Differential Object Marking
Recent papers in Differential Object Marking
The study explores the grammatical means employed for the expression of information structure in standard colloquial Burmese on the basis of a corpus of written and spoken texts. It analyses the morphosyntactic and prosodic devices... more
En aquest treball parlarem de dos fenòmens sintàctics relacionats amb la (in) transitivitat, amb l’objectiu de veure com Fabra s’hi va referir i quin tracta- ment se’n fa en la normativa catalana actual (GIEC 2016). Els dos aspectes de la... more
Portuguese is typically not considered a differential object marking (DOM) language, while Spanish, with its accusative a, is one of the most well-known DOM languages. This chapter uses quantitative multivariate analysis to argue that... more
Conveyor belt marking system involves organising markers into groups in which each marker is assigned a question or questions to mark by the team leader. This type of marking is also referred to as item level marking as asserted by Ofqual... more
Many languages exhibit differential object marking (DOM), where only certain types of grammatical objects are marked with morphological cases. Traditionally, it has been claimed that DOM arises as a way to prevent ambiguity by marking... more
This dissertation investigates the variable use of the object preposition ʾet in Biblical Hebrew as an example of Differential Object Marking. Two categories of variation were examined. Asymmetric case alternations involve the variation... more
Welsh syntactic mutation and Arabic indefinite accusative: Case or configuration? Welsh marks indefinite direct objects with lenition: Gwelodd Mair dŷ [Sawº Mair house (tŷ)] ‘Mair saw a house’. Welsh also applies “syntactic mutation” in a... more
In this dissertation, I investigate a number of interrelated developments affecting the morphosyntax of nouns in Cappadocian Greek. I specifically focus on the development of differential object marking, the loss of grammatical gender... more
This article is a study of the linguistic transition in the Northwest Semitic inscriptions from Zincirli and a systematic survey of the classificatory debate of Sam'alian.
The use of the object marker את in Biblical Hebrew is an example of a Differential Object Marking (DOM) system in which marking is optional for a certain set of object phrases. Along with the other “prose particles” ה (def) and אשר (rel),... more
English: This thesis proposes a quantitative study of word order variations in Persian, focusing on the relative order between the direct object (DO) and the indirect object (IO). The latter plays a crucial role in the theoretical... more
ABSTRACT Syntactic Effects of Inflectional Morphology Restructuring in Aché On Language Change and Language Contact in Tupí–Guaraní Subgroup–1 This dissertation presents a comparative study on the nature of contact-induced grammar... more
Работа посвящена дифференцированному маркированию объекта в испанском языке. Представлен обзор традиционных филологических подходов к DOM, принятых в академических грамматиках Испанской академии и русскоязычной учебной литературе в... more
Master thesis. Manuscript. In this article, I explore the effect of the four factors animacy, definiteness, specificity, and topicality on differential object marking (DOM) in a sample of ten Semitic languages. I will argue that in spite... more
Jenni (2007) and Kroeze (2008) have explained the variational use of the particle את in Classical Biblical Hebrew on the basis of the semantic and pragmatic properties of verbal arguments. Malessa (2006), on the other hand, has observed a... more
This study develops a probabilistic theory of efficiency in natural language. The first part is theoretical and presents the foundation of this theory: the Principle of Efficiency Communication and the related High-Cost and Low-Cost... more
The purpose of this study is to examine specific issues within the grammar of the Sika dialect of the Yaeyama language, a Southern Ryukyuan language spoken on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa, Japan. The paper has three chapters: an overview... more
This work follows the progression of a grammatical construction that unifies the Romanian accusative preposition pe with a coreferential pronominal clitic, together forming the CD-pe construction. On the basis of historical texts, it is... more
Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Spanish has been studied under various aspects: Spanish as typical DOM language in typology; Spanish as the most salient Romance DOM language, Spanish and its diachronic evolution and diatopic... more
In this paper we will provide a formal characterization of the category Dative. Basing on data from a wide range of languages (Indo-Aryan, Iranian, Albanian, Romance), we will show that Dative is the superficial case normally associated... more
El Presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo tratar con el estatus sintáctico y las propiedades formales que posibilitan la aparión cideó una forma invariable homófona al crítico de acusativo de tercera persona masculino... more
In this introductory article we provide an overview of the range of the phenomena that can be referred to as differential argument marking (DAM). We begin with an overview of the existing terminology and give a broad definition of the DAM... more
NOTE: This paper has been completely cannibalized as part of "Proto-Uralic primary argument case-marking". This is a draft paper which is going to be the basis for a talk I'll have later this summer. It builds heavily on my 2014 paper on... more
The sign language phenomenon that some scholars refer to as " agreement " has triggered controversial discussions among sign language linguists. Crucially, it has been argued to display properties that are at odds with the notion of... more
Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Burmese is usually analysed as directly related to the expression of information structure. Yet, this corpus-based study of DOM and the associated prosody finds that DOM is not based on information... more
格体系を調べる⽅⾔調査票の開発・利⽤と問題点︓九州・琉球⽅⾔の事例報告 下地 理則 1 研究のきっかけ 宮崎県椎葉村尾前⽅⾔のフィールドワーク 2013 年から,友人たち(方言研究者)と学生たち(現勤務先の学部生)と一緒に,宮崎県椎葉村尾前 地区で記述文法・辞書・テキストを作るためのフィールドワークを⾏っている。2015 年から,基礎的 な構⽂論のスケッチを開始し,学部の演習科目などを使って格体系の調査をはじめたところである。 対格交替... more
Modern Hebrew differentiates between definite and indefinite objects, using a prepositional object marker only in front of definites. This article explores the hypothesis that lack of an object marker when the object is indefinite follows... more
This paper investigates the phenomenon of the substitution of the accusative case marking of the direct object of a transitive infinitive (or, rarely, participle) by the genitive when the non-finite clause is embedded under a negated... more
This paper discusses the origin of the Circum-Baltic modal construction with the nominative case-marking on the infinitival object: the same verbs assign the accusative case to their object in finite clauses. Independent infinitival... more
Articolo espletivo e marcatura differenziale dell'Oggetto nel dialetto reggino di San Luca * 1. Nel 2015, in occasione della revisione di una tesi di laurea triennale (Giorgi 2015), ebbi modo di notare una particolarità sintattica... more
This paper analyses the differential object marking in the Finnic languages. The first part of the article describes the main principles of the Finnic DOM that is based on the superposition of two contrasts. The main contrast is the... more
This paper discusses differential argument realization in Abui, a Papuan language (Eastern Indonesia) with semantic alignment (in terms of . The paper examines the roles of volitionality, referential hierarchy, and specificity in... more
Studies of the object marker *ʾyt in Northwest Semitic have been largely concerned with its origin and etymology, but the function of the object marker has been poorly understood. While the use of the object marker may be optional, the... more
The aim of this paper is to examine Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Balearic Catalan. While definiteness and animacy can explain the distribution of DOM in other varieties of Catalan, in Balearic, the split between marked and... more
Abstract This paper addresses the East Slavic/Old Russian construction with nominative case-marking on the infinitival object, cf. zemlja paxati, ryba loviti, which has been a matter of a long debate in Slavic Studies. I discuss the... more
The differential object marking (the accusative case) emerges very early, with very few errors in the speech of children acquiring Turkish. However, its early use is restricted to definite objects, although in adult speech it can be used... more
The article deals with the problem of transformation of animacy and personhood in the situation of Interslavic language contact. The aim of the present paper is to identify what kind of changes category of animacy (personhood) have... more