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      Greek LiteratureArt HistoryAncient Greek IconographyRoman Architecture
Germanicus and his large family (his wife Agrippina Major and nine children) embodied in Tiberius' Rome a new political model that looked beyond the boundaries of tradition and opened up to elements that had remained outside the scene of... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsRoman History
The publication of the Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis (Rome, Giacomo Mazzocchi, 1521) was a determining factor in the development of Roman studies in the 16th-century. As the first collection of classical inscriptions from the city of Rome,... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRenaissance StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Incunabula
The paper is devoted to the cross-guard of the fragmentary dagger found in 1984 in the princely nomad burial near the village of Kosika in the Lower Volga area, belonging to the type of ceremonial daggers which were widespread in Eurasia... more
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      ClassicsGreek EpigraphyParthian EmpireCommagene
Widely revered as the father of Western literature, Homer was the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey, the epic poems which immortalised such names as Achilles, Cyclops, Menelaus, and Helen of Troy. In this vivid introduction, Elton... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerClassical philology
The Druid referenced by Julius Caesar in his Gallic War Commentaries went by the name of Diviciacus. This name was more of a title, a job description if you wish than a true personal name. Indeed, Diviciacus was the Latinized form of... more
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      Ancient HistoryCeltic PhilologyIndo-European StudiesCeltic History
Introduzione ai libri V-VI Bibliografia Sigle e abbreviazioni usate negli apparati critici Testo e traduzione libro V Testo e traduzione libro VI Commento al libro V Capitoli 1 - 8 (M. E. De Luna) p. 263 - Capitoli 9 - 12 (C. Zizza) p.... more
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      Ancient HistoryPhilosophyClassicsAristotle
《剑桥古典希腊语语法》(The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek)是一个世纪以来英语世界首部全面的古典希腊语参考性语法书。这部开创之作反映了近几十年来语言学领域取得的重要进展,为学生、教师和研究者提供了一套完备而易懂的语法论述。语音和词法部分充分吸收比较语言学和历史语言学的见解,以阐明由词根、词干和词尾构成的复杂... more
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      Greek GrammarAncient Greek LanguageClassical PhilologyClassical Studies
The kingdom of Bithynia arose during the age of Alexander and his successors, and, thanks to its ambitious and charismatic kings, became the dominant power in the Propontic area within a few decades. This book explores its emergence... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsHistoria Antiga
Sentiamo sempre più l'esigenza di opere di sintesi, che aiutino gli studenti e gli interessati ad orizzontarsi attraverso le ormai numerose sfaccettature dell'archeologia e delle sue materie complementari. Il manuale di Tonio Hlscher,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsGreek Archaeology
There is in Western culture a long-lasting tradition of attention toward apparently inexplicable events and the meaning that they can have for the community. Why observing and recording these events? Because their deviation from the... more
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      Medieval StudiesDivinationMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldClassical Studies
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryGender and Sexuality
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      Ancient HistoryHistorical AnthropologyClassical Studies
Iliad to teach a variety of skills in a poetry survey course for English majors at Boston
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      Critical PedagogyPedagogyEarly Modern LiteratureThe Iliad
RESUMEN El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de la faceta de Ártemis como diosa de ciudad, aspecto poco desarrollado en la literatura, pero que se despliega enfáticamente en un himno que presenta el crecimiento de la fi... more
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    • Classical Studies
De Carolis Ernesto , Patricelli Giovanni Anno di Edizione: 2018 Edizione: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Collane: Pompei - Guide Tematiche., 7 ISBN: 978-88-913-1703-2 Rilegatura: Brossura Pagine: 136, 50 ill. B/N, 40 ill. Col. Formato: 21 x... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryPompeii (Archaeology)Pompeii
In the fifth and fourth centuries BCE, immigrants called 'metics' (metoikoi) settled in Athens without a path to citizenship. Galvanized by these political realities, classical thinkers cast a critical eye on the nativism defining... more
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      Political TheoryPlatoImmigrationHistory Of Political Thought (Political Science)
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman ArtRoman Funerary ArtGreek and Roman Sculpture
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAugustan Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryAugustan Poetry
Syllabus for a course on women in Greek literature. The course is designed as a general undergraduate course introducing students to some of the most important and influential texts of Greek literature, while exploring the... more
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      Greek LiteratureStereotypesWomen in the ancient worldClassical philology
Scholars often define the "Persian wars" as a defining example of the 'Western mode of war' triumphing over the East. However this is incorrect. This paper aims to identify the key accumulative factors which led to the Greek triumph over... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Weapons and WarfareGreco-Persian WarsClassical Studies
Una clave para comprender, a partir de la moderna recepción filosófica, el debate sobre el pensamiento del filósofo de Efeso a mediados del siglo XIX En el prefacio a su tratado Die philosophie Herakleitos des Dunklen von Ephesus 1 dice... more
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      PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheG.W.F. HegelArthur Schopenhauer
Ita: Il rapporto di Lucrezio con il suo maestro, Epicuro, è una questione centrale nel De rerum natura di Lucrezio. Come devoto seguace dell'epicureo, Lucrezio sostiene di aderire fedelmente agli insegnamenti di Epicuro. Tuttavia, come... more
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      Latino/A StudiesArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLatin Literature
Il repertorio censisce tutti gli autori, opere e manoscritti che hanno avuto per oggetto l’interpretazione delle «Satyrae» del poeta Giovenale dal VI al XVI secolo. Nelle trentasette schede, dedicate ad altrettanti commentatori latini... more
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      Latino/A StudiesLatin LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval Studies
THE IDEA OF THE HUMBLE LOWLINESS IN THE ANCIENT GREEK THOUGHT Even though the ancient Greeks did not recognize humility as a virtue, in the later Christian sense, their literature (Solon, Hesiod, Herodotus, Euripides) and philosophy... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAncient Greek PhilosophyClassical StudiesFilozofia starożytnej Grecji
Celem tekstu jest przedstawienie magicznych, a w szczególności apotropaicznych zastosowań części ciała hieny, na podstawie fragmentu Historii naturalnej Pliniusza Starszego. W artykule opisuję biologiczną specyfikę tego zwierzęcia oraz... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsHistory of Religion
The period known as the Italian Renaissance witnessed a rebirth of Greek learning and, along with it, a renewed impetus to translate the two epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, attributed to Homer in antiquity. During the course of one... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
Белоусов А.В. «Материальный поворот» в современных исследованиях античной, средневековой и новоевропейской магии ([рецензия: ] Boschung D., Bremmer J.N. The Materiality of Magic. Padeborn, 2015 (Morphomata 20)) // Аристей. Вестник... more
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      Greek EpigraphyClassical philologyAncient Greek ReligionGreek and Roman magic
Trabajo no publicado, elaborado en el año 2007, a partir del cursado de un seminario de posgrado dictado por el Dr. Daniel Alejandro Torres en la Universidad Nacional del Sur.
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      PhilologyGreek LanguageGreek Lyric PoetryGreek Epic
This edition aims to enable intermediate-level students of Latin to read the text in the original language. A substantial introduction provides background on the woman, her text, and her times. The Latin text includes a running glossary... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureEarly ChristianitySaints' Cults
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      MagicLate AntiquityClassical Studies
This handbook addresses the methodological problems and theoretical challenges that arise in attempting to understand and represent humour in specific historical contexts across cultural history. It explores problems involved in applying... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryFrench Literature
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      ClassicsHigher EducationClassical Education TraditionSociología De La Educación
The 19th «L’ERMA» di BRETSCHNEIDER AWARD is hereby announced. The award, in honour of Max Bretschneider, the founder in 1896 of the publishing house and bookshop, is granted to the author of an academic work. Works competing for the award... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyAncient Near East (Archaeology)
Based on the experience of telling mythological stories from Metamphorphoses by Ovid, this study investigates transformational and referential aspects that are present in the act of storytelling. Furthermore, we examine... more
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      MythologyLatin LiteratureOvid (Classics)Ovid Metamorphoses
Con una Introduzione di Lorenzo Braccesi Gaio Mario (157-86 a.C.) fu console sette volte, celebrò il trionfo due volte, vinse altrettante guerre esterne, fu acclamato Salvatore della Patria e Terzo Fondatore di Roma. Riformò la leva... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman Republic
In "Western Ways", for the first time, the "foreign schools" in Rome and Athens, institutions dealing primarily with classical archaeology and art history, are discussed in historical terms as vehicles and figureheads of national... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyModern Italian HistoryHistory and Classical tradition studiesModern Greek History
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryNumismatics
The present article discusses a historical tendency among scholars to focus on male-gendered deities in the Germanic corpus, a boom period of goddess studies in the 1990s under the influence of Marija Gimbutas, and the place of Great... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical LinguisticsMedieval StudiesIndo-European Studies
Breve estudo e apresentação de uma nova tradução poética da Ars poetica horaciana.
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      HoraceTraduçãoEstudos ClássicosThe Ars Poetica
Office Hours: MWF 1:45-2:45 and by appointment Welcome to Classical Mythology! The aim of this course is to introduce you to the myths of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes that were told and... more
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      MythologyClassicsGreek MythGreco-Roman Mythology
Ebook com todo o conteúdo da primeira temporada do meu canal no YouTube; com um prefácio escrito especialmente para o livro (S.Paulo: Edição do Autor, 196p.).
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      Literary CriticismClassical Studies
Der folgende Beitrag hat das Ziel, mögliche didaktische Anwendungen und die möglichen kritischen Punkte eines Verweises auf die Auseinandersetzung zwischen der Schiffskapitänin der Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO) Sea-Watch, Carola... more
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      History and Classical tradition studiesClassical Reception StudiesAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
"A treasury of provocations" - Ella Haselswerdt in the Bryn Mawr Classical Rreview //

First published online in 2019 //
1st hardback edition: 2020
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      Latin LiteratureCritical Animal StudiesCritical PosthumanismGender and sexuality in the ancient world
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureAntropologíaLetteratura Latina
The best source for Johann Jacob Reiske's life is his autobiography, Von ihm selbst aufgesetzte Lebensbeschreibung, covering events up to January 1770s, with an appendix by his wife, Ernestine Christine (1735-98). However, as Detlef... more
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      ClassicsArabic PoetryEnlightenmentMuslim-Christian Relation
Pompeii is full of monuments that have ignited the passion of ancient experts for over 200 years, but also that of travellers, fascinated by the uniqueness of this city in a country already unparalleled historically in the rest of the... more
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      ArchaeologyClassicsRoman HistoryPompeii (Archaeology)
Written in the hope that it may shed some light on what is a poorly recognised yet important piece of Ancient Greek philosophical work. This article is a summary into the Athenian interlocutor's argument into the relevance and existence... more
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      ArchaeologyForensic ArchaeologyClassical Greek PhilosophyClassical Studies
Vesta and the Vestal priestesses represented the very core of Roman cultural identity, and Augustus positioned his public image beside them to augment his political legitimacy. Through analysis of material culture, historiography, and... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureRoman HistoryHomer