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Most of us know someone who has inadvertently revealed something shameful or embarrassing online about themselves or someone else. With the growth of social media like Facebook and Twitter, we are heading towards a radically open society.... more
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      Political EconomyCreativityYoung people's use of TechnologyAudience and Reception Studies
The term Web 2.0 is currently on everyone's lips and the phenomena and concepts surrounding the new interactive web also present the tourism industry with new challenges. Over the past years, weblogs have become firmly established,... more
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      Web 2.0BlogsSocial MediaEtourism
This study investigated grammatical errors in a corpus of 58 blog posts written by 58 participants through weblogs. It aimed to determine the views of students on the use of blogs in facilitating the acquisition of English writing skills,... more
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      PsychologyBlended LearningWeblogsError Analysis
Learner development greatly depends on language awareness which not only focuses on language itself, but also a cognitive reflection upon language functions. Language awareness can be fostered by giving learners various choices in... more
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      ICTWeblogsWriting SkillsActivities
Recently, knowledge sharing (KS) has become an essential research field in the context of knowledge management (KM). Information systems (ISs) are playing a key role in facilitating the process of KS. According to the literature, research... more
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      Information SystemsMachine LearningKnowledge sharingSocial Media
What role of present-day bloggers is?
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Social Media have changed the way we communicate privately or professionally. So the users have to understand the structures and specific conditions, the ›logics‹ and ›ideologies‹ of these new communication frameworks, they have to learn... more
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      RhetoricSocial NetworksPolitical communicationSocial Media
Blogging is viewed as a tool in facilitating the development of writing skills. To ascertain such contention, this study attempted to determine the effects of blogging (weblogs) on the forty-one freshman college students" writing... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
Este es un libro sobre los weblogs, sus autores los bloguers y la cultura que están generando, la blogosfera, escrito de forma didáctica para quienes quieran formar parte de una de las más innovadoras tendencias del nuevo siglo.
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      BlogsDigital MediaBlogs, Blogging, the BlogosphereOnline Journalism
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      WebquestWeblogsAprendizaje SignificativoTICs aplicadas a la Educacion
Michael Klemms Beitrag zum Reiseblog analysiert die kommunikative Praxis, die sich aus der engen Kopplung zwischen dem Erleben und dem Erzählen von Reisen in Medienkulturen ergibt. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Reiseberichten, die im Anschluss... more
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      RhetoricTravel WritingSocial MediaMultimodal Discourse Analysis
This thesis presents an emerging concept called the interactional self to illustrate how, contrary to theories of “cyberspace” and “cyberselves,” there tend not to be sharp socio-phenomenological distinctions between “virtual” and offline... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyBlogsInternet StudiesOnline Communities
SAVCI, Bilgesu. Through Storytelling in New Media: The Morphological Analysis of Vladimir Propp in Private Weblog Narratives, Master’s Thesis Ankara, 2015. This study aims to analyse the narratives produced and published on private web... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaDigital Humanities
Este estudo tem como objectivo descrever e interpretar a cultura emergente na sala de aula do 4º Ano de Escolaridade, no momento em que os alunos a professora e eu como investigador nos envolvemos em tarefas relacionadas com Weblogs .... more
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Academic weblogs are a new form of scholarly communication which provides both a space for researchers to present their ideas, observations, and reactions to others' work and a discussion forum. Although evaluation has been shown to play... more
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Since 1979, Iranian society has been living under a triple set of standards of urf, sharia, and modernity. An important fi eld of superpo-urf, sharia, and modernity. An important fi eld of superpo-urf sition and contradiction among these... more
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      Gender and SexualityWeblogsIranian Women's Writing
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      Web 2.0TextlinguistikWeblogsEmotionality
Adoptive parents have turned to be passionate bloggers. Couples adopting internationally are using the internet intensely to share experiences and pieces of advice in the form of autobiographical accounts of their (troubled) adoption... more
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      PerformativityTransnational AdoptionLife Writing (Literature)Transracial Adoption
Blogs are, like all communication technologies, two-folded: The evolution of blogs into elegant and easy-to-use and -administer sites for self-publishing and network-building has been guided as much by the technologies that undergird them... more
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      BlogsInternet StudiesSocial InteractionComputer-Mediated Communication
ist ein geowissenschaftlicher Weblog. Als Ethnokategorie verweist der Ausdruck Weblog auf ein begriffliches Alltagswissen, dessen Einheit mit der Kategorie Kommunikationsform traditionell rekonstruiert wurde als medientechnisches... more
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ABSTRACT: The use of weblog to improve students’ ability in writing has been proved by previous studies, especially in writing narrative and descriptive texts, since it provides features to write. However, in terms of the nature and... more
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      Second Language WritingExperimental ResearchWeblogs
Title: Linguistic Identifiers of L1 Persian speakers writing in English. NLID for Authorship Analysis.
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      Languages and LinguisticsForensic LinguisticsPersian LanguageApplied Linguistics
This thesis examines the understandings and meanings of personal blogging from the perspective of blog authors. The theoretical framework draws on a symbolic interactionist perspective, focusing on how meaning is constructed through... more
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      PrivacyAudience and Reception StudiesSymbolic InteractionComputer Mediated Communication
Weblogs are one of fundamental components of Web 2.0 and there are a lot of unskilled bloggers and visitors who have difficulties in finding relevant blogs. Recommender systems are a solution to the information overload problems. In this... more
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      Recommender SystemsWeblogsHyperlink analysis
Os weblogs e outras ferramentas de software social (como as redes sociais virtuais) e de autogestão de conteúdos (como os wikis e os agregadores) estão contribuindo, de maneira decisiva, para a transformação da World Wide Web na World... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaSocial MediaOnline Journalism
This article examines the understandings and meanings of personal information sharing online using a predominantly symbolic interactionist analytic perspective and focusing on writers’ conceptions of their relationships with their... more
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      21st Century LiteraciesWeb 2.0Digital LiteracyPrivacy
Dieser Artikel beinhaltet Überlegungen zur Konzeption des Stiegenblogs und gibt u.a. Auskunft über Nutzerverhalten und Zugriffe. Darüber hinaus werden die Erfahrungen einer der Autorinnen, der Redakteurin und des Grabungsleiters im... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic RelationsHallstattScientific Communication
Schreiben als eine Praktik der Gesundung, im Sinne einer Bewältigung, ist nicht nur in Texten von Schriftsteller*innen zu finden, sondern auch vermehrt in semi-literarischen Gebrauchsgenres wie Personal Blogs. Diese Verknüpfung von... more
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      LiteratureMental HealthDepressionNarrative Medicine
Entrevista con motivo del III Encuentro Internacional de Periodistas celebrado en Guadalajara con motivo de la XXI Feria Internacional del Libro (2007).
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      BlogsDigital LiteracyMedia EducationJournalism Education
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      Youth CultureWomenPerformanceCyberspace
This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner advertisements appearing in a community formed by eighty-nine “liberal” and eighty-four “conservative” Weblogs. As predicted, Weblogs that bridge... more
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      Social NetworkingSocial CapitalSocial MediaOnline Advertising
Öz: Gündelik yaşamın tecrübi bilgisinin paylaşılmasında dijitalleşmeyle birlikte oldukça sık başvurulur hâle gelen araçlardan biri; moda, güzellik, kişisel gelişim, eğitim ve edebiyat gibi farklı temalar altında toplanabilecek olan web... more
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      Gender StudiesSociology of Everyday LifeEveryday LifeWomen and Gender Studies
El presente trabajo se propone dar pie a la discusión sobre un nuevo género discursivo: los weblogs o blogs. Hijos de la expansión de Internet, llaman a la teorización sobre su entidad como género discursivo híbrido, a mitad de camino... more
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The integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into education is one of the main approaches to fostering twenty-first century skills in teaching and learning processes. It is therefore vital to emphasize the integration... more
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      21st Century LiteraciesBlogsHigher EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
From the French discourse analysis and, specially, the concepts proposed by Michel Pêcheux, we analyzed some clippings arranged in the weblog of a community library, that bring to us some senses on the reading and allow us to investigate... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInternet StudiesReadingWeblogs
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      Knowledge ManagementWeblogs
Lo que se necesita es poner el software apropiado frente a los teclados adecuados, de manera tal que la gente que ama escribir para el público y lo hace bien tenga una manera sencilla de realizarlo. Un lugar para ser escuchados. Un lugar... more
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This paper examines the understandings and meanings of personal information sharing online using a predominantly symbolic interactionist analytic perspective and focusing on writers’ conceptions of their relationships with their... more
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      CommunicationDigital LiteracyPrivacyAudience Studies
Se les llama weblogs, blogs, cuadernos de bitácora, bitácoras o diarios en línea y son las páginas web personales que han puesto la Red al alcance de cualquiera que tenga algo que decir (incluso de quien no tenga nada que decir).
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      New MediaBlogsDigital MediaSocial Media
Resumen Se describe y analiza la experiencia de creación y uso de weblogs (bitácoras) llevada a cabo en el curso 2003/4 por los profesores y alumnos de la asignatura Diseño Audiovisual, en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de... more
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      Educational TechnologyClassroom ManagementTecnología EducativaWeblogs
Las bitácoras constituyen un formato de publicación online centrado en el usuario y en los contenidos, no en la programación o el diseño gráfico. Por esta razón se han multiplicado las opciones de los usuarios de estar en la Red con... more
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      New MediaBlogsDigital MediaOnline Media
In this work we will deal with some matters about the web, its structure and the movements of the subject-navigator; then, we will present some key concepts of french Discourse Analysis for later we undertake our work of analysis of the... more
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      DiscourseThe InternetChildrenWeblogs
A chapter discussing how personal weblog writers envision the readers of their weblogs and the relationships that they seek with those readers. For more on this subject, consult my thesis which is also available online.
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      Audience and Reception StudiesWeblogs
En este artículo nos proponemos identificar los marcadores discursivos más recurrentes en un corpus de seis textos escritos por el comentarista deportivo José Ramón Fernández en su blog de ESPN. Con este artículo pretendemos contribuir al... more
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      BlogsDiscourse MarkersSports JournalismWeblogs
erschienen in: Media Perspektiven 11/2008. Die besondere Rolle, die den Medien für die kritische Beobachtung anderer gesellschaftlicher Institutionen zuerkannt wird, wirft immer auch die Frage nach der Kontrolle der Kontrolleure auf.... more
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      Web 2.0BlogsInternet StudiesSocial Media
Use of the Electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) is rising around the world and in particular the US and UK. Two main purposes of the ePortfolio include: promotion of studentcentred learning and reflection; career planning and CV building.... more
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      E-learningAssessmentEmployabilityDigital Literacy
Writing is viewed hugely important, yet it is a daunting task for both English as a second language (ESL) teachers and learners. With the development of different approaches to teaching in general, numerous approaches to the teaching of... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and TeachingICT in EducationOnline Learning
Las TIC se nos presentan como un desafío pero al mismo tiempo son una oportunidad para interactuar con inteligencia, apropiarse de su complejidad e innovar consecuentemente transformando de manera significativa nuestra sociedad. Quizás... more
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      ICT in EducationCollaborative LearningVirtual learning communitiesWeblogs
Publicar en Internet está al alcance de todos gracias a los blogs. Este medio de comunicación social está cambiando nuestra cultura y generando otra nueva: la blogosfera. Los weblogs se inscriben en una serie de redes o blogosferas,... more
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      BlogsCorporate CommunicationDigital MediaOnline Journalism
De hedendaagse pelgrim op de Camino is bij uitstek een verhalend figuur. De aanloop naar de tocht, de pelgrimage zelf en een lange periode na thuiskomst worden door de pelgrim gevuld met verhalen over bijzondere ontmoetingen, grappige... more
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