Viticulture & Enology
Recent papers in Viticulture & Enology
An essay looking at the key differences between the French wine regions of Burgundy and Bordeux, focusing on the AC hierarchy, climate, grape varieties, ageing, blending and the land.
Distribution électronique pour GREP. © GREP. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales... more
El artículo analiza las diferentes labores agrarias que reciben las vides de una gran explotación dependiente del monasterio de El Puig entre 1671 y 1691 basándose en los libros de contabilidad. Se estudia también el proceso de... more
In het land van Campanië verenigen de wijnstokken zich met populieren, omhelzen die als echtgenoten en klimmen met opdringerige armen van tak naar tak in hun knoestige loop omhoog, tot ze de top bereiken en zo hoog zweven dat de... more
Apresentação - na confraria do vinho Fornace - sobre indicações geográficas, abordando especialmente as indicações de procedência e as denominações de origem relacionadas aos vinhos. A base normativa é o TRIPs e a Lei 9279.
El enólogo Ignacio Serra nos abre los ojos sobre el vino sudafricano.
Registrazione Tribunale di Catanzaro N° 3 del 22/12/2020 © Globus-Tutti i diritti riservati. Manoscritti e foto originali, anche se non pubblicati, non si restituiscono ed è vietata la riproduzione, seppure parziale, di testi e... more
Berry size has always been a quality factor in wine production. In this study, Syrah grapes from a single vineyard were classified into different size groups according to diameter: small (< 13 mm), medium (13 < diameter < 14 mm) and... more
This work aims to analyze the productive reality and propose a panorama for the Brazilian organic wine production, from the perspective of producers, representatives of the sector, market and consumers, thus seeking to highlight the... more
The Creations of François Baco (1898-2011). Birth and Destiny of a French Direct Producer Hybrid Collection. During the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, François Baco was schoolteacher in the village of Bélus (Landes,... more
Una ficha diseñada para cata técnica y adaptada a cualquier nivel de catador, permitiendo ignorar u obviar los apartados, subapartados y descriptores demasiado complejos, difíciles de entender o incapaces de detectar por el catador.... more
To cite this article : A. Catellani, « Vin nature et vin biologique : observations sur quelques aspects de la communication Œnologique », in : Lexia, Rivista di semiotica, n. 19-20 : « Cibo e identità culturale », 2015, pp. 465-477.... more
A nivel mundial, es reducido el número de personas que se han dado a conocer por sus amplios conocimientos y títulos en la industria vitivinícola. Desde enólogos, sumiller, viticultores, dueños de bodegas productoras de vinos, hasta... more
Elaboración de vino blanco a partir de la variedad Riesling, los viñedos se encuentran ubicados en la Escuela Superior de Vitivinicultura de Uruguay.
Wine is an integral part of life on the Croatian island of Hvar. Its significance is multivalent, from the importance of home production and consumption to its functions as a trade commodity and symbol of community and identity. Much of... more
Problems with the science behind biodynamic viticulture.
Obiettivo del contributo qui presentato (estratto della Tesi di Specializzazione di chi scrive) è quello di contribuire a ricomporre e riunire la frammentata documentazione archeologica nel territorio dell’antica Contea di Mascali.... more
Veu sobre l'escultor i viticultor català Josep Maria Barnadas i Mestres per al Diccionario Biográfico Español (DBE) de la Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid, RAH, 2009, vol. 7). Versió electrònica (DB-e) del mateix diccionari publicada... more
es un informe de elaboracion del vino tinto
Un protocolo básico para iniciarse en esta materia.
Creada específicamente para Club de Cata de Vinos.
Creada específicamente para Club de Cata de Vinos.
En la presente Tesina, me sitúo en el marco teórico-conceptual de las corrientes de Pensamiento Ambiental Crítico (PAC), tomando herramientas interpretativas de la historia ambiental y la economía ecológica. Partiendo de allí, aplico sus... more
- by Pehuén Barzola-Elizagaray
- História Ambiental-Eco-História / Environmental History, Steady-State Economy, Degrowth, Ecological Economics, Evolution of Economics, Sustainable Lifestyles, Behavioral Change, Human Development, Evolution of Consciousness, Intentional Communities, Grassroots Movements, Viticulture & Enology, Economia Ecológica
Is supernaturalism becoming the new worldwide fad in winemaking? Here is an examination of the biodynamic phenomenon, its origins, and its purported efficacy.
This article is taken from a contribution to the website 'Bad Ancient'. It discusses the alcoholic content of ancient wines using ancient literature, archaeology, comparative modern vinicultural methods and new scientific studies on the... more
Recent archaeological discoveries as well as molecular and DNA investigations show that the earliest stages of vinicultural history and prehistory extends back into the Neolithic period and beyond. The first domesticators of the Eurasian... more
Vino o acqua? L’impronta idrica di Viticoltura globale e irrigazione: un lusso insostenibile KEY WORDS: viticulture, climate change, water footprint, irrigation, dry-farming viticoltura, i cambiamenti climatici, l'impronta idrica,... more
La responsabilidad social ha consistido en la elaboración de vino casero, con el fin de dar a conocer el procedimiento, los agentes que intervienen en este y los cuidados que se deben considerar para obtener un vino casero con buenas... more
The landscape of the tree-vines (italian "married vines") is at the present time disappeared. It marked for centuries the Italian and European idea of viniculture, whith consequences in art and literature which may be no longer understood
A comprehensive study of faience grape clusters apparently used as architectural adornment specifically used in New Kingdom palaces. The study presents all known excavated examples of these grape clusters before beginning an analysis of... more
Published in the American Journal of Archaeology (2022) 126.3, available open access here: The world of vinicultural archaeology has expanded exponentially over the past two decades,... more
Los jesuitas establecieron una cadena de misiones en el norte de la Nueva España desde Baja California hasta los desiertos del noreste. La Misión de Santa María de las Parras en la Comarca Lagunera de Nueva Vizcaya era la más oriental de... more
The discovery of an agricultural press counterweight, during an archaeological reassessment of Region I.20 at Pompeii, alters previous hypotheses regarding the viticultural function of this insula. Traditional interpretations of quality,... more
El cultivo de la vid ha sido a lo largo de la historia un referente del sector agrario dentro la provincia de Málaga. Desde mediados del siglo XIX dicho sector comenzará a padecer una serie de reveses que tendrán fuertes repercusiones... more
Australian Organic Agriculture - Prospects for Growth? is the report of a unique research project that attempted to capture and articulate the motivations, understandings, approaches and practices of people involved in organic farming.... more
The history of growing vines in Bages goes back a long way , and while there have been spectacular booms , there have also been important slumps. All in all, the future implies a modernization which will break with a thousand year old... more
Questa innovativa serie monografica nasce dalla volontà di promuovere sul territorio siciliano nuovi studi e ricerche che, superando la frammentazione che spesso ha contraddistinto lo spirito della ricerca archeologica in Sicilia, guidino... more
Es objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar, bajo la idea de paisaje expresada anteriormente y tomando como hilo conductor el tramo norte la Ruta Nacional 40, desde la provincia de La Rioja hasta la provincia de Jujuy, una serie de... more
This book is devoted to the viticulture of two settlements, Antiochia ad Cragum and Delos, using results stemming from surface survey and excavation to assess their potential integration within the now well-known agricultural boom of the... more
Fernando Prados Martínez 1 Universidad de Alicante [email protected]
ABSTRACT DI TESI (Con piccole aggiunte e spunti) PERCORSO DI CANDIDATURA COLLINE DEL CONEGLIANO E VALDOBBIADENE DOCG 1. Le vicende della Candidatura nell'area Conegliano - Valdobbiadene, 2. Prospettive: criticità e scenari possibili o... more