão está dividida em... more
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Est-il possible de parler d’intentionnalité au Moyen Âge et notamment avant la redécouverte du De anima d’Aristote ? Une réponse peut être recherchée au travers de l’étude de l’attentio chez Abélard à laquelle ce livre est consacré. La... more
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      Philosophy of MindMedieval PhilosophyBoethiusNoetics
This paper examines a groundbreaking innovation to medieval Easter plays: the creation of the extra-biblical merchant scene, in which the Marys purchase spices prior to their Visitatio Sepulchri. The patron of its earliest known... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMedieval DramaMedieval Theater and Performance
Nous avions déjà évoqué dans un précédant chapitre le lien que nous faisons entre la parution de la Querelle des Diagnostics, consécutive en psychiatrie à celle du DSMIII et au discrédit médiatique de la psychanalyse qui depuis lors... more
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      ReligionGenre studiesJacques LacanImmanuel Kant
El título de esta ponencia sugiere el alcance práctico de la investigación filosófica agustiniana. La conversión en la literatura protréptica significaba una reconquista de sí mismo a través del retorno a los principios y la ruptura con... more
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      Filosofía medievalSan Agustín de HiponaFe Y Razón
En 1143, l'abbe de Cluny Pierre le Venerable annonca a Heloise la mort de son epoux Pierre Abelard, et sa lettre de "consolation" s'ouvre par un eloge de cette abbesse modele, presentee comme une femme forte, et... more
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      HumanitiesArtPeter AbelardBenedictine Monasticism
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      Peter AbelardMedieval Autobiography
This paper offers an explanatory approach to the emergence of medieval nominalism from the perspective proposed by the Argentine historian José Luis Romero. Romero suggests that there is a double source, namely, a historical and a... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoriographyMedieval NominalismNominalism
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The paper discusses the importance of the contacts between Abelard's and Kant's ethics which have been proposed by various scholars. It argues that we cannot deny that Abelard ascribed an autonomy to the human actor only because he saw... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyKant's Practical PhilosophyPersonal and Moral AutonomyConscience
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      John WyclifHeresy and InquisitionJoan of ArcMarsilius of Padua
I present the tables in Ibn Mubārakshāh's commentary on the Epistle, adding to them my own table for 1-premise inferences. I am grateful to Khaled El-Rouayheb for alerting me to the value of this work, and offering me a manuscript of it;... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic EducationArabic Logic
IRÈNE ROSIER: Grammar, Logic, Semantic. Two Conflicting Doctrines in the Thirteenth Century: Roger Bacon and the Modistae The complex interplay between grammar and logic in the 12th and 13th centuries is an important element in... more
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      Medieval GrammarRoger Bacon
Priscians Institutiones Grammaticae , which rely on Stoic and Neoplatonic sources, constituted an important, although quite neglected, link in the chain of transmission of ancient philosophy in the Middle Ages. There is, in particular, a... more
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    • Peter Abelard
No dia 16 de Agosto de 1968 foi-me parar às mãos um livro que se deve à pena de um certo abade Vallet, Le Manuscript de Dom Adson de Melk, traduit en français d'après l'édition de Dom J. Mabillon (Aux Presses de l'Ablaye de la Source,... more
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In this paper, “physicalism” claims that moral good and evil of actions can be determined merely by their physical features, in contrast to acts of the will. More precisely, exterior actions have a moral good or evil independently of... more
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      EthicsThomas AquinasAction Theory
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      PhilosophyHistorical Studies
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesThomas AquinasFilosofía medieval
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    • Biblical Literature and Hermeneutics (esp. Old Testament)
El autor propone una relectura de la primera parte de la Logica ingredientibus; después de un breve análisis del método filosófico aplicado por el magister palatinus –articulado en tres momentos: expositivo, crítico y resolutivo– intenta... more
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      MetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyAristotleHistorical Theology
Cet article vise à montrer que le perfectionnement est une modalité de toute éthique dialectique qui s’opère dans toute situation herméneutique où le sujet se confronte au savoir pratique pour décider de son action. D’Aristote à... more
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      EthicsPhilosophieHuman SciencesAristotle/Phronesis/Praxis
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      Magical RealismExpressionism
O passo do Lysis que se trata de considerar neste breve estudo tem o carácter de uma "peça" de um puzzle muito mais vasto – e tudo o que veremos corresponde justamente à natureza fragmentária e unilateral que uma... more
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This chapter is focused on thirteenth-century logical hylomorphism. It describes an original chapter in the history of logical form, when argument had "substantial forms," namely syllogistic forms, and when logical matter did "matter," as... more
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      LogicHistory of LogicPhilosophy of Logic
Spoken sentences have parts. Therefore they take time to speak. For instance, when you say, 'Socrates is running', you begin by uttering the subject term ('Socrates'), before carrying on to the predicate. But are the corresponding... more
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      Philosophy of MindMedieval PhilosophyAristotleTheories of Meaning
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Les œuvres en vers les plus célèbres d’Abélard sont ces poèmes d’amour composés pour Héloïse au temps qu’il la séduisait ; mais ils sont perdus, et c’est en vain qu’on les cherche. La célébrité de ces textes inconnus a laissé dans l’ombre... more
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      Medieval LatinPeter Abelard
Se explicita el acto educativo según la Q.11 del De Veritate de Santo Tomás de Aquino y se ofrecen algunas respuestas a las aporías abiertas por san Agustín en torno al acto de aprender.
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      Thomas AquinasEducación
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The lecture on logic, which an anonymous scholar from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth delivered in 1612 at the University of Ingolstadt, is one of the oldest sources related to the teaching of logic in our region. The author reveals... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of LogicGrand Duchy of LithuaniaKingdom of Poland
Petrus Lombardus beschränkt die Gültigkeit der These Abelards auf eine ausschließlich "allgemeine" These, vgl. Lottin (1954(1)), S. 319: "La thèse abélardienne reste donc [bei Petrus Lombardus] vraie dans sa généralité, ne souffrant... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval CultureCharisma
Eine alternative Übersetzung von Iris Murdoch, The Sovereignty of Good
mit Vorwort, Kommentaren und einem Anhang
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    • Moral Philosophy
A definição de vício tem como função, na economia do texto, distingui-lo do pecado. O vício é uma inclinação da vontade. Encontra-se na alma (anima) e, quando existe, está sempre presente, mesmo sem que se manifeste como ação. Além disso,... more
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Ġslâm düĢünce tarihinde, gerek teolojik gerekse felsefî problemlere yönelik farklı çözüm arayıĢları hep ileri sürülmüĢtür. Bu arayıĢların en temel hedefi, dinsel fikirlerin ve dilin ardında bulunan önemli noktaların ortaya çıkarılması ve... more
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Nueva traducción al castellano, siguiendo la edición crítica de R. Ilgner, publicada en el Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis 190 (2001).
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      Medieval PhilosophyFilosofía medievalPeter AbelardHistory of Medieval Philosophy
Progress is a structural and systematic concept in the thought of Origen of Alexandria, which represents one of the most advanced syntheses of the Christian reading of the Old and the New Testaments’ legacy and the classical paideia, as... more
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      GnosticismIntellectual HistoryReception StudiesPolitics
L'entreprise peut paraître étrange qui consiste à comparer les conceptions hégélienne et bourdieusienne du «sens pratique» au prisme du type de normativité qui leur est liée et ce, d'abord, au regard de son objet même. En effet, s'il est... more
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year of the reign of 'Ali "amir al-muslimin," second king of the Berber Almoravid dynasty, rulers of Moorish Spain from 1071 to 1147. Córdoba, the capital of Andalus and the center of the Almoravid holdings in Spain, is a bustling... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionSociologyComparative Philosophy
Mevlânâ Celâleddîn Rumî'nin ahlak öğretisinde mutluluk konusunun ele alındığı bu çalışmada Mevlânâ'nın mutluluk kavramına yüklediği anlamların incelenmesi ve etik değerinin gösterilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada daha çok... more
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    • Philosophy
Two medieval philosophers who live at the same time in two very different philosophical worlds form almost mirror images of each other.
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      Peter AbelardJudah HaleviKuzariWritings of Abelard and Heloise
Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la clasificación de virtudes que se encuentra en la Ysagoge in theologiam, un texto anónimo de mediados del siglo XII que puede considerarse como una de las primeras sumas sistemáticas de... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval TheologyVirtues (Moral Psychology)Victorines
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      PoliticsTolerationReligious Identity
The genealogy of Hersendis de Campania in a new light!
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      Peter AbelardHeloise and AbelardReligionsgeschichte
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    • Philosophy
Pourquoi l'Église a-t-elle condamné Pierre Abélard, intellectuel hors du commun ? Derrière l'accusation d'hérésie se cachent des rancoeurs personnelles et une institution en train d'affermir son pouvoir sur l'ensemble de la société.
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    • Pierre Abelard
Platonic Investigations / Платоновские исследования 19.2 (2023): 341–362. DOI: 10.25985/PI.19.2.15. The publication presents the text and a commented Russian translation of the xii-century Goliardic poem Metamorphosis Goliae Episcopi,... more
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      Peter AbelardGoliardic PoetryThe school of ChartresMedieval Platonism