Narrative Medicine
Recent papers in Narrative Medicine
The search for medical care leads to the need for interaction between the patient and the doctor, in which there is a meeting of narratives. The patient's narrative is an important base of work for the physician who will diagnose and... more
An introduction to the blind-spot in medicine: human existence is systematically left out of healthcare. Two stories are told that introduce this blind-spot. The first is that of Kurt Goldstein, the WWI German neuropsychiatrist who... more
This essay frames the autoethnographic show, I Got Your Back: A One(ish) Person Show Exploring Pain, Empathy, and Performance within scholarly conversations around pain, performance, medicine, and crafting. We operationalize empathy as an... more
This article considers nineteenth-century Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson’s portrayal of pediatric illness in his renowned collection of poetry, 'A Child’s Garden of Verses' (1885). Stevenson, who suffered frequently from poor... more
A z orvoslással, orvostudományi kutatásokkal és biotechnológiával kapcsolatos etikai megfontolások az 1970-es évektôl új lendületet kaptak. Ebben az idôben jelent meg és vált világszerte népszerûvé a bioetika kifejezés. A bioetika... more
This case study is an example of narrative medicine applied to promote self-awareness and develop humanistic contents in medical education. The impact and the human appeal of the narrative lie in the maturity and empathy shown by a... more
Patients with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, an hereditary disorder of the connective tissue, often face a long and difficult diagnostic odyssey in pursuit of a name for their condition. Clinicians may dismiss subjective symptoms of... more
As part of our family medicine clerkship seminar on the patient-physician relationship, third-year students write about an illness episode within their own families. Using a grounded research approach, we examined 260 student narratives... more
Disability and anti-poverty activist A. J. Withers' recent book, Disability Politics & Theory, is an open denunciation of what Withers call the "medical-industrial complex," which includes "doctors, medical researchers, pharmaceutical... more
Uno studio intorno allo sguardo in medicina: sguardo non romanticamente inteso ma sistemicamente ricondotto a questioni inerenti il ragionamento clinico e lo studio della complessità. Una domanda riflessiva intorno alle competenze... more
, een reuzenluipaard, de sluipwesp en de onzichtbare fee Mmotia uit het oerwoud gehaald. Als beloning mag hij nu de doos gevuld met verhalen ophalen in de hemel. De God van de hemel, Nyama, geeft hem met pijn in het hart weg. Maar ja, een... more
Susan Sontag’s Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors critiqued the use of metaphoric language, particularly military metaphors of invasion and battle, to describe illness experiences. Metaphors generate explanatory narratives,... more
Narrative medicine is an approach to medicine which seeks to combine with and enhance conventional evidence-based medicine by adding perspectives and experience in medical humanities. The chapter expounds on the importance of effective... more
Stigma against fat people permeates every level of healthcare, yet most attempts to reduce weight stigma among healthcare providers have shown only marginal results. Fat studies, a field that rigorously interrogates negative assumptions... more
European Union’s statistics show that comparative recent data on life expectancy position Romania by the end of the hierarchy of European countries. 2005-2014 collected data in Europe show that only 48 percent of Romanian men reach 75... more
Un repaso de la biografía y la obra del doctor canadiense Norman Bethune.
Reflexiones sobre la guerra y el ejercicio de la medicina en primera línea de fuego.
Reflexiones sobre la guerra y el ejercicio de la medicina en primera línea de fuego.
There are few issues more emotional and divisive than what has become known as “the right to die.” One camp advocates the “death with dignity” approach, according to which the patient is an autonomous being who can form his or her own... more
The paper departs from the assumption that while the analysis of the systematic effect that popular cinema (genres like melodrama, horror or action movies) has on its spectators has been largely discussed by film theorists, little has... more
The interactive fields of philosophy of psychiatry, philosophy of mind and psychiatric ethics have proved excellent frameworks in which to examine conceptual changes in our understanding of the human being during the last two centuries.... more
Autobiographical narratives of illness and disability are influential in popular and medical discourses of illness and disability, in part because these narratives represent illness and disability within a sociocultural context,... more
Illness as Literature Malady studies Summary Monika Ładoń’s book refers to and disputes a famous essay Illness as metaphor by Susan Sontag. The authoress recognizes the potential of Sontag’s consideration and the fact that the American... more
Les essais réunis dans ce volume interrogent aussi bien le temps des œuvres que le temps à l’œuvre, c’est-à-dire sa formulation narrative mais également son pouvoir d’érosion et de genèse qui affecte les hommes, les livres qu’ils écrivent... more
This paper provides an intruduction to narrative medicine, its relation to mainstream bioethics, clinical applications and its role in medical education.
The purpose of this research is to explore the applicability of a womanist narrative medicine. The research builds upon the work of Rita Charon. It argues that the close reading of Meridian informs medical students of the epistemological... more
RESUMEN: En el presente texto se revisan las principales intervenciones basadas en el paradigma narrativo en el contexto del modelo sistémico. En primer lugar recapitulamos de forma somera, aún a riesgo de resultar excesivamente... more
Does anyone intentionally tell something that we could call a master narrative? How much resistance or diversion do counter narratives embody? Can we always divide competing narratives into two groups: master and counter narratives? In... more
H ealth care institutions and medical educators assert that empathy is essential to optimum patient care, yet medical education and the practice of medicine often neglect empathy in favor of biomedical approaches to disease and injury.... more
Postgraduate seminari in English Language & Linguistics (IPSELL), Universidad de Granada, 1st October 2021
RIASSUNTO Negli ultimi trent'anni anche nell'ambito della Storia della medicina si è accentuato un approccio narrativo, soprattutto nei Paesi anglosassoni. L'attenzione viene centrata sull'essere umano, sulle relazioni interpersonali,... more
Siamo abituati a considerare le parole, le immagini, i suoni come strumenti espressivi dell uomo e della sua cultura. Uno strumento è tale perché è un mezzo per raggiungere un fine, è subordinato a una meta, a qualcosa che va oltre lo... more
Cet article analyse les autobiographies des malades atteints du cancer dans la double perspective de témoignages et de moyen d'inscription de la maladie grave dans un parcours de transformation de l'identité. Mots-clés : Cancer,... more