Showing posts with label snowflake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowflake. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Mini Album Snowy Holidays by Karine

Mini Album Snowy Holidays


Let me show you today my latest wintery album! This “frosty” mini album isn’t that small after all since its size is 20x20cm. Your prettiest pictures from your holidays in the mountains will perfectly fit in this album.

Supply list:

Vacances à la neigekit
Cardstock: American Crafts
Papers: Studio Calico, 4heures37
Alphabets: Pink Paisley
Wood Embellishments: Studio Calico
Stickers: 4heures37
Sequins: Ephéméria


658300 : Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
658778 : Sizzix Texture Fades Embossing Folders 2PK-birch-trees-candy-stripes-set
660040 : Sizzix Bigz Die with Textured Fades-Layered Snowflakes

I am very proud of this mini album! It contains my favorite pictures at present and I love its color combo and its 1001 details!

For the first page I had fun cutting an XXL pretty snowflake out of Kraft cardstock!
It is glued with 3D adhesive and in its center I inserted a wood accent (glued in 3D), a small piece of ribbon and silver sequins. This pretty snowflake is self-sufficient and is a good way to let know what awaits you after this page!

To stick to the Nature atmosphere, I embossed a white cardstock with a “branches” folder. As for embellishments, I embossed some stamped patterns and added splashes with watercolor to bring some more softness to the whole…

Here are some pictures of this wintery album…

See you in a few!


Mini album Vacances à la neige
Bonjour !

J'ai le plaisir de vous présenter aujourd'hui mon dernier mini album hivernal ! Un mini pas si petit que ça complètement givré au format 20x20cm, pour vos plus belles photos de vacances en montagne.

Matériel :

Cardstock : American Crafts
Papiers : Studio Calico, 4heures37
Alphabets : Pink Paislee
Embellissements bois : Studio Calico
Etiquettes : 4heures37
Sequins : Ephéméria

Dies utilisés :

658300 : Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
658778 : Sizzix Texture Fades Embossing Folders 2PK-birch-trees-candy-stripes-set
660040 : Sizzix Bigz Die with Textured Fades-Layered Snowflakes

Un mini dont je ne suis pas peu fière ! Tout d'abord parce qu'il contient mes photos préférées du moment mais également pour son combo de saison et ses 1001 détails !

Je me suis amusée pour la page de garde à découper un joli flocon XXL dans du cardstock kraft ! Celui-ci est monté en 3D il est complété à son centre par une décoration en bois également montée en volume et d' un petit morceau de ruban et des sequins argenté. Une joli flocon qqui se suffit à lui-même et annonce bien la suite vous ne trouvez pas ?

Pour rester dans cette ambiance nature, j'ai embossé une plaque branches dans du cardstock blanc, côté décoration des tampons embossées et des éclaboussures à l'aquarelle pour apporter un peu de douceur...

Je vous laisse en images avec quelques visuels de mon album hivernal...


Thursday, 26 February 2015

Two lovely cards by Karine


Today let’s go back to card making with my favourite seasonal colour combo!

Supply list:

Papers: Heidi Swapp, Gossamer Blue
Cardstock: American Crafts
Tracing paper: Studio Calico
Transparency: Crate Paper
Enamel Dots: Simple Stories
Gold Masking Tape
Stamp: Bloomini Studio
Ink: Black Versafine

658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3
659957: Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

These are two cards very easy to realise with paper scraps. They will come as a gift within my kits.

The two cards are matted on dark kraft cardstock so that they stand out well.

I used my Big Shot to cut out a pretty snowflake out of black cardstock. It is simply stapled, not glued) which means it can pivot on the card!

So as to add brightness and a gold touch, I had fun with my masking tape. Three little strips of glitter gold masking tape are fixed on a paper scrap. With my “Love” die, I cut out two pretty hearts out of a pattern paper scrap.

These are glued with 3D adhesive foam pieces.

Simply add a “Thank you” stamp pattern on your cards.

Have a lovely day,



Aujourd'hui retour de la carterie avec deux nouvelles cartes avec mon combo de saison préféré !

Matériel :
Papiers : Heidi Swapp, Gossamer Blue
Cardstock : American Crafts
Calque : Studio Calico
Transparent : Crate Paper
Enabel Dots : Simple Stories
Masking Tape doré
Tampon : Bloomini Studio
Encre : Versafine noire

Dies utilisés:
658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3
659957: Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

Retour de deux petites cartes très simples à réaliser toujours avec des chutes de papiers pour accompagner mes kits :)

Les deux cartes sont mattées sur du cardstock kraft foncé pour bien les faire ressortir.

J'ai utilisé ma Big Shot pour découper un beau flocon dans du cardstock noir, celui-ci est simplement agrafé et non collé ce qui fait qu'il peut pivoter sur la carte !

Pour ajouter un peu de brillance et de dorure je me suis amusée avec mon Masking Tape. Trois petites bandes de Masking Tape pailleté or sont collées sur une chute de papier. A l'aide de mon die “ Love” j'ai ensuite découpé ma chute de papier afin d'obtenir deux jolies coeurs.

Ces derniers sont montés en 3D à l'aide de mousse.

Complétez simplement vos cartes avec un tampon en guise de remerciement.

Bonne journée


Thursday, 12 February 2015

It's a Snow Day by Karine


I’m delighted to be with you today for this new wintery realisation!

Supply list:

Papers, labels: Custom&Craft
Cardstock: American Crafts
Stickers: Héma
Masking Tape
Enamel Dots: Studio Calico
Rhinestone: Ephéméria
Stamps: Hero Arts
Ink: Chalk Prima
Stabilo Pen68

658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
660058: Sizzix Thinlits Die Set17PK-Holiday Words-Script
660040: Sizzix Bigz Die w/Texture Fades-Layered Snowflakes
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3

This is a page built around 4 small vertical pictures (colour and black & white).

I cut 2 different snowflake patterns out of black cardstock. As the snowflakes are quite large, I chose to glue them under my pictures, which still allows us to see their pattern!

I use the colour combo of my pictures to embellish my creation: mustard yellow, black and blue. Rhinestones, dots, labels and small strips of masking tape, for instance.

The Custom & Craft background paper will be colorized with Stabilo Pen68 felt-tip pens. Then I added some splashes, some stamped patterns and my page is almost done!

Simply add the title “Winter”, which is cut out of red cardstock from the Holiday Words – Script die set.

Have a lovely day,


Bonjour !

Je suis ravie de vous retrouver ce jour avec une nouvelle création hivernale !

Matériel :

Papiers, étiquettes : Custom&Craft
Cardstock : American Crafts
Stickers : Héma
Masking Tape
Enabel Dots : Studio Calico
Strass : Ephéméria
Tampons : Hero Arts
Encre : Chalk Prima
Stabilo Pen68

Dies utilisés:
658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
660058: Sizzix Thinlits Die Set17PK-Holiday Words-Script
660040: Sizzix Bigz Die w/Texture Fades-Layered Snowflakes
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3

Une page composée autour de quatre petites photos verticales en couleur et noir & blanc.

J'ai découpé ici 2 flocons avec des dies différents dans du cardstock noir. Etant donné leur taille assez imposante, j'ai choisi de les coller sous mes photos sans pour autant les cacher !

J'ai repris les couleurs de mes clichés à savoir : jaune moutarde, noir et bleu pour décorer à l'aide de multiples embellissements tels des strass, des dots, étiquettes et petits morceaux de Masking Tape.

Le papier de fond Custom & Craft sera colorisé avec des Stabilo Pen68, quelques éclaboussures, quelques tampons et ma page est pratiquement terminée !

Ajoutez simplement un titre “Winter” découpé dans du cardstock rouge grâce au die Holiday Words-Script.

Bonne journée


Friday, 23 January 2015

Homemade Cookies Layout by Anna

Hi friends, how are you doing on this pretty Friday morning? It's Anna here to share some ideas using Sizzix products.
I hope you are feeling creative today because my hands were busy preparing an inspirational layout for you!
The Sizzix Bigz L Die - Stacked Snowflakes by Tim Holtz is so incredibly cute, and I thought it would be perfect to record my small love affair with these Christmas cookies. Let's be honest, with gorgeous well put together items like these...scrapbooking has gotten a whole lot easier :)

cafe creativo - sizzix big shot - scrapbooking christmas cookies (1)

Soothing colors, layers of doilies, die-cuts & tags with gold foil accents...
Mix polyester fabric & paper glitters, creating the feeling of a chilly, snowflake filled page.

cafe creativo - sizzix big shot - scrapbooking christmas cookies (2)

Use a large die-cut snowflake with doily & sequins, adding further Christmas/ Winter Ambience.
The word Cookies was die cut using Tim Holtz’s Word Play XL Bigz alphabet die.

cafe creativo - sizzix big shot - scrapbooking christmas cookies (3)
cafe creativo - sizzix big shot - scrapbooking christmas cookies (4)

Thanks for joining me today! Happy Friday!
Items used:
Sizzix Big Shot Machine (657900)
Sizzix Bigz L Die - Stacked Snowflakes (660052)
Sizzix Bigz XL Alphabet Die - Word Play (657837)
scrap of paper patterned
glitter paper
polyester fabric
paper doily
gold tags (Ikea)
paper clip
foam board tape
stapler and staples
sewing machine and thread
Per le amiche italiane! :)

Ciao, sono Anna e sono qui per condividere alcune idee utilizzando i prodotti Sizzix.
Questa settimana le mie mani sono state impegnate a preparare un layout, che spero possa essere di ispirazione per voi!
La fustella Sizzix Bigz L Die - Stacked Snowflakes di Tim Holtz è talmente carina, che ho pensato fosse perfetta per creare gli abbellimenti della mia pagina, che documentano la realizzazione dei biscotti regalati agli amici a Natale. Onestamente, con fustelle splendide come queste... lo scrapbooking è molto facile! :)
Per realizzare questa pagina ho optato per colori rilassanti come il turchese-verde acqua, sovrapposizioni di centrini, candidi fiocchi fustellati e tag con effetto oro metallizzato.
Ho inoltre mescolato pezzetti di tessuto poliestere (quello finto organza, per le tende!) e tocchi di carta glitter, per creare la sensazione di una giornata invernale, riempiendo la pagina di fiocchi di neve.
Ho aggiunto al centro della composizione un grande fiocco di neve fustellato, che insieme al centrino ed alle paillettes, contribuisce a creare l'ambiente natalizio/invernale.Sapete poi che a me le cuciture sulle pagine mi piacciono sempre molto e fatico a non metterne qualcuna ;)
La parola Cookies l'ho creata tagliando del cartone con la versatile fustella di Tim Holtz Bigz XL Alphabet Die - Word Play.

Grazie per avermi seguito fin qui! Felice Venerdì!
Sizzix Big Shot Machine (657900)
Sizzix Bigz L Die - Stacked Snowflakes (660052)
Sizzix Bigz XL Alphabet Die - Word Play (657837)
strisce di carta scrap
carta glitter
tessuto di poliestere (simil organza)
centrino di carta
tag oro (Ikea)
spago bicolore
scotch spessorato
cucitrice e graffette
macchina per cucire e filo

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Christmas cards by Karine-Pink style !


I am very pleased to be here with you for Christmas! I take the opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and I hope you will spend enjoyable moments with your family!

Supply list:

Cardstock: American Crafts
Papers: Scrap Plaisir, American Crafts
Glitter Masking Tape: Hema
Metallic dots, pink accent: Ephéméria
Stamp: Craft Origine, Stampers Anonymous
Ink: Black Versafine, Chalk Prima
Others: Cloth


658300 :  Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
660041 :  Sizzix Texture Fades Embossing Folder 2PK-Beaded Garland & Snowflakes Set
659994 :  Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3

Here are three Celebration matching cards! I used pattern paper scraps to mat my pictures, Bristol or white cardstock to emboss and bring volume, and glitter cloth to cut the pretty snowflakes!

The recipe is the same for the three cards. I emboss a seasonal pattern: here the pretty garlands and the snowflakes are embossed in a white cardstock. I cut large snowflakes out of seasonal patterned cloth with my Bigz Dies. I add stamped labels, matching masking tape, Ephemeria small metallic dots and we’re done!
The title “Joyeuses Fête” is a Craft Origine stamp that is printed, cut into strips and glued with 3D adhesive.

Merry Christmas to you all!



Un grand plaisir de vous retrouver aujourd'hui en ce jour de Noël ! J'en profite pour vous souhaiter d'excellentes fêtes et surtout de bons moments en famille !

Matériel :

Cardstock : American Crafts
Papiers : Scrap Plaisir, American Crafts
Masking Tape pailleté : Hema
Pastilles métalliques, attache rose : Ephéméria
Tampon : Craft Origine, Stampers Anonymous
Encre : Versafine noire, Chalk Prima
Divers : Tissu

Dies utilisés :

658300 :  Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
660041 :  Sizzix Texture Fades Embossing Folder 2PK-Beaded Garland & Snowflakes Set
659994 :  Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3

Trois petites cartes de voeux assorties pour souhaiter de bonnes fêtes ! J'ai utilisé des chutes de papiers imprimés pour matter mes photos, du Bristol ou du cardstock blanc pour embosser et donner du relief et du tissu paillété pour découper les jolis flocons !

La formule est la même pour les 3 cartes, j'embosse un motif de saison comme ici les belles guirlandes et les flocons dans du papier blanc. Je découpe de gros flocons avec mes Bigz Dies dans du tissu de fêtes. Je rajoute des étiquettes tamponnées, du masking tape assorti, des petites pastilles métalliques Ephéméria et le tour est joué !
Le titre "Joyeuses Fêtes" est un tampon Craft Origine imprimé, découpé en bandelette et monté en 3D.

Joyeux Noël à vous tous !


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Juleaften / Christmas Eve

Today is the day: In Denmark we celebrate Christmas today not on the 25th which means that almost every Danish family is busy preparing Christmas dinner, decorating the tree and watching Disney's Christmas cartoons today. I wanted to wish all of you a very merry Christmas with a simple Christmas card.

I went with a blue, white and kraft colour scheme to enhance my wintery Christmas greeting. I picked colours for my snowflakes and other embellishments from the patterned paper I chose.

The snowflakes are created using dies from Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Christmas Trims, Triplits Die Set 9PK - Ornaments and Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette. It is always fun to be able to mix and match dies like that.

And with that I will wish all of you:
Glædelig jul
(Merry Christmas in Danish)


Supply list:
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Christmas Trims
Triplits Die Set 9PK - Ornaments
Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette
Patterned paper
Cardstock: Bazzill, Staples & Papertrey Ink
Stamps: Trine Brandt-Lassen design
Ink: VersaFine Onyx Black

Så er det juleaften, og det betyder jo, at nærmest alle danske familier er i gang med de sidste juleforberedelser: Der pyntes træer, steges and og flæskesteg og Disneys juleshow bliver set. I den anledning lavede jeg et hurtigt, enkelt julekort med mine ønsker for højtiden.

Jeg valgte et blåt, hvidt og kraft farvetema til at understøtte min vinterlige julehilsen. Snefnuggene og andre dekorationers farver er udtrukket fra det mønstrede papir, jeg brugte.

Fnuggene er lavet med dies fra Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Christmas Trims, Triplits Die Set 9PK - Ornaments og Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette. Det er altid sjovt at kunne mixe og matche dies fra forskellige sæt.

Og med det vil jeg ønske jer alle
en rigtig glædelig jul

Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Christmas Trims
Triplits Die Set 9PK - Ornaments
Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette
Mønstret papir
Karton: Bazzill, Staples & Papertrey Ink
Stempler: Trine Brandt-Lassen design
Sværte: VersaFine Onyx Black

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Snowflake decoration by Olga

Hello all!

Today I would like to share with you my tree decoration. In a couple of days my kid and I are going to decorate a fur-tree so I think this will look great on it))

The products I used:

Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Holiday Greens (658759)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 17PK - Labels
Sizzix Bigz Die w/Texture Fades - Layered Snowflake

Have a nice day!


Monday, 13 October 2014

Snowflake rosette and borders dies!

So, those Christmas cards... well, if you are organized it would be a would idea to start them now. Here you have an idea using one of my latest dies for Sizzix, Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette - 659978.

The set consist of 9 dies, three borders, a rosette die, a snowflake, a flower and three circles. To make the rosette you will need two lengths of it, so just die cut it twice.

You can make it larger or smaller, but I like my rosette to have eight points, so I trim two on both. Then I glue the ends.

I die cut two circles to secure it in place. I used cool glue gun, a big blop of glue in the centre. 

I pushed the center to the glue. Then I used the smaller circle on top and pushed down to secure it in place.

One of the borders included in the set is the one I call Candy Cane as creates the diagonal lines of the sweet. This one fits nicely on a A6 card creating the apertures.

Perfect for a red card with a white insert. The second border has dots and stars and this one mesures up 6 inches tall and it does cut all four borders.

Quickly, I assembled this Christmas card with all the elements.
Good luck with your Christmas cards!