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This paper discusses pronominal clitics in Ketama Berber (Western Rif, Morocco). Ketama Berber is usually considered as a variety of Senhaja Berber. It is the westernmost and the most divergent Senhaja variety. The paper is based on... more
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      PronounsPronominal systemCliticsPersonal Pronouns
Pronominal orientation is widely argued to be universal component of human languages. Meanwhile, the pronominal system of Philippine languages (henceforth, PL) has always been an obscure subject of investigation. With approximately 150... more
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      Computer SciencePhilippine languages and linguisticsPronominal systemTagalog
See German and English abstracts at the beginning of the article.
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      Contact LinguisticsWelsh linguisticsGermanic linguisticsEnglish language
Türkçenin en eski yazılı tanıklarından beri, üçüncü tekil şahıs iyelik ekinin üzerine bir çekim veya türetme eki getirildiğinde bu iki ek arasında “pronominal n” adı verilen bir /n/ sesi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Türkçede benzer bir /n/ sesi,... more
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      Yeniseian LanguagesOld TurkicTürk DiliUralic languages
Although nobody doubts today that a Ural-Altaic protolanguage is an obsolete idea there still exists some peculiar conformity between Uralic and Altaic that cannot easily be explained by simple borrowings. In this article some... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
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      Thai StudiesLinguisticsPronominal system
The category of pronominal locutions has been neglected in grammatical descriptions as well as in phraseological studies. This is mainly due to the theoretical complexity of the very concept of pronoun. This chapter has a double aim: on... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsPronominal systemPragmáticaHistoriografia Linguística
The phraseological category of pronominal idiom is located at a crossroad among several grammatical categories: noun phrases, nominal idioms, and even pronouns. Although it has a certain theoretical development, the existence of... more
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      History of LinguisticsDeixisPronounsHistory of Linguistic Thought
The distinction between direct and indirect speech has long been known not to reflect the cross-linguistic diversity of speech reporting strategies. Yet prominent typological approaches remain firmly grounded in that traditional... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage DocumentationSyntax
The paper explores the position of Hittite enclitic personal pronouns within the enclitic chain. It is suggested that the placement variation was much wider spread than is standardly acknowledged and is not parallel for plural and... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsAnatolian StudiesHittitology
As is widely known, verbal clitics in Berber include the pronominal series (IO and DO) and the directionals (DIR: ventive and ientive, although the latter might be absent). The clitics can appear together in a clitic chain, with maximally... more
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      PronounsClitic DoublingPronominal systemClitics
El objeto de esta contribución es el estudio de los pronombres del tipo (1-4), denominados tradicionalmente "pronombres opcionales", "dativos superfluos" o "dativos éticos". Aquí usaremos el término "pronombres superfluos" y... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsPronominal system
This volume brings together a cross-section of recent research on the grammar and representation of pronouns, centering around the typology of pronominal paradigms, the generation of syntactic and semantic representations for... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPronounsLinguisticsGrammar
➲ Español en contacto con el tzutujil en Guatemala: cambios en el sistema pronominal átono de tercera persona RESUMEN: En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en una comunidad bilingüe... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsHispanic LinguisticsSpanish language varieties
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      Mande LanguagesPronominal system
The goal of this study is to analyse both the use of lo and null object to refer to third person direct objects in an oral corpus of Quechua-Spanish bilinguals from the district of Chinchero (Cuzco). The analysis was performed through... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsHispanic LinguisticsSpanish language varieties
Pronominal orientation is widely argued to be universal component of human languages. Meanwhile, the pronominal system of Philippine languages (henceforth, PL) has always been an obscure subject of investigation. With approximately 150... more
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      Philippine languages and linguisticsPronominal systemTagalog
• RESUMO: Como parte das pesquisas sociolinguísticas desenvolvidas no interior do projeto ALIP (Amostra Linguística do Interior), privilegiamos, neste artigo, a apresentação de resultados gerais decorrentes da investigação de três... more
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      SociolinguisticsPronominal systemVerbal Agreement
The distinction between direct and indirect speech has long been known not to reflect the crosslinguistic diversity of speech reporting strategies. Yet prominent typological approaches remain firmly grounded in that traditional... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage Documentation
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      AnimacyPapuan LanguagesPronominal system
En estas páginas presento los resultados de un análisis exploratorio sobre el uso de las fórmulas pronominales de tratamiento para la segunda persona singular (tú, usted) en la ciudad de Guadalajara, estado de Jalisco, México.
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSpanish LinguisticsPronouns
Desde un enfoque descriptivo, con sustento en un marco tipológico funcional, se analiza la marcación de las categorías de persona y número en la palabra verbal del chichimeco jonaz (ISO-639-3 pei), lengua otopame hablada en el estado de... more
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      MorphosyntaxMorphophonologyVerbal MorphologyPronominal system
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      Anthropological LinguisticsLanguage and GenderIroquoian linguisticsPronominal system
Pronominal systems are among those with the highest degree of variability in varieties of English. This may in part be due to the fact that many standard English varieties display some irregularity which is often 'remedied' in speech... more
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      SociolinguisticsSyntaxPronominal systemNull Subjects
Although under existential threat in the secular world, Yiddish continues to be a native and daily language for Haredi (Hasidic and other strictly Orthodox) communities, with Hasidic speakers comprising the vast majority of these.... more
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      Yiddish LanguagePronounsHasidismPronominal system
[EN] This paper addresses some comparative aspects of the 3rd person possessive pronouns seu and dele in Modern Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Old Portuguese (OP). Following Müller (1997) and Menuzzi (1999, 2003) we propose that the BP... more
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      Brazilian PortuguesePossessivesPronominal systemOld Portuguese
Chapter to appear in L. Wetzels, J. Costa and S. Menuzzi, eds., "Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics", Wiley/Blackwell. Abstract: The chapter discusses some of the properties of pronominal forms in the two main varieties of Portuguese –... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceEuropean PortugueseBrazilian PortuguesePronominal system
This poster describes the system of subject pronouns in the Rhaeto-romance variety of Gardenese, and proposes an account inspired by Roberts (2010). Moreover, it shows that Cardinaletti&Starke's (1999) tripartition should be revised
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesSyntaxPronounsPronominal system
This paper discusses the pronominal system of Odual, which has five subsets of pronouns: personal, reflexive, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite. A noteworthy feature of the system is the distinction between inclusive and... more
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      SyntaxPronounsPronominal systemAfrican Languages and linguistics
No português brasileiro (doravante, PB), já está mais do que provado que a concordância verbal (CV, daqui em diante) de primeira e de terceira pessoa do plural (1PP e 3PP, daqui em diante, respectivamente) é regra variável. Normalmente,... more
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      Pronominal systemVerbal Agreement
This paper presents a predication analysis of clitic pronouns in Modern Greek. Specifically, I propose that pronominal cliticization involves covert clitic left dislocation of a non-overt pronoun. The distribution of pronominal clitics in... more
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      PredicationLinguisticsPronominal systemClitics
The present Paper analyzes the pronominal System in Aeschines. This is especially importât becouse here we can find many uses that later, in the koiné, become widerspread. For instance we find the reduction from three to two forms of... more
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      PronounsLinguisticsKoine Greek languageLingüística
This article presents the results of an interpretive analysis of direct historical accounts, which deal with pronominal placement pronominal placement in General Brazilian Portuguese, according to the concept of Rosa Virgínia Mattos e... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeHistory of SlaveryEthnosyntaxCultural Studies; Sociolinguistics; Linguistics and Politics
‘The dynamics of Nepali pronominal distinctions in familiar, casual and formal relationships’, pp. 151–203 in Paul Bouissac, ed., The Social Dynamics of Pronominal Systems: A Comparative Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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      Gender StudiesLanguage DocumentationNepaliIndo-Aryan Linguistics
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      Slavic LanguagesSlavic LinguisticsGeneral linguisticsPronominal system
An online survey (N = 210) is presented on how the perceived utility of correct and exaggerated countermeasures against Covid-19 is affected by different pronominalization strategies (impersonal form, you, we). In evaluating the... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyMoral PsychologyLanguages and Linguistics
Sens dubte les combinacions de dos pronoms àtons és un dels principals maldecaps de tots aquells qui estan a favor d'una llengua més fàcil, encara que sigui a costa de l'expressivitat, de la propietat i de la unitat de la llengua. Per... more
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      Catalan StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsCatalan LanguagePronouns
Съпоставителното изследване на близкородствените езици поражда интерес у лингвистите от дълго време и множество явления, присъщи на два или повече езици, вече са описани чрез метода на съпоставяне. В настоящото изследване се разглеждат... more
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      Russian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMorphologyPronouns
Seit Anfang 2014 läuft am Institut für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Zürich das SNF-Projekt „The Greater Burma Zone – a transitional zone of languages and peoples“, das sich mit Myanmar und angrenzenden Gebieten aus... more
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      PronounsFieldwork in linguisticsMyanmarAreal linguistics
The phraseological category of pronominal idiom is located at a crossroad among several grammatical categories: noun phrases, nominal idioms, and even pronouns. Although it has a certain theoretical development, the existence of... more
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      History of LinguisticsGrammaticalizationPronounsPhraseology
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsTypology
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      PragmaticsDiscourseSyntaxPronominal system
This paper studies the perception of the use of the pronominal system in classroom context of some professors from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, of the University of the Republic (Uruguay). The sample consists of 12... more
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      PolitenessPerceptionsPronominal systemUruguayan Spanish
We examine the varying role of conditions on grammatical relation marking (namely animacy and volitionality) by looking at different languages of one family, using both existing descriptions and working with specially prepared video... more
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      PronounsAnimacyPronominal systemVolitionality
Como parte das pesquisas sociolinguísticas desenvolvidas no interior do projeto ALIP (Amostra Linguística do Interior), privilegiamos, neste artigo, a apresentação de resultados gerais decorrentes da investigação de três fenômenos... more
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      PsychologySociolinguisticsLiterary studiesPronominal system
En este artículo se muestra la forma en que la utilización de la segunda persona tiene un valor central en el modo en que el género musical argentino llamado “Cumbia Villera” establece una divisoria valorativamente no neutra entre... more
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