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On a célébré en 2007, peut-être sans lui donner tout l'écho nécessaire, les 500 ans du nom America, ou plus exactement les 500 ans de la première carte mentionnant ainsi son nom. Car c'est un fait, depuis sa prétendue "découverte" 2 en... more
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      Latin American StudiesTerminologyHistoriaLatin America
Comportamiento de la neología en tiempos de coronavirus Terminology behaviour in the context of coronavirus disease Le comportement de la néologie au temps du coronavirus
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureTerminologyAlcibiades
Our music contains almost all the aspects of our national culture. The need for the studies of common terminology in order to interpret our music through more extensive and meaningful expressions is recognized through the problems. If... more
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      MusicologyLexicologySocial SciencesEthnomusicology
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      Translation StudiesDocumentationTerminologyTeaching Translation
TemPO (TEMporalité, Pathologie orthophonique, Ontologie) is an attempt to transform a draft conceptual model created for the French orthophonie/speech and language therapy (SLT) community into an ontological resource focusing on language... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceSpeech Language PathologyOntology
An important strand of research that is often neglected in the field of affective computing is that of how users respond to simulated displays of emotion. We present an overview of the few studies that have explicitly investigated this... more
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      ReligionCognitive PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
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      Languages and LinguisticsVideo GamesTerminology
W artykule omówiono zasady konstruowania terminograficznego na różnych etapach pracy słownikarskiej. Na podstawie ogólnej i szczegółowej analizy terminograficznej oraz zasad pracy terminograficznej zaproponowano konstrukty idealnego,... more
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This research examined the influence of food label quantifier terms (e.g., Low, Reduced, and Free) on people's interpretation of implied quantity. Experiment 1 assessed people's perceptions (connotation) of eight terms to determine... more
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      TerminologyQuantifiersFood LabelingIntention to Purchase
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      TerminologyEU terminology
a standard research protocol for measuring terminology usage
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyTraductionTerminologia
The paper provides results of the frequential distribution analysis of cybersecurity terms used in the Lithuanian cybersecurity corpus composed of texts of different genres. The research focuses on the following aspects: overall... more
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      TerminologyCorpus Linguistics
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      Balkan StudiesTerminologyModern Greek HistoryConceptual History
: Several days after starting perindopril, a 71-year-old woman experienced shortness of breath and periorbital edema. She was also taking acetylsalicylic acid and bisoprolol.
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      Medical InformaticsVisualizationInformation VisualizationOntology (Computer Science)
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyTerminologySerbia
The language of tasting notes is not always precise, since it is used to express sensations that can be very subjective. Wine tasters use descriptors to express what they see, smell and taste in a wine, but these common terms are often... more
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      TerminologyCorpus Linguistics
The paper briefly describes the historical framework of terminology planning, complex history of language planning for the Croatian standard language, and the factors that led to the organized terminology work in the 21st century in... more
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      TerminologyLanguage PlanningCroatian Language
Pentru cei care au avut curiozitatea de a urmări impresionanta listă de lucrări publicate [1] a lui Eugeniu Coşeriu (subliniem publicate, întrucât savantul a lăsat în manuscris Arhivei de la Tübingen alte peste 1000 [o mie] de lucrări, în... more
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    • Terminology
This study investigates the extent to which phonological characteristics of Farsi speakers of English interfere with their intelligibility when they interact with L1 Australian English speakers. Many students who are learning English... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsUsabilitySociolinguistics
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      TerminologyCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesHuman Sciences
The article presents the major English and Polish terminology related to selected aspects of judicial and police cooperation between the EU Member States in criminal matters. The author discusses the following institutions: Eurojust, the... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLegal and Economic TranslationLegal Terminology
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      English for Specific PurposesTranslation StudiesTerminologyLegal and Economic Translation
El principal objetivo del presente trabajo será proporcionar al traductor una herramienta que le ayude a cubrir sus necesidades terminológicas cuando tenga que hacer frente a una traducción técnica, en particular, de fichas técnicas de... more
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      Educational TechnologyTranslation StudiesComputational LinguisticsTerminology
Elöljáróban szeretnénk leszögezni, hogy e helyütt nem kívánjuk érinteni a szaknyelv és a szaknyelvek oktatásának elméleti kérdéseit: nem tárgyaljuk tehát a szaknyelv(ek) és a köznyelv viszonyát, és nem foglalkozunk a kérdéskör viszonylag... more
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      EducationSpecial EducationTerminologyTalent Development
This is the official presentation of the PhD Defence held at the University of Verona on 13th June 2018.
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      CommunicationTranslation StudiesEthnographyTerminology
With their focus on terms, bilingual dictionaries are important tools for translating texts on economics. The most common type is the multi-fi eld dictionary covering several related subject fi elds; however, multi-fi eld dictionaries... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsSecond Language AcquisitionTranslation Studies
The term ‘Third Culture Kid’ (TCK) is commonly used to denote children living in a host culture other than their passport culture during their developmental years. However, its meaning in relation to other terminology referring to a... more
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      EducationChildren and FamiliesPolitical ScienceIdentity (Culture)
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceProgramming LanguagesTranslation Studies
The practice of software development has evolved considerably in recent decades, with new programming technologies, the affordability of hardware, pervasive internet access and mobile computing all contributing to the emergence of new... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringOntologyTerminology
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of ethnomusicological scientific terminology, used by one of the most known scholars in the field of Lithuanian folk music research, collector and editor of Veliuona parish Lithuanian folk songs... more
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El dominio del empirismo en la sociedad occidental alteró el significado antiguo de la medida. En el caso del estudio de la relación entre el ser humano y la computadora se considera de forma casi exclusiva parámetros físicos o... more
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      Information TechnologyDesignUsabilityUser Experience (UX)
There are a few trade names and expressions that are not exactly accurate if we look at them in a very strict way. However, written or verbal tradition have given them a wide visibility and usage among both professionals and the general... more
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R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 2 0 . Ö 7 ( E k i m ) / 6 8 3 Türkiye'de ve diğer ülkelerde bulunan mütercim tercümanlık bölümlerinde terimbilim eğitimi / D. Zeytinkaya; F. Saraç... more
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      TechnologyTranslation StudiesTerminologyTranslation
The article deals with the issues of international terms, the ways of term building and translation. The authors of the article consider the term building based on the terminological system of mining industry. As a result of research on... more
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    • Terminology
Streszczenie W rozdziale przedstawiono główne trendy w rozwoju badań terminologicznych w dwóch krajach anglosaskich: Wielkiej Brytanii i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Aby stworzyć tło do dalszych rozważań, najpierw omówiono szczególną rolę... more
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    • Terminology
This paper is a review on terminology and usage of three horizontal dashes (-, – and —) in Croatian orthographies and orthographic papers. Considerable contradictions and inconsistencies have been spotted in both terminology and practical... more
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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης Φιλοσοφική Σχολή, Τομέας Μετάφρασης του Τμήματος Γαλλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας 27–29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2002 Διεθνές Συνέδριο: Μεταφράζοντας στον 21ο αιώνα: τάσεις και προοπτικές ABSTRACT MOTO... more
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      TelecommunicationsTerminologyComputer Networking and TelecommunicationElectronics and Telecommunication
The Latin terms used to translate Alexandrian poetics are well-known in the Augustan era, but still insufficiently explored during Catullus’s times. Yet, I argue that Catullus played a major role in the constitution of the Latin... more
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The article investigates the job of an unknown dialect as an apparatus for the future financial specialists, just as the present status of worldwide normalization of coordinations phrasing. With the approach of coordinations as a... more
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      LogisticsTerminologyMarketForeign languages
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EU Project ESPRIT 2315, Translator’s Workbench (TWB I and II), April 1989 - March 1992. Universität Heidelberg. Termbank Group partners: Triumph-Adler AG, Fraunhofer Society IAO, L-Cube, Mercedes-Benz AG, Siemens AG, Siemens CDS,... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyTranslation and InterpretationTerminology Translation
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyCognitive Linguistics
A nomenclatural and bibliographic catalog of the genus-group names of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) from the New World is presented. The catalog includes 206 available genusgroup names with type species with New World localities, full... more
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In: Saṁskṛta-Sādhutā. Goodness of Sanskrit. Studies in Honour of Professor Ashok Aklujkar. Edited by Chikafumi Watanabe, Michele Desmarais, Yoshichika Honda. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld 2012, pp. 110-125.
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      HinduismBioethicsSouth Asian StudiesTerminology
Versión electrónica consultable a través de dispositivos personales: disponible para la compra en la tienda de Amazon Kindle.... more
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      Translation StudiesComputational LinguisticsMachine TranslationTerminology
A tanulmány célja a szaknyelvek szociolingvisztikai és terminológiai megközelítésének bemutatása. A szociolingvisztika körébe sorolt szaknyelvkutatás, ezen belül a szakszókincs vizsgálata kontrasztív módszerekkel történik. A terminológiai... more
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      TerminologyLSP StudiesSzociolingvisztika
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      TerminologyLSPLSP GermanTerminologia