Table of contents - Special Issue: Social media metrics in scholarly communication: exploring tweets, blogs, likes and other altmetrics Guest Editors: Dr Stefanie Haustein, Dr Cassidy R. Sugimoto and Dr Vincent Larivière The thematic orientation of publications mentioned on social media: Large-scale disciplinary comparison of social media metrics with citations Rodrigo Costas, Zohreh Zahedi, Paul
Altmetric news Keep up to date with all Altmetric news and announcements. Altmetric introduces Bluesky as a new social media tracking source Altmetric has expanded its tracking capabilities by integrating Bluesky, the rith over 20 million users, as a new attention source. Altmetric expands research impact tracking with addition of Clinical lines Clinical
In the 16th Library Fair Japan, the author gave a talk to introduce altmetrics.Read less
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New York / Heidelberg, 29 January 2014. Springer announced that it has added altmetrics infailable on SpringerLink (link.springer.com), the publishing company's online platfline activity around scholarly literature. The addition of this feature makes the a
When will librarians start research support with altmetrics to their researchers? Altmetrics is an emerging field that uline mentions to measure impact beyond traditional citations. Mendeley readership counts influence altmetric scores. Librarians are well-positioned to support researchers' understanding of altmetrics through inf
【概要】 昨今、"Open Access=Access+Reuse"の定義のもと、欧米では論文への障壁無きアクセスのみならず、論文データの再利用の議論が盛んになっています。また、論文だけでなく、研究データのOA化を義務付ける動きが著しい状況です。一方、オープンになった論文、データに対し、ソーシャル上での反応など、論文の被引用数といった従来の評価指標とは異なる手法によってその影響度を測る"Altmetrics"も注目されています。そこで今回のSPARC Japanセミナーでは、今年のOpen Access Weekのテーマである"Redefining Impact"とも呼応しながら、研究成果のインパクトについて焦点を当て、今後の多様な学術情報流通の展望ならびに課題について議論してみたいと思います。
トップページ>ユサコニュース一覧>第240号 新たな論文評価指標Altmetrics:図書館員が利用者に対して行うべき支援 「ユサコニュース」では創刊以来、国内外の学術・研究情報に関するトピックスを月1回お届けしています。 学術論文の影響度を測る指標として,近年ソーシャルメディアを活用した"Altmetrics"という新しい論文評価指標が注目されている。新たな指標に対し図書館側はどのように対応していくべきなのか。米国の大学・研究図書館協会(ACRL)が発行している"College and Research Libraries News"に,"Riding the
Library Journal and School Library Journal combine editorial & marketing expertise to conduct and present the most up-to-date library market research available. These comprehensive and reliable reports use real data to help answer hard questions and aid decision making. Our in-house research experts conduct a variety of surveys each year focused on different aspects of public, academic, special an
College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News) is the official newsmagazine and publication of record of the Association of College & Research Libraries, providing arttrends and practices affecting academic and research libraries. C&RL News became an online-only publication beginning with the January 2022 issue.