Historiography of Linguistics
Most downloaded papers in Historiography of Linguistics
This work consists in the grammaticographical analysis and critical edition of the first Spanish grammar published in France, La Parfaicte Methode pour entendre, escrire, et parler la langue espagnole (LPM) by Antoine Charpentier (1596),... more
Introducción / 1. Semblanza bio-bibliográfica / 2. Producción científica y literaria / 3. Nebrija y la lingüística de su tiempo / 4. Los principios doctrinales y metodológicos de la filología nebrisense / 5. Las teorías de Nebrija sobre... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
In virtù dell'analisi dei testi linguistici di Benedetto Varchi, rimasti manoscritti fino all'Otto e al Novecento, si individuano le tappe in cui, in concomitanza con gli studi di testi aristotelici (la logica al primo posto), nell'autore... more
La notion de valeur est souvent présentée comme l’une des clés de la théorie de la langue proposée par Saussure. Mais elle est aussi l’un des concepts les plus difficiles et les plus discutés de l’édifice saussurien. Dans la présente... more
Las cuatro ediciones de la Fonología española de Emilio Alarcos RESUMEN La Fonología española (1950)(1951)(1952)(1953)(1954)(1955)(1956)(1957)(1958)(1959)(1960)(1961)(1962)(1963)(1964)(1965) de Emilio Alarcos Llorach fue la primera... more
This paper presents the concept of ‘grammatical metaphor’ as it has been introduced and developed within the theory of SFL [Sytemic Functional Linguistics]. Its purpose is purely historiographic, i.e. it merely presents the emergence of a... more
The category of pronominal locutions has been neglected in grammatical descriptions as well as in phraseological studies. This is mainly due to the theoretical complexity of the very concept of pronoun. This chapter has a double aim: on... more
The paper presents the pubblication of the unknown and incomplete grammar of Giovanbattista Strozzi the Younger (1551-1634), discovered in the manuscript Magl. IV.30, preserved in the National Library of Florence (Biblioteca Nazionale... more
A lexicografía é, nos estudos lingüísticos do galego, unha liña de atención preferente e incesante desenvolvemento. Neste volume reúnense 19 contribucións resultantes do convite feito polo Instituto da Lingua Galega a distintos... more
A pesar de lo ambicioso y sugerente del título, este trabajo no pasa -ni podría pasar-de ser una aproximación al tratamiento de la conjunción en un corpus dado de gramáticas del español publicadas entre 1700 y 1835. Son dos los factores... more
As pessoas que listo a seguir estiveram, de um modo ou de outro, envolvidas no processo de elaboração deste trabalho. Entre as diferentes razões que me levam a lhes dizer "muito obrigada", destaco apenas as mais prosaicas e óbvias, já... more
Redazione informatica e impaginazione a cura di ARUN MALTESE ([email protected]) È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e... more
Quem quer falar uma lingua, deve conversar com os omens que a-falam bem. Mas nam para aqui a reforma: deve-se dar um paso mais adiante, e acrecentar muita coiza, em que é defeituosa a lingua Portugueza.
This paper focuses on Tullio De Mauro’s practice of historiography as a fundamental element of theoretical linguistics due to epistemological reasons. This practice can be traced back to his critical commentary on Saussure’s Cours de... more
The aim of this paper is to reconsider Antonio de Nebrija's influence on missionary linguistics, especially with respect to grammar. The first part deals with the influence of the «Introductiones», and the presence of the «Gramática... more
El debate acerca de la unidad y la diversidad de las lenguas, de los límites entre leguas y dialectos, de la corrección e incorrección idiomáticas; en definitiva, del tratamiento de la variación lingüística, forma parte de la reflexión... more
The majority of scholars have used the well-known traditional classification of Prakrit words in tatsama, tadbhava, deśī in the context of historical linguistics. Therefore they have the tendency to identify tadbhava words with words... more
The main objective of this work was to analyze continuities and discontinuities regarding the way syntax was treated in Brazilian Portuguese grammars from the 19th century. With such a purpose, the following six works were selected:... more
Даследуецца развіццё беларускай літаратурнай мовы 1920–1930-х гг. у яго сувязях з развіццём прэскрыптыўнага адгалінавання беларускай лінгвістыкі. З выкарыстаннем матэрыялаў перыядычнага друку і архіваў аналізуюцца акалічнасці фарміравання... more
Comparative and historical study of Dravidian languages generally known as Comparative Dravidian Linguistics (henceforth CDL) has reached an age of 200 years in 2016. Reaching 200 years of development is a significant milestone. It is... more
Le présent article aborde le problème de l’auctorialité du Cours de linguistique générale, publié en 1916 par Ch. Bally et A. Sechehaye, avec la collaboration d’A. Riedlinger, sous le nom d’auteur de Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913).... more
A chamada primeira República Portuguesa, declarada; como se sabe, no dia 5 de outubro de 1910, o projeto de um regime mais democrático em substituição da velha e gasta monarquia portuguesa que tão aparentemente já não podia responder a... more
У дапаможніку выкладзена гісторыя беларускага мовазнаўства 1918–1941 гг. Кніга складаецца з 12 раздзелаў. Пададзена перыядызацыя гісторыі беларускай лінгвістыкі міжваенных гадоў, асэнсаваны яе прэскрыптыўна-нармалізацыйны характар і... more
El tema de mi comunicación es la tradición filológica en la Península Ibérica de los siglos XVI y XVII en su integridad. Aun reconociendo la existencia de dos escuelas filológicas nacionales distintas – la española y la portuguesa – en el... more
The aim of this paper is to present the results of the analysis of the most important dictionary prologues published in Latin America during the nineteenth century. This takes into account the treatment of some ideas that were frequent... more
Si dà conto del ritrovamento nella Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze del «Trattato di lingua toscana», considerato perduto, che Francesco Bonciani (1552-1620), accademico "Aspro", scrisse per conto della fiorentina Accademia degli... more
A historiographical review of Galician Sociolinguistics between 1967 and 1997.
The ancient Greek and Byzantine notion of ‘dialect’ and the term used for it, dialektos, have received some attention in scholarly literature (e.g. Hainsworth 1967; Cassio 1984; Morpurgo Davies 1987; Lambert 2009). However, an extensive... more
The paper deals with the origin and development of the scientific discourse about the Belarusian language in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. The following topics are discussed: 1. The identification of Belarusian after the... more
Después de su llegada a Montevideo en marzo de 1950, Eugenio Coseriu desarrolla, a los largo de algo más de una década, una inmensa actividad intelectual y científica. La intensidad, amplitud temática y sistematicidad de esa labor nos... more
The object of this essay is to give an account of the linguistic polemic that arose towards the end of the last century between Prince L.-L. Bonaparte and other Basque scholars, like W. J. van Eys, J. Vinson and A. Luchaire. This aspect... more
En este trabajo, abordamos las formas escolares del análisis desde la interpretación que realizan pedagogos y gramáticos españoles. En concreto, ofrecemos un breve acercamiento a los tratados de Pedro Martínez como ejemplo de evolución de... more