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La leyenda apapocúva-guaraní de la “Tierra Sin Mal” irrumpe en la literatura americanista de la mano de Curt U. Nimuendajú en 1914. Este texto sugiere una conexión significativa entre un contenido de creencia particular y determinados... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena penggunaan makian dalam bahasa Indonesia yang turut mewarnai aktivitas berbahasa masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana kelas sosial, jenis kelamin,... more
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      Descriptive Linguistics, Language Documentation, Indigenous Languages, Sociolinguistics, Field LinguisticsEtnolinguistics
A través de la lectura de algunos documentos del siglo XVII en lengua muisca, en especial de los vocabularios conocidos sobre dicha lengua, encontré que el término pquyquy traducido en los diccionarios coloniales como ‘corazón’ aparecía... more
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      EtnolinguisticsLengua y cultura escritaAntropología del cuerpoLexicología
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      LanguagesPragmatismLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
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095 7102705 -Fax +39 095 7102710 25 P a L e R m o 2 0 1 4 TUTTI I DIRITTI RISeRVaTI © 2014 CenTRo DI STUDI FILoLoGICI e LInGUISTICI SICILIanI -PaLeRmo PeR Una nUoVa ToPonomaSTICa SICILIana 1
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The Eastern Slavic rusalki are feminine mythological beings commonly associated with water, death, and sexuality. They have been thoroughly ethnographically described, classified and compared. This paper presents a re-evaluation of D. K.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreReligion and SexualityAnthropology of DeathAnthropology of Time
The subject of this study are mythological creatures of the Veneto region namely protagonists of the stories which were told once upon a time in stables during winter nights (a tradition called filò). A particular emphasis is placed on... more
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      High Middle AgesDialectologySemanticsSociolinguistics
ABSTRAK Seperti diketahui bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki kecenderungan corak agraris dan maritim. Sebagian besar masyarakatnya bercocok tanam dan melaut. Hal ini memungkinkan banyak istilah pertanian dan... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsEtnolinguistics
Ñawpa ubicado tanto en la dirección de “atrás” como en la dirección de “delante” (alrededor de un hito), con el doble significado de: “antiguo” y, a la vez, de “adelántate” o “ve primero”, ha requerido para su esclarecimiento la... more
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      Peruvian HistoryQuechuaIncasEtnolinguística
Le parole del cibo : lingua e cultura dell'alimentazione a Troina / Angela Castiglione. -Palermo : Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 2016. (Materiali e ricerche dell'Atlante linguistico della Sicilia ; 36) ISBN... more
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Almost all activities of the Bugis Kendari community begin by considering the quality of time known as good days and bad days. This quality of time has guidelines and uses certain symbols. This study aims to examine the symbols of good... more
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      Cultural and Linguistic DiversityEtnolinguisticsAntropolinguistics
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La presente ricerca intende essere una raccolta sistematica dei nomi popolari degli uccelli in area abruzzese e molisana. La quasi totalità dei tipi lessicali presi in considerazione in questo lavoro è stata attinta dal Dizionario... more
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      DialectologyItalian dialectsItalian DialectologyEtnolinguistics
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El presente trabajo se preocupa por socializar el desarrollo investigativo adelantado con el pueblo indígena Awá, en el marco de su formación como licenciados en Etnoeducación y con la firme iniciativa de evidenciar la lógica argumental... more
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      ArgumentationTecnología EducativaDerechoEtnolinguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPragmaticsSemantics
Se tutti i proverbi si potessero raccogliere e sotto certi capi ordinare i proverbi italiani, i proverbi d'ogni popolo e d'ogni età, colle varianti di voci, d'immagini e di concetti; questo, dopo la Bibbia, sarebbe il libro più gravido di... more
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Este estudio histórico de la cultura awajún se enmarca en un espacio donde los propios indígenas comienzan a escribir su propia vida con el pincel de las plumas de las aves y con el tinte de su sangre. En esta investigación analizamos el... more
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    • Etnolinguistics
The monitoring of the realization of the teaching process of Macedonian language and literature as a subject in secondary schools and the level of usage of the Macedonian standard language with the students in secondary schools points to... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyTeacher Education
Este trabajo se ocupa del primer vocabulario registrado de una lengua perteneciente a la familia lingüística chon, que incluye cuatro lenguas habladas por pueblos cazadores-recolectores patagónica: el selknam y el haush en la Isla Grande... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
In this paper the author presents his conception of the discursive worldview. The discursive worldview makes it possible to describe the dynamic profiling of meanings in specific discourses. The author proposes that the category of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseCritical Discourse AnalysisDiskurslinguistik
Indagine su una filastrocca del comune di Misterbianco estesa ai comuni limitrofi, svolta nell'ambito del corso universitario di Dialettologia romanza.
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Resumen: En este artículo se presenta un documento sobre los inicios de la etnolingüística argentina en el siglo XIX, el Apéndice a la colección de Pedro de Angelis que contenía documentos etnolingüísticos importantes conformado por... more
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      Indigenous LanguagesHistory of the BookRare Books and ManuscriptsArgentina History
The history of growing vines in Bages goes back a long way , and while there have been spectacular booms , there have also been important slumps. All in all, the future implies a modernization which will break with a thousand year old... more
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      EtnologiaViticulture & EnologyEtnolinguistics
В основе статьи – наблюдения над глаголами дунуть, плюнуть, сказать, свистнуть в текстах традиционной народной культуры – в сказках, поверьях, заговорах, мифологических нарративах и в магической практике. На основании многочисленных... more
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      Lexical SemanticsEtnolinguisticsSlavic ethnolinguistics Traditional culture
This study aims to explore the prophetic spirit in Lontara Pananrang script at Islamic Bugis society. The manuscript is a Bugisi ancestral heritage which began to be ignored by the young people today. By using qualitative descriptive... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsIslamic StudiesEtnolinguisticsETNOLINGUISTIK
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      Russian StudiesFolkloreLinguistic AnthropologyOral Traditions
Sistem tutur sapa selain bersifat universal yaitu memiliki kesamaan antara satu bahasa dengan yang lain, juga memiliki karakteristik unik pada masing-masing bahasa yang membedakannya dengan bahasa lain. Sapaan pada umumnya ditentukan oleh... more
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      Marital researchSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAddress TermsEtnolinguistics
Language change may happen to any language which faces diglosic situation where the influencing language is considered more prestigious and valuable. This study looks at the phenomena of ethnic language change among Karonese people in... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyLanguage Maintenance and ShiftEtnolinguisticsPemertahanan Bahasa
Feliz aquela que efabulou o romance/ Depois de o ter vivido/ A que lavrou a terra e construiu a casa/ […] E sob o fulgor da noite constelada/ À beira da tenda partilhou o vinho e a vida. Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen in O Búzio de Cós... more
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      Portuguese StudiesProverbsFood and NutritionPhraseology
ÖZET Dillerin söz varlığında kavramların basit olarak birbirine denk olması beklenir ve iki dilli sözlüklerde her kavramın bir sözle karşılanması olağandır: İng. book veya Fr. livre Türkçede "kitap" diye bire bir tercüme ile bunu... more
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      Turkic Speaking PeoplesTurkish LinguisticsOld TurkicTurkish Language
È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile a norma dell'art. 171 della Legge n. 633 del... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryCultural StudiesEthnic Studies
Las lenguas de la familia chon documentadas son cuatro: teushen (o tehuelche meridional boreal) y tehuelche (también llamada tehueche meridional austral, aónkikenk, aónik’o ’aish, etc,) en la Patagonia continental, selknam (u ona... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
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      EthnolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyEtnolinguisticsLenguas indígenas
Рассматривается лексика севернорусского свадебного обряда, записанная участниками топонимиче- ской экспедиции Уральского университета на территории Вологодской и Костромской областей: это название одного из свадебных застолий (а в... more
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      Slavic LanguagesEtnolinguisticsRussian dialectology
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang keberagaman nama-nama kampung di Kecamatan Bandung, Kabupaten Serang. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa nama-nama kampung di Kecamatan Bandung, Kabupaten Serang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan... more
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      EtnolinguisticsAntropological Linguistics
W niniejszym artykule autor prezentuje koncepcję dyskursywnego obrazu świata. Kategoria ta umożliwia opis dynamicznego procesu profilowania znaczeń i sensów w poszczególnych dyskursach. Autor podejmuje próbę integracji dorobku polskiej... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive LinguisticsDiskurslinguistikEtnolinguistics
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      Cultural StudiesIntercultural CommunicationCultureApplied Linguistics
La presente pubblicazione offre un’analisi globale del complesso, nonché problematico, funzionamento dei tre colori primari – il rosso, il giallo, il blu e le loro sfumature – in italiano e in polacco secondo una prospettiva comparativa.... more
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      FolkloreItalian StudiesSlavic LanguagesCorpus Linguistics
The present article brings an introductory, linguistic and ethnolin-guistic description of Polish folk lullabies, taking into account the stylistic and pragmalinguistic features as well as genre rules of these unique songs targeted at... more
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En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar a la venta ambulante en los medios de transporte urbano –colectivos y trenes– entendiéndola como performance. Este concepto, tal como lo propone R. Bauman, resulta útil al análisis ya que permite dar... more
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    • Etnolinguistics
Archaeology, historical linguistics and human population genetics present three distinct windows on the past. Archaeology delves into material culture but, in the absence of decipherable written testimony, tells us little about the... more
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Reservados todos los derechos de edición. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier método o procedimiento.
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      SociolinguisticsEtnolinguisticsLexical Availability
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      Lexical SemanticsEtnolinguisticsRussian dialectsSemantic field
The human body is a hierarchical system constituted of corporal partonomy, defined by basic and universal traits of the human conception, characterized by a hierarchical set of relations, of type "X is part of". For example, the nails are... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyAmazonian LanguagesFunctional-Typological LinguisticsEtnolinguistics
Saperi e uso del mondo in una lingua / cultura della Costa d'Avorio
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      African languagesClassificationEtnolinguistics
Ceria y Sândalo (1995) reconstruyeron un término proto-guaicurú *lyiw:æGa(q) ‘tapir’, a partir de kadiweu liw:aGa , toba ʃipigaq-alo ‘tapir’ y mocoví ʃipgyaq ‘caballo’. Esta comparación presenta un inconveniente metodológico que... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics