Contact Linguistics
Recent papers in Contact Linguistics
This chapter is an attempt to identify the individual homelands of the five families making up the Transeurasian grouping, i.e. the Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, and Japonic families. Combining various linguistic methods and... more
Existing studies on the translation of Nadsat – the invented language in A Clockwork Orange – neglect the fact that Nadsat is a result of language contact between English and Russian, and ignore the role that translators play in... more
Vivemos, hoje, uma época individualista, em que as pessoas se trancam em suas salas de bate papo, vivendo virtualmente, distanciando-se do contato direto com seus semelhantes. Nesse ambiente pós-moderno de microeletrônica, engenharia... more
Après avoir discuté de diverses typologies existantes, sur la question des alternances codiques, nous décrivons dans cet article, au regard de nos données, les propriétés linguistiques et sociales des parlers bilingues dans les... more
Em situações de contato sociocultural, principalmente quando há assimetria político-econômica entre os povos envolvidos, alguns fenômenos podem emergir do contato entre as línguas faladas por estes povos. Entre eles está o empréstimo... more
The study of grammatical variation in language mixing has been at the core of research into bilingual language practices. Although various motivations have been proposed in the literature to account for possible mixing patterns, some of... more
This paper presents preliminary research observations on diglossia features (in the Fergusonian sense) and bilingualism of the Turkish-speaking community of Western Thrace, as well as contact-relevant linguistic variables that may be... more
Academic Reference: Zuckermann, Ghil'ad & Monaghan, Paul (2012). "Revival linguistics and the new media: Talknology in the service of the Barngarla language reclamation", pp. 119-126 of Foundation for Endangered Languages XVI Conference:... more
This article presents Slavic languages in diaspora (SLD) from a broad geographic and diachronic perspective, i.e., worldwide and including old and new Slavic migrant communities with diverse historical and political backgrounds.... more
Objetiva-se descrever a situação etnolinguística de comunidades-terreiros de Candomblé jeji maxi do Brasil, de origem beninense, etnia fon, oeste africano. As principais comunidades são o Zògbódó Bògún Màlé Sɛ̀jáhùnɖé (Roça do Ventura,... more
2003 UPenn dissertation: Viking Pronouns in England Chapter 3: Pronoun Forms and Uses: Etymologies and Attested Paradigms Summary: I provide evidence bearing on two of the principal questions posed by the Scandinavian to English pronoun... more
Una lengua se inscribe constantemente en un proceso de renovación lexical; tendencias que se ven aceleradas en situaciones de contacto poblacional y lingüístico. Tal es el caso del español estadounidense, también conocido como spanglish,... more
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
Статья представляет предварительные наблюдения над способами конструирования собственных номинаций, отмеченными в русском языке как унаследованном (Russian as a heritage language) в Швеции и Германии. Предшествующие исследования... more
This study, which first aim was to demonstrate correspondences between Gaulish and Slavic languages, between which I found 500 common words, allowed me also to establish, on the basis of genetical, archaeological and religious data, that... more
Language contact between English and Latin had a great impact in changing the course of the English language. It has enabled English to develop not merely as a national language of England but also as a language of choice in the... more
The Cimbrians settled in a morphologically uniform area. Several toponyms referring to similar features of the landscape are found both in the linguistic islands of Trentino and Venetian highlands, and in the so-called ‘Cimbrian... more
The present paper provides two case studies of the basic vocabulary of the Turkic languages spoken on the Crimea Peninsula. Its aim is to illuminate the issues that a historical linguist, and in particular a phylogeneticist, faces when... more
Russian-Czech cultural and language contacts have a very long tradition, but the really intensive contacts between both nations and languages are noticeable since the end of 18th century. In this period the Czech scholars like... more
Darstellung der valdostanischen Mehrsprachigkeit unter zwei Aspekten: Teil 1 (Externe Sprachgeschichte) bietet ein von der Vorgeschichte bzw. der Romanisierung bis in die 1990er-Jahre reichendes Panorama der Geschichte des Aostatals unter... more
This article aims to provide a comprehensive study of the lexical contacts between Yiddish and Modern French, through the analysis of borrowings, based on philologic research as well as fieldwork.
This paper takes stock of the accomplishments of the project to revise and update the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles (1967; DCHP-1), which was first presented at the Dictionary Society of North America's 2007... more
In written Hebrew, the final tsere plene <-ֵי> as in <בְּנֵי> ‘sons of’ is the graphemic masculine plural construct marker, but throughout the history of Hebrew until the pre-revival period this morphogram has had no specific linguistic... more
Indagare la varietà di italiano parlata dal gruppo linguistico italofono con particolare attenzione alla variazione sociofonetica legata alla pronuncia delle affricate dentali (/ts/-/dz/).
The countries of the Middle East 1 are part of what calls the Expanding Circle countries. As opposed to the Outer Circle countries, where English was established during colonization, countries in the Expanding Circle are those where... more
In Namibia, German is spoken as a minority language in a speech community that has its roots in immigration from Europe in the context of colonialism. In contrast to what is happening in most varieties of German outside Europe, Namibian... more
Ovaj prilog bavi se problematikom održavanja hrvatskog jezika među članovima drugog naraštaja australsko-hrvatske zajednice u drugom najvećem australskom gradu Melbourneu. Cilj priloga jest najprije prikazati opće podatke o brojčanosti... more
After a very broad description of what language policy and planning is about this paper presents an overview of some of the current preoccupations of researchers focusing on language policy and planning as one of the blooming fields of... more