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"Besides numerous significant works concerning the fields of both natural and humanistic disciplines written by the famous Renaissance scholar Faustus Vrančić, there is also a less well-known manuscript, Illyrica historia, fragmenta ex... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistoriographyRare Books and ManuscriptsCroatian History
In the middle of the 20th century the texts of two waqf documents, drawn up in the 11th century in Arabic in Samarḳand, were discovered, which are of great significance for studying the history and culture of Central Asia of the... more
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      Islamic LawRare Books and ManuscriptsCentral Asian StudiesManuscript Studies
A group of medical historians and paleographers has teamed up informally to create a "Medicine in the Long 12th Century Working Group." More than 500 extant manuscripts from this period have been identified as containing Latin medical... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
This is the catalog for the exhibition, "To Know Wisdom and Instruction: The Armenian Literary Tradition at the Library of Congress," which ran from April 18-September 26, 2012, at the Library of Congress. The exhibition was mounted to... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsArmenian HistoryArmenian CultureExhibitions
Monday 11 January 2021, 19:00 Israel Time Sword and Buckler in Hebrew Letters: Traces of Early Illuminated German Fight Books in Jewish Manuscripts Prof. Sara Offenberg Department of the Arts, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Two... more
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      European HistoryArt HistoryJewish StudiesMedieval History
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsByzantine MusicCodicology of medieval manuscriptsByzantine Musicology
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The book THE DECIPHERING THE WHOLE TEXT OF THE VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT BY ALISA GLADYŠEVA. The linguistic basis of the text, index and analysis. Department of Spanish Philology, Vilnius University.The first print is a limited-edition,... more
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      HistoryBotanySpanishMedieval History
Appena tornato a Firenze [sc. da Padova, nell'aprile 1351] il Boccaccio si propose di donare al suo ospite, forse una copia della corrispondenza tra Dante e Giovanni del Virgilio, certo un esemplare della Commedia. E da uno scrittoio... more
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      Dante StudiesItalian StudiesRomance philologyTextual Criticism
Umfangreiche Freskenzyklen, überdimensionierte Flügelaltäre und reich illustrierte Manuskripte: Insbesondere im Mittelalter konnten Bilder komplexe Geschichten erzählen. Die Vorlesung stellt unterschiedliche Strategien bildlicher... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsNarrative TheoryMedieval ArtBildwissenschaft
The Syriac Clementine Recognitions and Homilies is the first ever complete translation into a modern language of this important historical document relating to the origins of Judaism and Christianity. Found within the pages of the world’s... more
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      AramaicRare Books and ManuscriptsChristologyJewish - Christian Relations
Hillel Zeitlin (1871-1942) was the leading figure of what may be called philosophical neo-Hasidism among Eastern European Jews in the pre-Holocaust era. A tireless author, journalist, and polemicist, he published constantly in both the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesYiddish LiteratureJewish StudiesContemporary Spirituality
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsGregorian ChantEarly Modern ManuscriptsArt, Miniature Painting
This detailed entry provides descriptive information for the manuscript Itinerarium of Jakub Římař (1682–1755) and its significance for the history of Christian-Muslim relations. It was published in the series Christian-Muslim Relations:... more
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsFranciscan StudiesCatholic and Protestant Missionaries in the Ottoman Empire
DIRETRIZES DA ALA PARA A SELEÇÃO E TRANSFERÊNCIA DE MATERIAIS DE COLEÇÕES GERAIS PARA COLEÇÕES ESPECIAIS (Guidelines on the Selection and Transfer of Materials from General Collections to Special Collections), 4ª edição, aprovada pelo... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsSpecial CollectionsColeções especiaisLivros Raros
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsMedieval NobilityStoria medievaleMiddle Ages
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      Medieval German LiteratureRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Codicology of medieval manuscripts
introduzione al volume che l'insegnamento del vocabolario della propria disciplina non è sempre la principale preoccupazione di un docente universitario, e che ciò vale anche per chi «insegna la paleografia e le materie correlate, quali... more
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      Book HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
"[This original manuscript (Ref. No. qms-0255) is presented here with the permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, personal communication Jocelyn Chalmers, Manuscripts Research Librarian, 19 Jul 2013. The digital facsimile was... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyRare Books and ManuscriptsHistory of New Zealand
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      Middle East StudiesHistory of the BookRare Books and ManuscriptsIranian Studies
Documento elaborado por el Grupo de Trabajo Estratégico de Valoración del Patrimonio Bibliográfico, creado por el Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria, en el marco del II Plan Estratégico 2016-2018. Manuela Concepción Carmona García... more
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      Cultural HeritageManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsExhibitions
Se realiza una reseña de dos publicaciones aparecidas en 2016 acerca de la reconstrucción de bibliotecas jesuitas en las provincias españolas de Córdoba y Galicia a partir de los inventarios conservados en los propios colegios.
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsBibliotecasJesuítas
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      Translation StudiesHebrew LanguageArabic Language and LinguisticsRare Books and Manuscripts
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval ManuscriptsEgo documents
The study is based on the application of a physico-chemical non-destructive method on ancient inks. The PIXE, Proton-Induced X-ray Emission, allow us to know the composition and differencies between medieval inks. The experimental results... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesByzantine MusicByzantine Musicology
A través de la documentación conservada el artículo analiza cómo las fronteras entre las diferentes tareas relacionadas con el libro se flexibilizan en función de las necesidades de mandantes y artífices. A excepción de ejemplares muy... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)
Исследуется вятская оброчная книга, содержащая уникальные сведения за 7101–7124 (1592/93–1615/16) гг. Данные этой книги ранее не привлекались исследователями в их работах по вопросам оброчного землевладения в России. Для второй части... more
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      Russian StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesRussian History
A consideration of the centres of labyrinths in medieval manuscripts, including the 10 th century labyrinth in Orléans BM 16
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsLabyrinthsLabyrinth
Studie byla publikována roku 1963 v časopise , Časopis národního muzea" (Ročník 132) / The study was published in 1963 in the journal "Journal National Museum" (Volume 132).
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryCzech History
One of four known ancient Maya books, the Grolier Codex depicts different manifestations of Venus; the column of glyphs on the left of each panel records days in a 104-year Venus almanac. These plaster-coated bark-paper pages,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreEthnohistory
This chapter focuses on the problem of tale-order in the witnesses of the Canterbury Tales and pays special attention to the differences in the order of the tales in Cx1 and Cx2. A brief history of the problem of tale-order is offered... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksChaucerChaucerRare Books and Manuscripts
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      Book HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsJesuit historyTypography
Die Buchstabenquadrate setzen sich aus den Polygrammfolgen des vierten Teiles von »Des Abraham von Worms Buch der wahren Praktik von der alten Magie« zusammen, wie sie der älteste und zuverlässigste vollständige Zeuge des Magietextes... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsMagicWestern Esotericism (History)Occultism
Laura Novati ha pubblicato saggi e articoli su diverse testate (Panorama, Espresso, Millelibri, Giornale della libreria, Corriere della sera ecc.). Ha partecipato alla redazione dell'Enciclopedia Europea Garzanti e curato l'area... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsEzra PoundCinemaDocumentary Film
In this piece, I explore the portraits of Ottoman Sultans found in the British Library's manuscript Or 9505. I contextualize the work within the broader tradition of Ottoman historiography, and then compare the illustrations - which are... more
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      Ottoman HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsHistory of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureOttoman language
Авторы книги хотят показать всем интресующимся языками и филологией, как исследование диалектных черт и стиля нидерландского оригинала XVIII в. может помочь восстановить некоторые факты знаменитого криминального происшествия. Переведенный... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsPiratesDutch overseas historyDutch language history
Les moines du Bec s'étaient constitués une bibliothèque médiévale remarquable. Peu de manuscrits ont néanmoins survécus aux vicissitudes du temps : dans son ouvrage de référence sur les bibliothèques des abbayes bénédictines de Normandie,... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsHistory of librariesManuscrits Médiévaux
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      GastronomyBook HistoryHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
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      Print CultureBook HistoryHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
Сборник посвящен памяти выдающегося ученого-археографа, доктора исторических наук, ведущего научного сотрудника Отдела рукописей БАН Александра Александровича Амосова. В сборник вошли материалы прошедших в 2018 г. научных Чтений,... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscripts
陳澧(1810-1882、字は蘭甫、広東番禺人)は経学と小学の研究で名高いが、氏の遺稿の整理には不備な所が感じられている。整理の成果として『陳澧集』(六冊)が二〇〇八年に出版されているものの、整理者自身、遺稿の収集につき「或訪問無従、或不易一見」と実感を述べている。その中でも、所謂集部の文献は最も整理の必要性がある。例えば、陳澧が陶淵明の詩に加えた評点は一九七四年に『陶淵明集札記』という書名で香港龍門書店により上梓されているが、『陳澧集』は全く収録していない。また、姜夔(号は... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsChinese literature
Чепіга І. П. Пересопницьке Євангеліє – унікальна пам'ятка української мови. С. 13–54; Гнатенко Л. А. Письмо Пересопницького Євангелія та графіко-орфографічні особливості пам’ятки. С. 55–73; Дубровіна Л. А., Гнатенко Л. А. Археографічний... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsCodicologyUkraine (History)Codicology of medieval manuscripts
A cesspit was dug up in Tiel, The Netherlands, in 1983. Finds from this cesspit can be attributed to the former Agnite monastery but also to the rector Van Aelhuysen. Among the finds are a pipe earth statue and a slate on which the... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsCeramics (Archaeology)Footwear and Leather Garments and IndustriesClay Tobacco Pipes
in Wuz. Storie di editori, autori e libri rari, n. 4, luglio-agosto 2007, pp. 36-42
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      Book HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsD. H. LawrenceHistory of Florence
Pour le paléographe, il est plus commode de travailler avec des classifications nettes et des périodisations distinctes qu’en suivant une tradition confuse. Les styles d’écriture arménienne ne sont pas clairement définis, et il est commun... more
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      HistoryArmenian StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed BooksTextual Criticism
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      Popular CultureRare Books and ManuscriptsMovable BooksPop Up Books
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in Washington, DC, is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Studies through... more
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      HumanitiesLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLibrary ScienceDigital Humanities
O "Naufrágio do galeão grande São João" é o primeiro relato da História Trágico-Marítima, publicada em 1735, e do desastre ocorrido em 1552. O relato conhecido como "Naufrágio de Sepúlveda" é o mais famoso entre todos os relatos de... more
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      History of the BookMaritime HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsPortuguese Discoveries and Expansion
Disputation and debate have accompanied human development from its beginnings. However, what we still call 'disputation', technically speaking, is a particular method of reasoning and analysing, involving either a debate between two... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesMedieval TheologyRare Books and Manuscripts