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Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,... more
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    • Adverbs
Vinden we verkleinuitgangen enkel maar bij zelfstandige naamwoorden? Allerminst. Ook bijvoeglijke naamwoorden en bijwoorden kunnen zich in het Nederlands met een diminutiefsuffix tooien. We gebruiken allemaal wel eens verkleinwoordvormen... more
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+ lists of adjectives and adverbs
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      English languageVocabularyVocabulary AcquisitionVocabulary Learning Strategies
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      Romance philologyRomance LinguisticsAdverbsHistoria de la lengua española
In this study, we provide a unitary account for three functionally complementary adverbs in Mandarin Chinese: hai, you and zai. Contrastive schematic meanings are proposed as core semantic input from which various pragmatic inferences are... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsAdverbsChinese Language
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxKorean linguisticsLinguistics
This paper, written in Swedish, outlines the development of the epistemic sentence adverb kanske ‘maybe’ in the history of Swedish. In Modern Swedish, kanske manifests itself as an unusual sentence adverb because it occurs in syntactic... more
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      Historical LinguisticsGrammaticalizationSwedish LanguageAdverbs
Lisboa 1997 5.1. Ordem e interpretação em alguns advérbios (sempre, ainda, já, logo ...) 153 5.2. Sempre 160 5.2.1. Sempre e tempo 170 5.2.2. Sempre e ordem 181 5.2.3. Sempre e clíticos 190 5.2.4. Sempre e negação 200 6.
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This contribution is devoted to the category of-MENTE-derived adverbs in the Romance languages. The goal of this study is to discuss the role that these adverbs play in the method of learning new Romance languages called... more
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      AdverbsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingRomance LanguagesIntercomprehension in Romance Languages
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      CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSemantics
This research is a corpus-based comparative analysis of circumstance adverbials in Pakistani English. The corpora used for this study are Pakistani Written English (PWE), BROWN and FROWN Corpora of American English (BF) and LOB and FLOB... more
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      AdverbsPakistani English
The author refers to the history of the main streams in determining of the scope of the class of adverbs in the European grammars, discusses problems connected with distinguishing the adverb from the adjective and with distinguishing... more
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      AdverbsTheory of Parts of Speech
Второй выпуск альманаха продолжает публикацию статей и материалов, относящихся к различным разделам уралистики. В работах освещаются общие вопросы уралистики, вопросы фонетики, грамматики и лексикологии различных языков уральской семьи. В... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreHistorical ArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics
Este artigo apresenta uma proposta para a derivação de advérbios terminados em mente no português brasileiro, considerando o processo de gramaticalização que essa forma vem apresentando a partir do latim clássico, língua em que mente se... more
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      MorphologyMorphology and SyntaxAdverbsDistributed Morphology
Tradizzjonalment l-avverbju hu magħruf bħala l-parti tad-diskors li tispeċifika jew timmodifika t-tip ta’ azzjoni tal-verb. Madankollu l-avverbji jistgħu wkoll jimmodifikaw elementi li ma jaqgħux taħt il-verb, pereżempju l-aġġettivi,... more
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      MalteseAdverbsAdverbial clausesMaltese Language
This paper will examine the translatability of adverbs whose form, function and distribution differ in the two languages concerned. It will also deal with the following: (a) different translation types and techniques employed in the... more
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      Translation StudiesAdverbsTagalogTranslation Shifts
This thesis explores the properties of adjectives and adverbs in Inuit (Eskimo-Aleut), with focus on the Inuktitut dialect group. While the literature on Eskimoan languages has claimed that they lack these categories, I present syntactic... more
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      Eskimo-Aleut LinguisticsAdverbsWord formationAdjectives
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Abstract: The paper compares the English clausal negators not and never, focusing on the problem of characterizing the constituency of the negative particle not. It summarizes the traditional criteria for the categorial classification... more
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      EnglishEnglish GrammarAdverbsNegation
Kitap, üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş başlığı altında zarfların genel özellikleri ve çözüme ulaştırılamamış sorunları üzerinde durmaya çalışılmıştır. I. Bölüm başlığı altında zarflar, yapıları bakımından ele alınmış, gerek zarf öncesi... more
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      MorphologyTurkish LanguageAdverbsTurkish Morphology
Определение семантической ориентации слов необходимо для правильной оценки содержания высказываний в средствах массовой информации, прессе, Интернете, в письменной и устной речи. Особенный интерес представляют качественные наречия,... more
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      SemanticsGraph TheorySentiment AnalysisAdverbs
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      AdverbsVerbs and event structure
The goal of this case study is to explore the meaning of now. The upshot of this exploration is a glimpse of how the meanings of tense and temporal adverbs interact. I begin with a brief overview of temporal anaphora and distinguish... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and Linguistics
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      NanosyntaxAdverbsWord formationAgreement
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      SyntaxRomance LinguisticsLanguage TypologyAdverbs
in Μελετές για την Ελληνική γλώσσα 33, Institut des Études de Grec moderne, Université Aristote de Thessalonique, p. 163-173.
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      Languages and LinguisticsAdverbs
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArab GrammariansPedagogical Grammar
El propósito de este trabajo es estudiar αὖ y αὖθις en los textos de los historiadores griegos. Αὖθις funciona prototípicamente como un adverbio, mientras que algunos estudiosos consideran que αὖ es más bien una partícula. Ambos... more
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      Discourse MarkersGrammaticalizationAdverbsGrammaticalisation
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      MorphologyGrammaticalizationAdverbsManner Adverbs
Adverb placement is one of the frequently discussed but not yet resolved issues on word order variation. Numerous proposals have been made to explain the order of adverbs and other material based on semantic features or structural... more
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      Phonology Syntax InterfaceAdverbs
The Cosentino dialect has produced a vast literature that dates back to the 15th century. Most of the research conducted on this dialect has focused on the spoken language in terms of acoustic phonetics and, more recently, on the... more
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      Adverbssouthern Italian dialectsThe Little PrinceCalabrian
Here is a cool List of Adverbs in English Grammar.
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      English GrammarAdverbs
This study investigated the effects of using sentence order techniques on learning adverbs (i.e., frequency, manner, time, and place) among Iranian pre-intermediate students. To perform this study, 30 pre-intermediate participants were... more
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      Learning and TeachingSentence processing (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching EFLAdverbs
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В русском языке не происходит формирования новой части речи. Постулированный Щербой механизм формирования КС недостоверен; уровень обособления слов, подводимых под КС в современном русском языке, не дает права строить эволюционную шкалу,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsRussian LanguageAdverbsDerivation
Adverbios temporales como conectores con valor consecutivo en griego antiguo 1 José Miguel JIMÉNEZ DELGADO Universidad de Sevilla [email protected] Recibido: 9-5-2012 Aceptado: 20-12-2012 SUMARIO I. Introducción. II. Estado de la cuestión.... more
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      Greek LanguageDiscourse MarkersGrammaticalizationGreek Linguistics
The findings for adverbs and adverbial phrases in a naturalistic corpus of Miami Haitian Creole-English code-switching show that one language, Haitian Creole, asymmetrically supplies the grammatical frame while the other language,... more
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      MorphosyntaxMorphologyMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Adverbs
Sometimes, you may make an error in English because you are following a rule or pattern that is correct in Spanish, but not in English.
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This is a multi-faceted corpus study of the adverbs of frequency 'always' and 'never', in which their meanings (exaggerated or literal), tense-aspect preferences, and functions (specifically, the function of always or never followed by... more
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      FunctionalismCognitive LinguisticsFunctional LinguisticsPoliteness theory
Desde hace varias décadas, la lingüística se ha interesado por la caracterización de la evidencialidad, entendida como un mecanismo mediante el cual el emisor inserta en su enunciado marcas explícitas sobre la fuente de la cual ha... more
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      AdverbsEvidentialitySentence AdverbialsEvidencialidad
In this paper we will deal with allende and aquende, both medieval adverbs. We will study them etymologically, semantically and functionally. Unlike others, these adverbs have happened unnoticed in many historical grammar studies.... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)SpanishSpanish LinguisticsHispanic Linguistics
In Turkish adverbs are auxiliary wards that qııa/ijy/quantify not only verbs but also adjectives and adverbs. Thus adverbs can form a word group like adjectives, İn a determinative and determined manner, namely "determinative group" when... more
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      AdverbsWord Groups
Nous nous intéresserons, dans cette étude, à certains adverbes en -ment souvent réunis sous l’appellation d’intensifs, qui nous offrent un champ de manœuvre prometteur : l’habituelle étiquette de l’intensité sera-t-elle en effet... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsAdverbsIntensity
Probably the final pre-print version of my edition of Antipater of Tarsus. The testimonia for physics and logic are not clearly about Antipater of Tarsus and they have been excluded from this edition, unlike the testimonia for his life... more
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      LogicTextual CriticismStoicismAdverbs
Resumen -El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar el empleo de los adverbios temporales εἶτα y ἔπειτα por parte de los historiadores griegos, centrándome en sus usos discursivos.
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      Discourse MarkersGrammaticalizationAdverbsGrammaticalisation
Following (Huggard 2011) Hittite does attest wh-in-situ in that there is no obligatory wh-movement to the specifier of the highest CP projection. However, pace (Huggard 2011), Hittite wh-in situ does not involve wh-phrases in the... more
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      Formal Methods (Formal Verification)Anatolian StudiesHittitologyHistorical Syntax