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In this paper, framed within linguistic historiography, we describe the ideas of Chilean conservative politician, historian and journalist Ramón Sotomayor Valdés (1830-1903) about the role of the dictionary in language standardization in... more
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      Language IdeologyHistoriography of LinguisticsLexicografía españolaHistoriografía Linguística
Per multiplum ad unum "As armas e padrões portugueses postos em África, e em Ásia, e em tantas mil ilhas fora da repartiçam das três partes da terra, materiaes sam, e pode-as o tempo gastar: peró nã gastará doutrina, costumes, linguagem,... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsPortuguese LanguageText Books of Portuguese LanguageConfluência
Book note
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      History of LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsDialectologyDialects of English
We contrast the points of view expressed by Rudolf Lenz in La oración y sus partes (1920) with those raised by Andrés Bello in the Gramática de la lengua castellana destinada al uso de los americanos (1847), highlighting those in which... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilosophyHistoriography of LinguisticsAndres Bello
belonged to the core of the Prague School and after the death of Vilém Mathesius he was even the president of the Prague Linguistic Circle. In spite of this he is almost unknown in the world. With the present volume, the authors wish -in... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsLinguisticsHistory of Linguistic Thought
El tema de mi comunicación es la tradición filológica en la Península Ibérica de los siglos XVI y XVII en su integridad. Aun reconociendo la existencia de dos escuelas filológicas nacionales distintas – la española y la portuguesa – en el... more
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      Portuguese StudiesRenaissance StudiesHistoriographyHistory of Science
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      Historiography of LinguisticsHistoriografia LinguísticaHistory of Orthography
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      History of LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsBiographyHistoriography of Linguistics
Soledad Chávez: Reseña Los diccionarios del español moderno Pedro Álvarez de Miranda,  Gijón: Trea, 2011, 246 páginas. En: Boletín de Filología 48, 2013, 231-238
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      Historiography of LinguisticsHistorical lexicographyHistorical LexicologyHistory of the spanish language
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      History of LinguisticsHistoriography of Linguistics
У дапаможніку выкладзена гісторыя беларускага мовазнаўства 1918–1941 гг. Кніга складаецца з 12 раздзелаў. Пададзена перыядызацыя гісторыі беларускай лінгвістыкі міжваенных гадоў, асэнсаваны яе прэскрыптыўна-нармалізацыйны характар і... more
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      Belarusian StudiesSlavonic LanguagesHistoriography of LinguisticsSlavic Linguistics
The 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII) was held at the Center for the Studies in Letters (CEL), headquartered at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), in Vila Real,... more
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      History of LinguisticsHistoriography of Linguistics
Tarih Teorisi, romanlardan tablolara, müzikten siyasi tartışmalara kadar pek çok örneği içine alarak bu hareketli araştırma alanına taze, açık seçik ve sağlam temelli bir giriş yapmak isteyenler için ideal bir çalışma. Kitap; tarihin ne... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoriographyMedieval HistoriographyHistoriography
El debate acerca de la unidad y la diversidad de las lenguas, de los límites entre leguas y dialectos, de la corrección e incorrección idiomáticas; en definitiva, del tratamiento de la variación lingüística, forma parte de la reflexión... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeSpanish LinguisticsSpanish GrammarHistoriography of Linguistics
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      Historiography of LinguisticsNoam ChomskyVarro
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      Philosophy Of LanguageHistoriography of LinguisticsAncient Greek Linguistics
Este trabajo se interesa por la morfología del participio de pasado en una serie textual de treinta y cinco gramáticas de español en los dos primeros siglos de gramatización (1492-1697). Se tratan tres puntos: la descripción de la... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsSpanish GrammarHistoriography of LinguisticsParticiples
El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer los datos más relevantes de la historia editorial de los diccionarios nebrisenses, objeto de numerosas correcciones y ampliaciones a lo largo del tiempo, desde las primeras ediciones hasta 1800,... more
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      History of LinguisticsLexicographyHistoriography of Linguistics
This paper focuses on Tullio De Mauro’s practice of historiography as a fundamental element of theoretical linguistics due to epistemological reasons. This practice can be traced back to his critical commentary on Saussure’s Cours de... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsItalian StudiesStructuralism/Post-Structuralism
Introducción / 1. Semblanza bio-bibliográfica / 2. Producción científica y literaria / 3. Nebrija y la lingüística de su tiempo / 4. Los principios doctrinales y metodológicos de la filología nebrisense / 5. Las teorías de Nebrija sobre... more
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      History of LinguisticsHistoriography of LinguisticsAntonio de Nebrija
Դասընթացը նպատակ ունի արաբա֊մուսուլմանական մշակութային ու պատմական ժառանգության ընդհանուր համատեքստում ուրվագծել «Դասական արաբերենի» շուրջ ձևավորվող քերականական ուսումնասիրությունների (այն, ինչ ընկալվում է որպես Արաբական լեզվաբանական... more
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsSociology Of Scientific KnowledgeSociology of Science
The paper deals with the origin and development of the scientific discourse about the Belarusian language in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. The following topics are discussed: 1. The identification of Belarusian after the... more
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      History of LinguisticsRussian HistoryPolish StudiesSlavic Historical Linguistics
Quem quer falar uma lingua, deve conversar com os omens que a-falam bem. Mas nam para aqui a reforma: deve-se dar um paso mais adiante, e acrecentar muita coiza, em que é defeituosa a lingua Portugueza.
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      Historiography of LinguisticsHistory of the Portuguese Language
As pessoas que listo a seguir estiveram, de um modo ou de outro, envolvidas no processo de elaboração deste trabalho. Entre as diferentes razões que me levam a lhes dizer "muito obrigada", destaco apenas as mais prosaicas e óbvias, já... more
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      PhilologyLinguisticsHistoriography of LinguisticsBrazilian Portuguese
Key words: Marrism, Antimarrism, Bulgarian marrism, Miroslav Yanakiev Abstract: The paper discusses the abrupt turnabout, related to the reception of the Soviet Marrism in Bulgaria. The roots of the problem are seen in the declaration of... more
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      SyntaxHistoriography of Linguistics
Даследуецца развіццё беларускай літаратурнай мовы 1920–1930-х гг. у яго сувязях з развіццём прэскрыптыўнага адгалінавання беларускай лінгвістыкі. З выкарыстаннем матэрыялаў перыядычнага друку і архіваў аналізуюцца акалічнасці фарміравання... more
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      Slavic LanguagesBelarusian StudiesLinguistic stylisticsLanguage Ideology
A chamada primeira República Portuguesa, declarada; como se sabe, no dia 5 de outubro de 1910, o projeto de um regime mais democrático em substituição da velha e gasta monarquia portuguesa que tão aparentemente já não podia responder a... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsPortuguese LanguageHistory of Orthography
La notion de valeur est souvent présentée comme l’une des clés de la théorie de la langue proposée par Saussure. Mais elle est aussi l’un des concepts les plus difficiles et les plus discutés de l’édifice saussurien. Dans la présente... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsHistoriography of LinguisticsLingüística
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      History of LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsHistoriography of Linguistics
Las cuatro ediciones de la Fonología española de Emilio Alarcos RESUMEN La Fonología española (1950)(1951)(1952)(1953)(1954)(1955)(1956)(1957)(1958)(1959)(1960)(1961)(1962)(1963)(1964)(1965) de Emilio Alarcos Llorach fue la primera... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsFonetica Y Fonologia Del Espanol
The comparison of the Italian and Spanish Méthodes by Lancelot and of the Grammaire générale et raisonnée enables us to revise the relationship between particular grammar and general grammar, and to re-examine some historiographical... more
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      History of LinguisticsHistory of Linguistic ThoughtHistoriography of Linguistics
This work consists in the grammaticographical analysis and critical edition of the first Spanish grammar published in France, La Parfaicte Methode pour entendre, escrire, et parler la langue espagnole (LPM) by Antoine Charpentier (1596),... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsHistory of Language TeachingEnseñanza De Español Como Lengua ExtrajeraHistoriografia Linguística
L’ouvrage offre un panorama des études actuelles dans le domaine de l’histoire et de l’épistémologie des sciences du langage. Conçu en hommage à Christian Puech, qui n’a cessé de faire dialoguer la linguistique et d’autres sciences... more
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      History of LinguisticsSemioticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Philosophy Of Language
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
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      ReligionChristianityGnosticismAncient Egyptian Religion
Relevance. In modern-day Russia, Belarus, and the territories occupied by Russia, there is widespread racial discrimination against indigenous peoples by language. Schools in their native language are closed and activists fighting... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyRace and RacismHistory of ScienceRussian Nationalism
L'articolo ricostruisce la storia dei rapporti, consapevoli e inconsapevoli, fra la sociolinguistica europea, e romanza in particolare, e la sociolinguistica anglosassone.
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      SociolinguisticsHistoriography of LinguisticsSociolinguística (Sociolinguistics)Italian sociolinguistics
A lexicografía é, nos estudos lingüísticos do galego, unha liña de atención preferente e incesante desenvolvemento. Neste volume reúnense 19 contribucións resultantes do convite feito polo Instituto da Lingua Galega a distintos... more
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      LexicographyHistoriography of LinguisticsLexicografiaDictionaries
In che senso si può parlare, a proposito del pensiero linguistico di Dante, di “invenzione del latino” e “invenzione dell’italiano”? Per Dante, come per tutti al suo tempo, il latino è stato “inventato”, perché è una lingua artificiale,... more
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      Dante StudiesHistoriography of LinguisticsDante AlighieriHistory of the Italian language
The article deals with papers published in the 1960-1980s in Belarus to facilitate a more precise methodology for the historical study of the Belarusian literary language of the interbellum period. The papers are still present scientific... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsBelarusian language
Redazione informatica e impaginazione a cura di ARUN MALTESE ([email protected]) È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e... more
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      SociolinguisticsHistoriography of LinguisticsSociolinguística (Sociolinguistics)Italian sociolinguistics
Václav Machek Korespondence iii a další dokumenty z pozůstalosti Nakladatelství Lidové noviny Praha 2016 Korespondence iii Václav Machek a další dokumenty z pozůstalosti Tento svazek vychází s podporou projektu Etymologický slovník jazyka... more
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      History of LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesEtymology
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      LexicographyHistoriography of LinguisticsMorphology and Syntax
The category of pronominal locutions has been neglected in grammatical descriptions as well as in phraseological studies. This is mainly due to the theoretical complexity of the very concept of pronoun. This chapter has a double aim: on... more
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      Historiography of LinguisticsPronominal systemPragmáticaHistoriografia Linguística
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
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      History of LinguisticsBrazilian StudiesHistoriography of LinguisticsPortuguese Language
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      History of LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsHistory of Linguistic Thought
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      DialectologySociology of LanguageHistory Portuguese and SpanishHistoriography of Linguistics
Los 17 trabajos reunidos en este volumen estudian, desde una óptica historiográfica, la manifestación explícita y/o implícita de ideologías en textos de carácter metalingüístico. Tomando como eje las relaciones entre lingüística e... more
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      Language and IdeologyHistoriography of Linguistics