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In the present article, I analyze Domenico Dara’s three novels, their complex architectures and the poetic mode deployed in the narratives examined. The southern region of Calabria – where Dara was born and raised and where his narrations... more
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      Magical RealismContemporary Italian LiteratureMadness and LiteratureSouthern Italy
La Quaresima, dal latino cristiano quadragesimam diem, cioè il 'quarantesimo giorno' prima della settimana santa e, quindi, a rigor di logica si dovrebbe indicare con questo nome solo il mercoledì delle Ceneri, segnava nel passato un... more
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      AnthropologyFolkloreItalian dialectsGypsies & Travellers
La presente relazione è la versione scritta di una presentazione orale, presieduta dal prof. Alberto Varvaro, che ho tenuto all'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II dietro il gentile invito del Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna... more
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      Italian dialectsGrammatica italianasouthern Italian dialects
Dante Alighieri - Traduzione di Francesco Limarzi
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      DialectologyItalian dialectsCalabriaItalian Dialectology
In questo articolo si analizza la traducibilità degli scenari sociolinguistici e culturali. Si tratta di un tema ampio e complesso al quale proveremo a dare soltanto qualche contributo, non avendo la presunzione di poterlo affrontare e... more
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      Media StudiesTranslation StudiesSociolinguisticsTranslation
Giulio Cesare Cortese (1575 - 1627?). La Vaiasseide è un poemetto in cinque canti che narra le vicende delle vaiasse, le serve napoletane. Per chi non conosce il dialetto napoletano, riportiamo a latere la traduzione di qualche parola,... more
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      Italian dialectsItalian DialectologyLetteraturaDialetto
The Cosentino dialect has produced a vast literature that dates back to the 15th century. Most of the research conducted on this dialect has focused on the spoken language in terms of acoustic phonetics and, more recently, on the... more
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      Adverbssouthern Italian dialectsThe Little PrinceCalabrian
It is well-known that the dialects of Extreme Southern Italy are deeply influenced by a long-time contact with Italo-Greek. Nevertheless, such an influence is anything but uniform, since it produced many different grammars, which coexist... more
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      Italian DialectologyMicrovariationSouthern Italysouthern Italian dialects
Il testo propone un viaggio suggestivo tra le parole più “genuine” del nostro dialetto, quelle parole che oggi si sentono sempre meno e che rischiano di scomparire dall’uso linguistico siciliano perché scomparsi sono gli oggetti cui si... more
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      DialectologyEthnographyPlurilingualismSicilian literature
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      Italian dialectsItalian DialectologyComplementationComplementizers
È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile a norma dell'art. 171 della Legge n. 633 del... more
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      Latin etymologyToponomasticaGreek etymologyEtimologia Italiana E Indoeuropea
a presentation about the relationship between national language and dialect with citations from Pasolini, Homi Bhabha and Ignazio Buttitta among others.
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      DialectologyHomi Bhabha (Cultural Theory)Pier Paolo Pasolinisouthern Italian dialects
Centuries-old Greek-Romance contact in southern Italy has led to the Hellenization of the local surrounding Romance dialects, as succinctly summed up by Rohlfs’ catchphrase spirito greco, materia romanza (literally ‘Greek spirit, Romance... more
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      Greek DialectsItalian dialectsLanguage contactItalian Dialectology
Articolo espletivo e marcatura differenziale dell'Oggetto nel dialetto reggino di San Luca * 1. Nel 2015, in occasione della revisione di una tesi di laurea triennale (Giorgi 2015), ebbi modo di notare una particolarità sintattica... more
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      SyntaxItalian DialectologyDeterminer PhraseDifferential Object Marking
Italo-Romance southern dialects show a double complementation system: declarative and epistemic subordinates (the so-called ‘realis’ clauses) are generally headed by an outcome of Lat. QUIA, whereas volitive dependent clauses (the... more
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      Relative ClausesRelative Clause Constructionssouthern Italian dialectsClausal Complementation
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      ComplementationInfinitivesInflected Infinitivesouthern Italian dialects
SOMMARIO DEL VOLUME LXXX (Serie Terza, XVI) Premessa Ricordi Maria Iliescu, Moments inoubliables de mon contact avec le grand italianiste et linguiste qui fut Max P ster Giorgio Marrapodi, "O bene… dunque…". Max P ster onomasta e... more
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      Definite ArticleItalian DialectologyDifferential Object Markingsouthern Italian dialects
As in general in Italian dialectology, the contribution of Gerhard Rohlfs (1892-1986) is absolutely central to the study of language contact between Italo-Romance and Greek. Alongside many studies (e.g. Rohlfs 1932; 1972) and a reference... more
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      EtymologyHistoriography of Linguisticssouthern Italian dialectsLexical Borrowings
Among the morpho-syntactic patterns by which Italo-Romance varieties code there sentences, a peculiar structure surfaces in extreme southern varieties, particularly in Salento and in southern Calabria: this involves an invariable 3rd... more
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      Greek LanguageItalian DialectologyDifferential Object Markingsouthern Italian dialects
Chi Carnûalë volë fà, da Sand'Anduonë adda accumëngià 1 , dice un proverbio lucano. E infatti il giorno di S. Antonio Abate (17 genn.) ha inizio il Carnevale a Pignola, un paese del Potentino adagiato alle falde del Monte Serranetta: ma... more
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      FolkloreItalian dialectssouthern Italian dialectsLucanian Dialects
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      Italian dialectsItalian DialectologyComplementationComplementizers
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      Italian Dialectologysouthern Italian dialects
Scopo di questo lavoro è di raccogliere alcune riflessioni sui verbi modali nei dialetti pugliesi 1 . L'articolo è organizzato come segue: al § 2 discuteremo le forme con cui viene espresso il verbo dovere, sia con valore epistemico che... more
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      Modal Verbssouthern Italian dialects
Grammatical gender processing is a classic topic in the neurolinguistic literature. However, most of the studies consider major standard languages, such as English, Dutch, Spanish or Italian. This is a limitation, since these languages... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologyEEGMorphosyntax
Il testo propone un viaggio suggestivo tra le parole più “genuine” del nostro dialetto, quelle parole che oggi si sentono sempre meno e che rischiano di scomparire dall’uso linguistico siciliano perché scomparsi sono gli oggetti cui si... more
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      DialectologyEthnographyPlurilingualismSicilian literature
Le metafore del tempo
Arbanno juórno
Dalla Prima Giornata del  Pentamerone ovvero  Lo cunto de li cunte
di Giambattista Basile (1575-1632)
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      Italian dialectsItalian Dialect PoetryItalian DialectologyDialetti italiani
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      DialectologyGeolinguisticsItalian dialectsDialetto Siciliano
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      Contact LinguisticsHistory of Linguistic ThoughtItalian Dialectologysouthern Italian dialects
This chapter undertakes an overview of the structural conditions regulating the distribution of a phonological fortition process, raddoppiamento fonosintattico “phonosyntactic doubling”, in the Calabrian dialect of Cosenza, focusing on... more
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      Syntactic TheoryPhonology Syntax InterfaceItalian dialectsSyntax-Phonology interface
This article undertakes a descriptive overview of the variation in the distribution and licensing of differential object marking across a wide range of dialects of the south of Italy. It is shown how variation in this area is not random,... more
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      Comparative Romance linguisticsItalian dialectsDifferential Object MarkingDialetti meridionali
 Explain the weakening of voiced stops in initial position in Neapolitan -not in terms of lenition but as a quasi-morphological paradigm.  Demonstrate that in Neapolitan one cannot unify {#__ , V__V} as one weak environment.  Underpin... more
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      Historical LinguisticsTheoretical LinguisticsRomance LinguisticsPhonetics and Phonology
Il secondo volume del Vocabolario Calabro comprende le lettere F-O. L’opera, curata dal Gruppo di Ricerca coordinato e diretto da John B. Trumper, responsabile scientifico, consisterà complessivamente di tre volumi. Cinzia Citraro ha... more
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      LinguisticsRomance LinguisticsEtimologysouthern Italian dialects
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      Historical MorphologyMorphologyComparative Romance linguisticsRomance Linguistics
As in general in Italian dialectology, the contribution of Gerhard Rohlfs (1892-1986) is absolutely central to the study of language contact between Italo-Romance and Greek. Alongside many studies (e.g. Rohlfs 1932; 1972) and a reference... more
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      ArtEtymologyHistoriography of Linguisticssouthern Italian dialects
In questo articolo si discute il risultato di una comparazione morfosintattica fra le varietà italogreche e quelle italoromanze parlate in Calabria meridionale e in Salento. Oggetto dell’esame comparativo è il sistema dei possessivi che... more
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      SyntaxGreek DialectsItalian dialectsLanguage contact
This paper provides an overview of the different dimensions of variation found in the Inflected Construction (IC) (cf. Cardinaletti and Giusti (2001, 2003)) arising with motion verbs in most Sicilian dialects. It does so by discussing... more
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      southern Italian dialectsPseudocoordination
As is well known, the dative case declined in Greek starting already in the first centuries of the koiné (as early as by Polybius' time), and fell completely out of use in the spoken language by the 9 th -10 th century CE, cf. Humbert... more
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      Greek LanguageSyntaxCalabriaModern Greek Dialects
Greek and Romance have been spoken alongside of one another for centuries in southern Italy. Even though the Greek-speaking areas have been dramatically reduced over the centuries such that today Greek is now only spoken by a small number... more
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      Contact LinguisticsArgument StructureItalian dialectsLanguage contact
Percezione del repertorio multilingue e selezione lessicale nel greco di Calabria Maria Francesca Stamuli L'enclave greco-calabra si estende sul territorio aspromontano della provincia di Reggio; Condofuri, Amendolea, Gallicianò,... more
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      Endangered LanguagesGreek DialectsLanguage DeathLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.
In the southern Italian dialect of Airola (Campania) feminine plural and masculine plural are distinguished by means of two phonological processes: metaphony and Raddoppiamento Fonosintattico (RF henceforth). They appear to be in... more
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      PhonologyItalian Dialectologysouthern Italian dialectsMetaphony In Romance Languages
Storia di un'effimera parola pignolese nata per caso
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      FolkloreRomanian StudiesItalian dialectsGypsies & Travellers
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      Romance philologyRomance LinguisticsItalian dialectsItalian Dialectology
In southern Italian dialects, possessives have an enclitic variant typically associated with kinship nouns (Rohlfs 1967, Sotiri 2007, Ledgeway 2009, D’Alessandro & Migliori 2017) (e.g. [ˈfratə-mə] ˈbrother myˈ). The most common... more
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      PhonologyCliticsPossessivesouthern Italian dialects
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      DialectologyItalian dialectsSouthern Italysouthern Italian dialects
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      Italian dialectsCase MarkingDifferential case markingCase-Marking
this paper tries to analyse the formal, stylistic and above all linguistic patterns of the language used in the Palermitan royal Chancery during the XVth century to write a considerable part of the administrative and political routine... more
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      Code-SwitchingMedieval SicilySouth Italian peninsular in the Medieval periodItalian dialects