Peter Abelard
Most downloaded papers in Peter Abelard
On Augustine's attitudes towards Stoicism and the way they have influenced the reception of both in Abelard, Petrarch, Lipsius, Senault, Pascal, and Malebranche.
Résumé : Dans cet article, on présente une modalité spécifique de transmission textuelle, celle de la reportatio, concernant deux pratiques didactiques du XIIe siècle, à savoir la lectio et la disputatio. L’objectif est de donner une... more
The Mystic Ark is a forty-two page description of the most complex work of art from the entire Middle Ages: a painting also known as The Mystic Ark. The purpose of the painting was to serve as the basis of a series of brilliant... more
From the tenth through the twelfth centuries some manuscripts containing Virgil's poems contain the musical notation known as neumes. Thereafter such notation of Virgil apparently ceases for centuries. The neumes (and singing) may have... more
La distinzione tra sacramenti e sacramentali è fortemente influenzata dagli eventi storici. La difficoltà cessa di esistere se facciamo ricorso all'interpretazione tipologica di epoca patristica. Ogni sacramento e ogni rito è una diversa... more
"The romantic tale of Peter Abelard and Heloise has been widely known for centuries. The legend relates in part to the letters exchanged between the two, years after Abelard had been castrated at the behest of Heloise's vindictive uncle,... more
In 1887, Paul Tannery suggested that some ancient Pythagoreans defended a form of atomism against which Eleatic philosophers such as Zeno of Elea reacted. Later, Democritus and Leucippus on one hand, Plato on the other, developed... more
This collection of essays represents Professor Harjeet Singh Gill's preoccupation with the semiotics of conceptual structures in language, literature, art and culture since 1964 when he joined the Centre National de Ia Recherche... more
Diante das perspectivas correntes no século XII, ou seja, o realismo e o nominalismo, Pedro Abelardo, mestre clérigo da Escola Catedral de Paris, propõe, fundamentalmente na Logica Ingredientibus, uma terceira via: o conceitualismo. Tal... more
The chapter explores the forms of sacralized mastership characterizing ecclesiastical cultures of learning in northern and western Europe from the ninth to the twelfth centuries. The main focus is on changing contemporary assumptions... more
In recent times, scholars have turned their attention to distilling whatever morsels of intellectual thought they could gleam from Heloise’s letters to Abelard, in search for signs of independence of thought in her, and to determine... more
"As a letter writer Peter Abelard is known best for the autobiographical Historia calamitatum, which presents itself ostensibly as a consolatoria [epistola] to an unnamed friend, and his correspondence with Heloise, which amounts to seven... more
This paper summarizes medieval definitions and divisions of consequences and explains the import of the medieval development of the theory of consequence for logic today. It then introduces the various contributions to this special issue... more
This paper examines Abelard's engagement with disputation (disputatio) from the vantage point of twelfth-century scholasticism. Eschewing the well-worn details of Abelard's personal life and philosophical positions, analysis is instead... more
The medieval Church's concern with moral reform contributed to the emergence of a genre of literature in the thirteenth century dedicated to the vices and virtues. Inspired by monastic and scholastic traditions, treatises such as Laurent... more
As a person trained primarily in philosophy, Peter Abelard employed an intense questioning mentality in fleshing out his theological ideas. His extreme debating style of totally deconstructing theological positions and then afterward... more
de Carvalho e Edições MínervaCoímbra. Reservados todos os direitos de acordo cora a leςislaçãο em vigor MínervaCoímbra 2001 APRESENTAÇÃO Reúnem-se aqui dois estudos, desiguais por natureza, que se ocupam de um linicο autor, o curioso e... more
Resumo: Essa dissertação discute de maneira sistemática as acusações e condenações por heresia de Pedro Abelardo (1079 – 1142), notável monge e filósofo bretão. Embora Abelardo seja um popular objeto de análise – e paixão – entre os... more
Brève liaison amoureuse que celle de Héloïse et Abélard. Un conte cruel dont bien des péripéties sont obscures. Chanoine Fulbert abuse de sa « nièce » Héloïse, enceinte à son insu. Elle s’éprend de son beau prof Abélard qui la cherche.... more
In this essay I would like to investigate the interplay among three interrelated topics in the culture of the long twelfth century, which is the twelfth century with the addition of fifty years from the eleventh and twenty-five from the... more
The discussion of universals in Peter Abelard's Logica 'Ingredientibus' has been interpreted in many ways. Of particular controversy has been the proper way to interpret his use of the term status. In this paper I offer an interpretation... more
This is the First Edition of our Annuario Academico for 2016-17, which we are sharing on to solicit interest from prospective students to study with us. Note that the edition is Polyglot, but the canonical version is the... more
La réflexion qui suit est un essai pour lire les pratiques intellectuelles de l'université médiévale à la lumière des outils heuristiques habermassiens, avec toutes les précautions que le comparatisme historique requiert : quelle pourrait... more
La réflexion qui suit est un essai pour lire les pratiques intellectuelles de l'université médiévale à la lumière des outils heuristiques habermassiens, avec toutes les précautions que le comparatisme historique requiert : quelle pourrait... more
The medievals held that a supreme rational power, God, is the cause of all being and all becoming. The world is created from nothing by a Creator, and is at all times sustained in its existence by that same Creator. The view squares well... more
Resumen. Se presenta aquí la traducción bilingüe del pasaje 13:8-10 del libro IV de los Commentaria in epistolam Pauli ad romanos de Pedro Abelardo, en el cual el autor comenta la sentencia paulina del amor como plenitud de la ley. El... more
This article discusses Peter Abelard's conversion from Logic and Aristotle to Rhetoric and Scripture. The implications for this conversion affect his Trinitarian theology and conception of Platonism.
According to Renaissance research it is possible to establish the exact date when the mythical figure of Hermes Trismegistos was rediscovered in Latin literature: it happened in 1463, when Marsilio Ficino finished his translation of the... more
La notion de personne – radicale pour la période médiévale et transversale aux champs de la théologie, la morale, le langage et la psychologie abélardienne – est, dans les mots du philosophe, plurielle. Elle signifie différemment pour le... more
The fourteen essays collected in this book were written between 1972 and 2012. With such a time span among them you might expect their themes to be disparate, but you would be only partially right. These essays are wide ranging in the... more