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Academic study on Urban Planning in Southern Italy. Originally published in 1979, this edition presents the full original text and all of the maps accompanied by a new introduction. Studio sull'urbanistica dell'Italia Meridionale.... more
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      Urban PlanningHistorical mapsUrban And Regional Planningstoria economica e sociale del Mezzogiorno
Omodeo 57 è uno dei progetti realizzati per il Comune di Bari nell’ambito del Programma Integrato di Riqualificazione delle Periferie (PIRP) di San Marcello, un quartiere sviluppatosi nel tempo senza linee guida, progressivamente... more
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      ArchitectureSustainable Building DesignHousingItaly
In the present article, I analyze Domenico Dara’s three novels, their complex architectures and the poetic mode deployed in the narratives examined. The southern region of Calabria – where Dara was born and raised and where his narrations... more
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      Magical RealismContemporary Italian LiteratureMadness and LiteratureSouthern Italy
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      ArchivesMaterial Culture17th century Dutch ArtArchival Research Methods
ENGLISH History of mutual aid societies and working class in the province of Avellino. The origin of the social security system; the links between social associations and politics. ITALIAN Storia delle società di mutuo soccorso e... more
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      Working ClassesSocial HistoryOperaismoWorking-Class History
Un lungo progetto, tutto molisano, che vede la conclusione. L’associazione ONLUS “Il Tratturo” di Campodipietra, assieme a tutto il team di tecnici collaboratori pubblica finalmente la nuova guida «Cammino sul Tratturo dei Re. Guida a... more
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      Visual ArtsItalyPugliaWalking
This work investigates the context of Southern Italy, creating an atlas of its qualities, resources, history,  especially in regards to vernacular architecture traditions, according parameters of  topos, climate, culture and type.
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      ArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)VernacularItaly
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      Migrant labourAgricultural labourSouthern ItalyFarm Labour
In copertina Ravello, duomo, pulpito Rufolo, particolare Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta dei... more
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      Southern ItalyCampaniaRitrattoItalia Meridionale
“On H. Masud Taj’s Calligraphy Choreography To engage with Taj’s visually lyrical calligraphy translations, drop all notions of reading as a static activity, prepare to perform a pas de deux with text and poem. Prepare to follow dynamic... more
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      ImmigrationContemporary PoetryVisual ArtsCalligraphy
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      Land UseSouthern ItalyLand Degradation
A ridosso della campagna elettorale per il 18 aprile 1948 si aprì un intenso dibattito sull'utilizzo dei fondi americani nel Sud Italia e sull’opportunità che il Piano Erp poteva costituire per una definitiva risoluzione della questione... more
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      European StudiesQuestione meridionaleMARSHALL PLANSouthern Italy
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaItalian Dialect Poetry
Questo lavoro è "germogliato" da un seme campanilistico: ovvero l'orgoglio di raccontare a quanti lo ignorano che, nel 1579, Reggio, la mia città, ha commissionato un'opera straordinaria ad un pittore altrettanto straordinario perché di... more
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      Sacred ArtFlemish PaintingCalabriaHistory and Culture of Calabria
Il Pane di Matera IGP è un esempio significativo di patrimonializzazione del cibo. Esso infatti si inserisce in un più ampio processo di costruzione della località. I produttori si proiettano narrativamente all'esterno adottando linguaggi... more
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      AnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyFoodways (Anthropology)Cultural Heritage
Questo libro propone un itinerario etnografico, antropologico e storico che attraversa tre ambiti: dalle politiche della medicina popolare, alle poetiche del corpo femminile, alle pratiche della possessione europea. A partire da una... more
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      Medical AnthropologyEthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyFolk Medicine
Preminenza aristocratica a Napoli nel tardo medioevo: i tocchi e il problema dell'origine dei sedili stato. Famiglie e identità aristocratiche nel tardo medioevo. La Sicilia, Roma, Donzelli, 2001; e F. titone, Governments of the... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistorySocial Identity
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      CrusadesThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTemplarsSouthern Italy
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      Medieval ArchitectureMonasticismMedieval ArtMedieval Monasticism
Socio-political views on housing have been brought to the fore in recent years by global economic crises, a notable rise of international migration and intensified trans-regional movement phenomena. Adopting this viewpoint, From Conflict... more
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      MigrationUrban RegenerationUrban And Regional PlanningGhost Towns
It’s a matter of fact that nowadays criminal associations are evolving. Many of them have been undergoing a slow and peculiar process through which their illegal criminal activities have been transformed into legal, taxed and official... more
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      EnglandCriminalityTV SeriesSouthern Italy
Сборник, посвященный 90-летнему юбилею выдающегося историка искусства Энгелины Сергеевны Смирновой, включает статьи ее зарубежных и отечественных коллег, друзей и учеников, тематически связанные с многогранными научными интересами и... more
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      SalentoPugliaPitturaSouthern Italy
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      ApuliaPittura bizantinaSouthern ItalyByzantine painting
Collana Storia e iconografia dell'architettura, delle città e dei siti europei, 2 Direttore Alfredo BUCCARO Comitato scientifico internazionale Aldo AVETA La città, il viaggio, il turismo Percezione, produzione e trasformazione a cura di... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureHistory of architecture
IL ongobardi dell'Italia me ridionale riuscirono ad evitare la sottomissione a Car lo Magno e a creare l'indipendente Principato di Be nevento. Ma l'esasperata rivalità delle fazioni e gli in teressi delle aristocrazie locali segnarono la... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyMedieval Latin Literature
A partire dagli anni cinquanta del Novecento la Sicilia di Danilo Dolci è stata al centro di una rete di impegno civile dalle dimensioni internazionali. Giunto nelle “zone del banditismo” non ancora trentenne, Danilo Dolci vi declinò la... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHistory of EducationNonviolencePacifism
Originally published as “The Philosophies in Stone: Reading the Sansevero Chapel in Naples” in Zirpolo (ed.) The Chapels of Italy from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Centuries: Art, Patronage and Identity (New Jersey, 2010): 425-454. This... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureEarly Modern ArchitectureSouthern Italy
is member of the research group "Information and Loyalty Networks: Local Mediators in the Global Construction of the Spanish Monarchy (16 th-17 th centuries)" (Ref.
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      Southern ItalyConfraternities studies
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtHistory of Southern ItalyItalian Renaissance sculpture
in Burgers G.-J., Saltini Semerari G. (eds), Social Change in Early Iron Age southern Italy , Atti del Workshop Internazionale, Roma 5-7 May 2011, Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (Mededelingen van het Koninklijk... more
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      Settlement archaeologyIron Age ItalySouthern ItalyIron Age Architecture
"Per disposizione dell'editore non è concessa l'inserzione dell'intero PDF su siti digitali"
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      PugliaSouthern ItalyNormanniScultura Medievale
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      CartographyItalian (European History)EnlightenmentHistory of Cartography
Resumo. Desde a unificação nacional (1861), a “questão do Sul” (Questione meridionale) foi um desafio para a autorrepresentação da Itália como um estado moderno. Explorações literárias e cinematográficas, reportagens, pesquisas, estudos... more
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      Community DevelopmentQuestione meridionaleSouthern ItalyDanilo Dolci
The phenomena of new settlements characterized the territories of Southern Italy from the 8th c. B.C. This focuses on theoretical approaches to the study of indigenous societies with particular reference to the contribution of cognitive... more
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      Alcohol StudiesIron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age ItalyOrganic Residue Analysis
Italy is the largest producer of industrial tomatoes in Europe and third in the world. In the two main areas of production, in the North and South of the country, the cultivation is developed in very different ways. In northern Italy, the... more
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      Agriculture and Food StudiesFarm Machinery and MechanizationIndustrial DistrictsSocial Changes in Agro-Food Systems
La scelta artistica di un capitano di ventura: il ciclo arturiano di Frugarolo 25 Marianna Cuomo I plinti affrescati nella Campania altomedievale. La pittura decorativa tra VI e XI secolo 41 Serena Franzon Indossare la fede. Gioielli... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureConservation and RestorationArt Conservation, Technical Art History, Medieval PolychromySouthern Italy
It is well-known that the dialects of Extreme Southern Italy are deeply influenced by a long-time contact with Italo-Greek. Nevertheless, such an influence is anything but uniform, since it produced many different grammars, which coexist... more
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      Italian DialectologyMicrovariationSouthern Italysouthern Italian dialects
Με τον τρίτο τόμο των Μουσικών Καταγραφών ολοκληρώνεται η έκδοση 600 εκδοχών οργανικών σκοπών από τη νησιωτική και την ηπειρωτική Ελλάδα, την Κύπρο, τη Μικρά Ασία, τα παράλια της Προποντίδας, τον Πόντο, την Αζοφική και την Κάτω Ιταλία. Τα... more
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      MusicologyFolk MusicClarinetAccordion
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      Greek ArchaeologySettlement archaeologyIron Age ItalySouthern Italy
Lo studio ripercorre, attraverso documenti per lo più inediti, la storia dell’antico archivio dell’abbazia di S. Sofia di Benevento, una delle fondazioni monastiche più importanti dell’Italia meridionale, la cui influenza si estendeva su... more
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      Archival StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesArchives
Paper presented at the XVIII ISFNR Congress, held in Zagreb, 5-8 September 2021 (BNN Panel "Fear of the Other").
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La valutazione dei fatti pittorici medioevali ha concesso solo rarainente un'attenzione men che generica al ciclo di affreschi eseguito nella chie· setta abruzzese di S. Maria di Ronzano. J Eppure l' « avvio » coq cui, da parte òel Ber... more
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      AbruzziSouthern ItalyMedieval PaintingItalia Meridionale
Roberta Tucci (già Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, MIBACT) Vincenzo M. Spera (già Università del Molise) I testi pubblicati in questa collana sono sottoposti a un processo di peer review
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      MusicAnthropologyAnthropology of MusicEthnomusicology
We report here on the first two seasons of excavations by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (the Netherlands) at two settlement sites in the foothill zone of the Sibaritide coastal plain (northern Calabria, Italy). The work is... more
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      Settlement archaeologyPottery TypologyArchaeological ExcavationBronze and Iron Ages in Italy (Archaeology)
This third volume of musical transcriptions rounds off the presentation of 600 versions of Greek instrumental tunes from the islands and mainland of Greece, Cyprus, Asia Minor, the coastal regions of the Sea of Marmara, the Pontus, and... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyFolk MusicClarinet
A pilot excavation was carried out at the presumed FBA/EIA cremation cemetery of Monte San Nicola (municipality of Civita, province of Cosenza, IT) by the authors in the summer of 2018. The goal of the excavation was to fill a pottery... more
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      Settlement archaeologyEarly Iron AgeArchaeological ExcavationLate Bronze Age
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      MemoriaNapoliSouthern ItalyCampania
Strumenti di comunicazione politica non verbale, feste e cerimonie furono sfarzosa espressione della magnificenza sovrana nella Napoli di Carlo di Borbone, tornata sede di una corte autonoma dopo oltre due secoli. Il saggio ricostruisce i... more
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      XVIII centurySouthern ItalyXVIII SecoloCarlo di Borbone
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      SalentoPugliaPittura bizantinaSouthern Italy