Recent papers in Discourse
The world’s oceans and coasts are awash in a sea of politics. The marine environment is increasingly busy, changing, and a site of degradation, marginalization, injustice, contestation and conflict over declining resources and occupied... more
In this unit you will learn about the main purposes of advertising in newspapers, different types of newspaper advertisements, components of a newspaper advertisement, and the different techniques advertisers use to persuade consumers.... more
P u b l i s h e d Da t e : 1 5 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 7
The perpetuation of inequalities around the world is best understood by looking at the power dynamics of a given society. Systems and institutions are set up to mold certain types of citizens through subjectification. Anthropological... more
Carex vulpina. Tab. C. No. 10. C. fpica fupra-decompofita coar£lato-ramofa obtufa, fpiculis fuperne mafculis, capfulis divergentibus, culmo angulis acutilümis.
Tsvangirai. This battle has been fought on many fronts including the media and international forums with ZANU PF accusing the MDC of being 'puppets' of the British and Americans. On the other hand, the MDC accuses ZANU PF of... more
Ziel dieses Artikels ist es zum einen, mit dem Begriff der diskursiven Exklusion eine Konzeptualisierung von Exklusion zu unterbreiten, welche den theoretischen Anforderungen an einen soziologisch-analytischen Begriff gewachsen ist und... more
This paper explores the discursive use of selected emotive interjections (Ow!, Ouch!; Ugh!, Yuck!; Whoops!, Whoopsadaisy!) in spoken British English. The data (drawn from the Spoken BNC2014) are coded for age, gender, social grade and... more
Review of Osler, A. (2016). Human rights and schooling: An ethical framework for teaching for social justice, and Coysh, J. (2017). Human rights education and the politics of knowledge.
The more our societies diversify into a loose network of lifeworlds, the more important it becomes to find a platform to hold them together. This common platform cannot be made out of a potpourri of policies, but needs to be built around... more
""L’objectif est de mettre au jour la construction de l’événement dans sa rhétorique et sa performance, sa diffusion médiatique et sa reconnaissance sociale. Comment la production discursive autour de la Marche des Fiertés 2011... more
This article deals with identity political discourse in situations of cultural movements, precisely in situations of migration. It addresses the question of migration through the interpretation of past and in the making events. In this... more
Статья продолжает цикл публикаций, рассматривающих проблемы заимствований в языке современных СМИ. Описываются группы заимствований в текстах «Российской газеты», выявляются причины их вхождения в современный русский язык и степень... more
Assemblage is one way to examine complexities in today’s world. In Deleuzian thinking, assemblage refers to both the act of assembling diverse elements and the arrangements of these elements for a specific purpose. Importantly, it is the... more
The textbook “English for Psychologists” is designed specifically for the students of psychology enrolled in an undergraduate degree program. The textbook reflects the current trends and requirements for practical training of foreign... more
Introduction Das Lehrbuch bietet eine systematische Einstiegshilfe in die soziologische Beschäftigung mit Gesellschaft in diskursanalytischer Perspektive und führt gut verständlich in die für die Soziologie relevanten Felder der... more
A tanulmány egy szervezet belső, elektronikus kommunikációjának írott fórumára, a belső levelezési listára írt e-maileket elemzi a férfi és a női nyelvhasználati különbségek szemszögéből. Ez a levelezési lista egy virtuális demokratikus... more
In dem Beitrag werden die Möglichkeiten und Erkenntnisgewinne einer transdisziplinären Verschränkung der analytischen Kategorien "Raum" und "Diskurs", insbesondere für die kulturwissenschaftliche Stadt- und... more
Roman expansion into the Rhineland was followed by centuries of religious entanglements that involved the interactions of individuals and communities with a variety of backgrounds, interests and agendas, and, over time, an array of cultic... more
The purpose of this study was to assess discourse profiles of nursing-home residents in the early, middle, and late stages of dementia. Sixty transcripts of conversations between nursing-home residents with dementia and their nursing... more
This paper critically examines the Equality and Human Rights Commission's (EHRC) 2019 report into racism in United Kingdom Higher Education. After outlining the context of the report, the paper is situated within discourses of... more
The article highlights the significance of the first full English translation of Naqd al-Ḫiṭāb ad-Dīnī (Critique of Religious Discourse), one of the most characteristic and important works of the acclaimed Egyptian intellectual Naṣr Ḥāmid... more
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
Published at Human Rights & International Legal Discourse (HR&ILD), 12 (2), 2018
In: Nekola, Martin & Geißler Hanna & Magdalena Mouralová (Eds.): Současné metodologické otázky veřejné politiky [Current methodological issues in Public Policy], Praha: Karolinum, pp. 64- 10
http://shcyhome.org/2015/01/chc-episode-4-developmental-thinking/ Episode 4 of CHILDHOOD: History & Critique offers a brief review essay of the 2008 book _A Historical Sociology of Childhood_ and an extended conversation with its author... more
This essay will analyse the film ‘A Scanner Darkly’ (ASD) in relation to the philosophies of Deleuze and Foucault. Using Deleuze’s concept of affect, this essay will relate the characterisation of the main character – Robert Arctor, (an... more
Purpose Terminologies such as 'integrated marketing' and 'market segmentation' may be common parlance in contemporary marketing literature, but in postwar America they had distinct racial orientations mediated by a history of segregation.... more
This paper proposes the interpretation of video games as discourse (in the explanation of discourse commonly used in linguistics and studies of natural language, not as understood in semiotics or cultural studies) to explore further the... more
RESUMO: Este artigo analisa os conceitos desenvolvidos pela ciência dedicada ao cuidado da pri-meira infância em Montevidéu da segunda metade do século XIX através de alguns discursos médicos. Influenciados pelos manuais médicos da origem... more
This paper analyzes discourses of everyday racism and colorblind racism on an internet forum. While skin color is invisible online, identities as black, white and shades in between show through participants' perspectives and communicative... more
Today, identity politics seems almost quaint. Faded into memory are NEA funding battles and culture wars over representations of identities, dismantling of identity-based social programs such as college admissions and affirmative action,... more
In this article we develop an approach to coincidences as discursive activities. To illustrate the range of empirical questions that can be explored in the analysis of coincidence accounts, we examine one single written account, which was... more
The present study deals with variation in discourse relations in different registers of English and German. Our previous analyses have been concerned with the systemic contrasts between English and German, cf. Kunz & Steiner (2013 a/b),... more