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Abstract. By using cognitive definition method created by the Lublin ethnolinguists, this paper aims to explore the Lithuanian conception of wisdom and where it stands within the set of moral values. Firstly, the data from various... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsEtnolinguistics
The European Parliament offers a unique multilingual and multicultural context with its twenty-four official languages interpreted. This institutional context does not correspond to any national reality but affects the meaning. How could... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationCritical Discourse AnalysisTranslation and InterpretationEtnolinguistics
La leyenda apapocúva-guaraní de la “Tierra Sin Mal” irrumpe en la literatura americanista de la mano de Curt U. Nimuendajú en 1914. Este texto sugiere una conexión significativa entre un contenido de creencia particular y determinados... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
W niniejszym artykule autor prezentuje koncepcję dyskursywnego obrazu świata. Kategoria ta umożliwia opis dynamicznego procesu profilowania znaczeń i sensów w poszczególnych dyskursach. Autor podejmuje próbę integracji dorobku polskiej... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive LinguisticsDiskurslinguistikEtnolinguistics
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      Cultural StudiesIntercultural CommunicationCultureApplied Linguistics
ABSTRAK Seperti diketahui bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki kecenderungan corak agraris dan maritim. Sebagian besar masyarakatnya bercocok tanam dan melaut. Hal ini memungkinkan banyak istilah pertanian dan... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsEtnolinguistics
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la percepción y las actitudes lingüísticas de los hablantes ecuatorianos de segunda generación en Madrid para analizar el valor otorgado por estos individuos a su variedad lingüística en... more
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      PerceptionLanguages and LinguisticsSocial IdentitySociolinguistics
In this paper the author presents his conception of the discursive worldview. The discursive worldview makes it possible to describe the dynamic profiling of meanings in specific discourses. The author proposes that the category of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseCritical Discourse AnalysisDiskurslinguistik
Reservados todos los derechos de edición. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier método o procedimiento.
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      SociolinguisticsEtnolinguisticsLexical Availability
The article deals with the conceptualization of house/home in the Molise Croatian ethnolect (hiža), spoken by the Croatian minority in the Italian province of Compobasso. The Lublin school ethnolinguistic approach and the tenets of the... more
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      Slavic LanguagesCroatianMinority LanguagesEtnolinguistics
The purpose of a research paper is to provide an analysis of the shades of niebieski (blue) archilexeme in Polish and archilexeme azzurro in Italian. Synchronic and diachronic language analysis that color in both languages indicates a... more
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      Lexical SemanticsColorEtnolinguisticsHistory of Colors
Cartographic analysis of ethnolinquistic deterritorialization process of native peoples in the east of Abya Yala, and the consequent territorialization of invading European peoples. The accelerated decrease in the linquistic diversity of... more
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      Cultural GeographyLanguages and LinguisticsEtnographyAnthropogeography
The present work sheds light on the relationship between totemism and dialectal culture starting from the analysis of a range of Sicilian proverbs and phraseologies regarding wild animals (birds, insects and reptiles). The corpus is made... more
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JAN KARŁOWICZ IN THE LIGHT OF ARCHIVAL MATERIALS. DIALECTOLOGY, ETHNOLINGUISTICS AND THE STUDY OF LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE The book refers to the scientific activity of Jan Karłowicz, and, in particular, to the three areas to... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEthnolinguisticsDialectologySlavic Languages
Resumen: Este trabajo propone un diálogo intercultural entre conceptos de dos lenguas y dos culturas. Partiendo de la dificultad de traducir la palabra del español 'pobre' a la lengua quechua por no tener esta un concepto de significado... more
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      Pensamiento latinoamericanoEtnolinguistics
Abstract: This study approached the spiral in pre-Columbian pictography, to analyze it rigorously and show all its complexity in defining visions of the world. To this end, the spiral and its different variants are studied from linguistic... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyHistory of ArtPetroglyphs and Pictographs
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPragmaticsSemantics
This article applies the methodology developed by the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin to analyse how the concept LANGUAGE (Lith. KALBA) is understood by young people in Lithuania and how its understanding changes when a person lives far... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEtnolinguistics
Almost all activities of the Bugis Kendari community begin by considering the quality of time known as good days and bad days. This quality of time has guidelines and uses certain symbols. This study aims to examine the symbols of good... more
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      Cultural and Linguistic DiversityEtnolinguisticsAntropolinguistics
Language is one of the essential values of the nation, which encodes not only the culture and the identity of the nation, but also what is called national psychology. The article aims at revealing the image of the concept LANGUAGE in... more
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsEtnolinguistics
The Eastern Slavic rusalki are feminine mythological beings commonly associated with water, death, and sexuality. They have been thoroughly ethnographically described, classified and compared. This paper presents a re-evaluation of D. K.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreReligion and SexualityAnthropology of DeathAnthropology of Time
È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile a norma dell'art. 171 della Legge n. 633 del... more
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The present article brings an introductory, linguistic and ethnolin-guistic description of Polish folk lullabies, taking into account the stylistic and pragmalinguistic features as well as genre rules of these unique songs targeted at... more
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Is Honor Still Important for Lithuanians? IRENA SMETONIENĖ Honor as a moral value has become the object of multi-faceted analysis in present-day scholarship. Sociologists, historians, psychologists and linguists are taking an interest... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsEtnolinguistics
Recull i descripció de la toponímia esotèrica del Bages, a partir del testimoni de 250 informadors dels diversos municipis que composen la comarca.
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    • Etnolinguistics
Recerca etnolingüística sobre la memòria històrica del llop a la comarca del Bages, a partir del testimoni de més de 250 informadors (bàsicament pagesos i pastors de 70 anys o més) dels diversos municipis de la comarca. Publicat a... more
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    • Etnolinguistics
An Animal in the Exact Meaning of the Word The author aimed at a creating a typology of common ways of conceptualising the notion of the "animal" in the Polish language and culture. He also indicated dependencies between the world... more
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      AnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsLinguistic AnthropologyAnimal Studies
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Els dialectes d'altres llengües, siguin quins siguin, són de mal traduir al català actual. Cada dialecte (social, generacional, de gènere, geogràfic...) té unes relacions intrasistèmiques úniques dins del repertori lingüístic d'una... more
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L'ero sampre moun paire quë fëzìo la biëero, lour il an ëmparà dai vélh a fâ co biëero. I mousavo, i rëstavo picanto, e l'er uno cozo quë la fëzìo dë ben, përqué l'èr fait oou lî gënëbbre; l'ërfrecho lou corp, la chavo l'ënflamasioun. La... more
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    • Etnolinguistics
Vippra, lazërnala e d'aoutra béstia. I serpenti della val Germanasca.
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