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Process theories have been extremely influential in the evolution of L2 writing instruction. Responding to purely formal views of writing, proponents borrowed the techniques and theories of cognitive psychology and L1 composition to... more
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      GenreSecond Language WritingLinguisticsTeaching Methods
Current research exploits the orthographic design of Brahmi-derived scripts (also called Indic scripts), particularly the Devanagari script. Earlier works on orthographic nature of Brahmi-derived scripts fail to create a consensus among... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSecond Language WritingWriting systemsOrthography
including linguistics, education, Asian American studies, social psychology, and sociology. Reyes introduces terms clearly and concisely, often explaining why she chose one particular word over another. Her rationale for adding American... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceSecond Language WritingWriting
Plagiarism has been on the rise amongst university students in recent decades. This study puts university teachers in the spotlight and investigates their role in raising students’ awareness about plagiarism. To that end, plagiarism... more
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      Applied EthicsAcademic WritingSecond Language WritingUniversity
The current study examines Vietnamese-German adolescents' (15-16 years old) use of Vietnamese verbs. The results show that majority of verb errors in their heritage language is derived from cross-linguistic influence (CLI). The most... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsSecond Language Writing
O ato de dar "feedback" escritos nas redações e outros textos de alunos apresenta um desafio. Um dos desafios principais é ser explícito nas correções e comentários, mas isso leva tempo e, no papel, pode tornar-se "bangunçado" pela... more
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      Educational TechnologySecond Language WritingFlipped ClassroomEnglish for Research Publications Purposes
This experimental study investigates the effects of using creative writing activities on 7th grade students’ achievement in writing skill, writing dispositions and their attitude to English. One group pre and post test design was used in... more
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      Creative WritingSecond Language WritingQuantitative MethodsTeaching English As A Foreign Language
This experimental study investigates the effects of using creative writing activities on 7th grade students’ achievement in writing skill, writing dispositions and their attitude to English. One group pre and post test design was used in... more
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      Creative WritingMathematics EducationSecond Language WritingQuantitative Methods
Inspired by the recent trends in education towards learner autonomy with their emphasis on the interests and desires of the students, and borrowing ideas from philosophy (particularly ethics), the present study is an attempt to... more
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      EthicsTeaching English as a Second LanguageApplied LinguisticsSecond Language Writing
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      Second Language WritingTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Easy physics-inspired approximations of the total and binding energies for the H atom and for the molecular ions H (+) 2 (ppe), H (2+) 3 (pppe), (HeH) ++ (αpe), He (3+) 2 (ααe) as well as quadrupole moment for the H atom and the... more
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      SociologyInformation TechnologyResearch MethodologyStatistical Analysis
While a wealth of resources is available for teaching research writing of traditional IMRD research papers, instructors have little to draw on when working with graduate students in mathematics. The present study offers insight into... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesGraduate EducationMathematics Education
Although writing conferences with second language (L2) writers are thought to be valuable learning experiences, there is little research to show how one-on-one writing conferences can benefit L2 writers at low English language proficiency... more
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      Feedback (Education)Academic WritingSecond Language Writing
The claim that 'The earlier, the better', for purposes of language learning, currently stands as an unquestionable nugget of wisdom. Sound wisdom, however, arises from questions confronting what we think we know with factual knowledge.... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTeacher EducationMultilingualismMulti- & Bilingualism & Biliteracy
Writing is generally thought of as an activity which is carried out individually, often with feedback then provided by a teacher or colleague. While the use of pair or small group work in the second language classroom in relation to oral... more
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      Second Language WritingLinguisticsTeaching MethodsFeedback
This study aimed to develop and validate Critical-Thinking-in-Argumentative-Essay Rubric (CTER) for EFL college students. Two research questions were: 1) Is the CTER a valid and reliable assessment instrument? and 2) What are the... more
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      Second Language WritingTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageArgumentation Theory and Critical ThinkingLanguage Testing and Assessment
Gilliland, B. (2017). Opportunity gaps: Curricular discontinuities across ESL, mainstream, and college English. In C. Ortmeier-Hooper & T. Ruecker (Eds.), Linguistically diverse immigrant and resident writers: Transitions from high school... more
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      Successful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutAcademic WritingEnglish Language ArtsSecond Language Writing
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      English for Academic PurposesAcademic WritingSecond Language WritingAcademic literacy
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      Academic WritingSecond Language WritingWritingError Analysis
This paper reports a study on how ESL/EFL writers use their L1 (®rst language) when composing in their L2 (second language) and how such L1 use is affected by L2 pro®ciency and writing tasks. Sixteen Chinese EFL learners were asked to... more
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      Second Language WritingLinguisticsProtocol AnalysisChinese
"Interest in integrated tasks is increasing in second language writing, accompanied by a concern for appropriate interpretation of performances and scores from these tasks. Integrated writing adds an element not found in traditional... more
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      Academic WritingLanguage TestingSecond Language WritingReading-To-Write
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      PsychologySecond Language WritingLinguisticsCurriculum and Pedagogy
Versión electrónica consultable a través de dispositivos personales: disponible para la compra en la tienda de Amazon Kindle.... more
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      Translation StudiesComputational LinguisticsMachine TranslationTerminology
Scholarship on plagiarism in second language (L2) writing in the past two decades has greatly expanded our knowledge of the topic. As a result, we now know more about: The complexity of plagiarism as intertextual practice (e.g., Pecorari... more
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      English for Specific PurposesSecond Language WritingEnglish/Language for Academic PurposesTeaching Academic Writing
Abstract: This study uncovered the writing problems of Level 4, Foundation Students of Shinas College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman for the Second Semester of Academic Year 2014-2015. Photo-elicitation was used as a tool in prompting... more
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      Second Language WritingESL/EFL Writing
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      Second Language WritingSystemic Functional LinguisticsGenre-based pedagogy
The introductory section of an essay is essential since it determines whether the reader will be interested in continuing to read the text or not. For this reason, the use of essay hooks is necessary to perform the task of leading and... more
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      Creative WritingEducationTravel WritingAcademic Writing
This study examined writers' use of their first language (L1) while writing in their second language (L2). Twenty students each wrote four short argumentative essays in their L1 (Dutch) and four in their L2 (English) under think-aloud... more
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      Second Language WritingLinguisticsGoal SettingSecond Language
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPsychologySocial Psychology
The number of international ESL students completing their degree programs in Australia has risen dramatically in the past decade. One factor that may be motivating students to undertake tertiary studies in Australia is the expectation... more
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      English languageAcademic WritingStatistical AnalysisSecond Language Writing
The present article reports on an action research study that explores the implications of applying three vocabulary strategies: word cards, association with pictures, and association with a topic through fables in the acquisition of new... more
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      Second Language WritingSecond language vocabulary acquisitionWritten Corrective Feedback
Supplementary materials, whether created by English language instructors themselves or borrowed from other resources, play a significant role in teaching writing to English language learners. In both cases, the development and/or... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageContextual TheologiesApplied LinguisticsSecond Language Writing
This case study presents the implementation of a genre-based pedagogy informed by systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) with the goal of scaffolding the teaching of procedural recounts in the content area of science in a 4th grade... more
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      Second Language WritingLinguisticsCurriculum and Pedagogy
Recent migration towards Europe is characterized by the massive presence of adults whose educational paths have been interrupted and who are thus developing literacy for the first time in a new language. A literacy test elaborated at the... more
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      SociologyLiteracySecond Language AcquisitionMultilingualism
Teachers’ understandings of second language learning influence their practices in the classroom. This paper analyzes interview and classroom data collected during a year-long ethnographic study of two high school English language... more
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      Adolescent LiteracySecond Language WritingEnglish Language LearnersTeacher knowledge
The ability to write a successful conference abstract seems to be one barrier preventing new researchers from disseminating their research work in their particular disciplinary community. However, very few studies on how conference... more
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      Second Language WritingGenre AnalysisGenre based approach
CITATION / REFERENCE - Ab Manan, N. A., Zamari, Z. M., Pillay, I. A. S., Adnan, A. H. M., Yusof, J., & Raslee, N. N. (2017). Mother Tongue Interference in the Writing of English as a Second Language (ESL) Malay Learners. International... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageRedundancy EliminationAcademic WritingTESOL
Despite increased attention to social and historical dimensions in language teacher cognition research, the second language writing teacher cognition literature remains dominated by the cognitivist tradition that separates teachers’... more
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      Sociocultural TheorySecond Language WritingVietnamNarrative Inquiry
Second language writing scholars have undertaken descriptions of English-language writing instruction in a variety of international settings, describing the role of various contextual factors in shaping Englishlanguage writing... more
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      English languageSecond Language WritingLinguisticsCurriculum and Pedagogy
Coherence is viewed as an important yet abstract concept associated with writing quality. While earlier studies have investigated writing coherence for L1 children and university ESL students, our case study is the first that adapts Lee's... more
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      Second Language WritingK-12 writing instruction
Plagiarism is regarded as a heinous crime within the academic community, but anecdotal evidence suggests that some writers plagiarize without intending to transgress academic conventions. This article reports a study of the writing of 17... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesCheating and PlagiarismLanguages and Linguistics
In order to be able to select and use appropriate procedures and materials, as well as assess their learners’ needs and progress, teachers need to be clear regarding the desirable outcomes of a writing programme and the processes involved... more
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      Second Language WritingTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEnglish language teachingL2 writing processes
Canagarajah, A. Suresh. (2001). “The Fortunate Traveler: Shuttling between Communities and Literacies by Economy Class.” Reflections on Multiliterate Lives. Eds. D.Belcher and U. Connor. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 23-37.
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      Composition and RhetoricApplied LinguisticsSecond Language Writing
Notes from my talk to United Theological students at orientation on plagiarism and academic virtue and vice.
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      English for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageCheating and PlagiarismResearch Methodology
More and more ESL students are seeking writing help at U.S. college and university writing centers. This trend emphasizes the complementary role of the writing center and ESL writing instruction in improving ESL writing skills. Writing... more
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      LiteracyEnglish languageSecond Language WritingKnowledge Transfer
With the globalization of technology, the notion of traditional literacy has been transformed into a new literacy practice, known as digital literacy, in which people simultaneously draw on different resources, or modes, to consume and... more
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      Digital LiteracySecond Language WritingDigital StorytellingESL/EFL Writing
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Vol.6. No.4 December 2015 Pp.... more
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      Second Language WritingWorking memory (Psychology)Individual differences in L2/FL learningCorrective feedback
Después de presentar la perspectiva sociocultural en la investigación y la enseñanza de la comprensión lectora y de defender la necesidad de adoptarla en ELE y también con textos de especialidad, analizamos algunas de las características... more
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      SpanishAcademic WritingSecond Language WritingESP
Using John Holland’s model of complex adaptive systems, this paper explores how nonnative speakers of English learned to participate and to write in a first-year university rhetoric and composition course. Of particular interest is the... more
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      Complexity TheorySecond Language WritingComposition