Recent papers in Petrarch
Nella letteratura italiana dal XIV al XVIII secolo ha discreta fortuna e circolazione il tema della sconfitta del dio dell’amore, umiliato e privato delle proprie armi soprattutto dalle donne. A partire dalle fonti classiche... more
Appena tornato a Firenze [sc. da Padova, nell'aprile 1351] il Boccaccio si propose di donare al suo ospite, forse una copia della corrispondenza tra Dante e Giovanni del Virgilio, certo un esemplare della Commedia. E da uno scrittoio... more
Starting from Pliny’s representation of Italy the paper deals with the construction of Italian identity in the so called laudes Italiae and other passages by early modern authors Im Rahmen des trinationalen Graduiertenkollegs »Erzählen, Weltverstehen und-darstellen in Mittelalter und Renaissance: Möglichkeiten der Integration nationaler Forschungsansätze und Schwerpunkte«... more
L'ultime canzone du Canzoniere de Pétrarque est adressée à Marie, figure virginale et céleste dont le poète espère qu'elle saura le détourner définitivement de Laure et étouffer l'amour pondus qui le lie à cette dame au laurier, "celle... more
En el presente artículo pretendemos observar, principalmente, la translatio del poema épico "Africa" de Petrarca a la obra de Antoni Canals, "Scipió e Anibal", en-marcado dentro de la prosa catalana de finales del XIV-principios del XV,... more
Petrarch’s reception in Czech lands from the 14th century to nowdays: Petrarch’s contacts with Charles IV’s court in Prague, his reception in the age of Reformation and Humanism, Petrarch in historical libraries, Czech translations and... more
“Blue Universe (flowers of symbiosis)” is a book containing a love poem, divided into four parts in ascending progression: from the beholding and idealisation of the Beloved Woman (I); the approach (II); the discouragement (III); in the... more
En las páginas finales de la primera traducción completa al español del Canzoniere de Petrarca (Madrid, 1591) 1 , el traductor Enrique Garcés, incluyó un texto suyo original que, por su excepcional interés histórico, ha llamado la... more
Petrarca e Agostino a confronto su un passo virgiliano (En. VI, 730-734): nota sul finale del primo libro del Secretum Sulla scia di un filone critico che, seppur minoritario, ha messo in luce la rilettura platonica della cultura... more
L’ultimo verso del sonetto 319 contiene un’immagine che non pone problemi ai moderni (a partire dall’Ottocento), ma nei secoli precedenti è sempre stata travisata o persino condannata dai commentatori. A partire da tale verso, l’analisi... more
Scholarship on Petrarch has generally intepreted the figure of Laura-as-Medusa as a projection of the poet's internal conflict between sacred and profane love. Such a reading takes Medusa as a threat to Petrarch's agency. Yet Petrarch's... more
This paper examines Petrarch's Canzoniere as an attempted mediation of the poet's fragmented self, creating a 'space of coexistence' between the poet's intrinsic human desire and sorrow and his Christian reason. I choose 'attempted' as... more
The dialogue treatise De remediis utriusque fortune is often considered a repetitive work of little literary value. A previously neglected dialogue, "De totius corporis dolore ac languore vario" (II, 114), deviates from the overall... more
Cet ouvrage raconte l’incroyable histoire du citoyen romain le plus célèbre du Moyen Âge, Cola di Rienzo (1313-1354). Homme instruit et brillant, il subjugue les foules par de beaux discours, rêve de rendre Rome à son antique gloire et... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
Cracolici, Stefano. ‘The Art of the Invective: “Invective Contra Medicum”’. In Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works, edited by Victoria Kirkham and Armando Maggi, 255–62, 440–49. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Il saggio indaga i motivi e i temi dell'Itinerarium di Francesco Petrarca e propone un'identificazione per il destinatario della Fam. XXIII 11
Torino, ex Sala Lauree della Facoltà di Lettere via sant'Ottavio, 20 -piano terra 10-12 Febbraio 2015 Le Giornate Internazionali Interdisciplinari di Studio sul Medioevo hanno lo scopo di creare uno spazio qualificato di incontro e di... more
The stereotypical image of Marcus Tullius Cicero as the best orator and the worst poetaster in the history of literature was born as far back as in Antiquity. It swiftly spread with the development of instituted schooling and became an... more
Les oeuvres littéraires qui se construisent en amont et en aval d’un axe vertical sont légion, si bien que les topos de la verticalité en deviennent une image de la littérature. Cette verticalité est aussi celle de la transcendance, que... more
The period known as the Italian Renaissance witnessed a rebirth of Greek learning and, along with it, a renewed impetus to translate the two epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, attributed to Homer in antiquity. During the course of one... more
La critica ha chiarito la considerevole presenza del poeta aretino nella lirica novecentesca ed ha illustrato le letture petrarchesche di Giuseppe ungaretti, nell'opera del quale l'eredità di Petrarca rappresenta ben più di qualche... more
Essay published in: Nordic Museology, 28 (2020), 1, pp. 8-22. Writers’ and artists’ residences developed into museums only at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries, when houses inhabited by Walpole, Rousseau... more
Petrarch in Provence. A Valley, a Town, a Mountain Francesco Petrarch used to define himself as an eternal pilgrim having lived in numerous different places. He spent a significant part of his life in the Provence region in southern... more
Il saggio considera l'insieme degli atteggiamenti di Petrarca nei confronti del cibo, testi-moniati da una lunga serie di passi sparsi nella sua opera, e in particolare in alcune impor-tanti lettere «Senili». Da questo esame risultano... more
In his Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, Petrarch demonstrates in a hitherto unseen manner how love is extremely ambiguous. Love is at one and the same time that which creates his identity, and that which dissolves it anew, it is simultaneously... more