As part of the Mobile Infrastructure for Libraries programme I am pleased to announce that 6 new projects have recently received funding, with projects starting in November and finishing in August 2012. The majority of the projects are innovating around library content and services to develop prototypes for the innovative delivery of scholarly content and library services. The projects will also
Part of the JISC Mobile Infrastructure for Libraries programme The objective to “address the challenges involved in delivering quality academic content to mobile devices” has been largely met. Many of those challenges will take time to resolve, such as the issue of third party materials being provided in f
1. M-‐Library Community Support Project Report on current m-‐library activity December 2012 Jo Alcock Pete Dalton Eugenie Golubova Yvonne Graves Evidence Base Library and Learning Resources Birmingham City University 2. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thanks Owen Stephens (Owen Stephens Consulting) and Ben Showers (JISC) for their input into survey development and dist
3月28日 農業は地球の環境悪化の緩和に重要な役割を果たす フランス農学・獣医学・林学研究院 アグリニウム会長 マリオン・ギュー 氏 3月8日 近未来SF漫画で描かれるテクノロジーの未来 漫画家 山田胡瓜さん 12月28日 「世界中の望遠鏡が協力して中性子星合体を観測 ―重力波と光の同時観測『マルチメッセンジャー天文学』の幕開けは、何を意味するのか?」 理化学研究所仁科加速器研究センター 玉川 徹 氏 4月13日 《JST共催》『ひかり×ひと』-『情報ひろばサイエンスカフェ』で大学院生と中高生らが語り合う 「科学と社会」推進部 4月10日 「持続可能な食の未来へ」をテーマに「ノーベル・プライズ・ダイアログ東京2018」開催 世界中からの食の専門家が集結 「科学と社会」推進部 4月2日 《JST主催》「トップサイエンスによる社会変革への挑戦」―JSTの第2回ACCELシンポジウム開催 サイエ is for sale and could be yours! £449 GBP The domain could be used for a website or online platfaimed at helping users locate libraries in the United Kingdom. The website could offer a search function where users can enter their location or other criteria to find libraries nearby. It could provide inf